Tag Archives: political

This and That

The voting is over, but the fireworks are just starting. 2024 should be interesting and that should go higher than a nuclear blast cloud. The past voting and the upcoming election should make everyone leery about paying a great amount of time viewing polls. This past election showed polls as being wrong because the polls had Republicans leading by, in most cases, a large margin and I see they mostly use anti-Biden polls. I, personally, am glad the polls were wrong, not only here in Virginia but across the United States. Although I am not female, I still have an opinion on abortion and I believe the woman should choose for herself, not someone telling her what she can or cannot do. That one issue influenced the election and made the polls wrong.

               Flipping to another political issue. Boebert. Did you hear about the congressional bill that was being debated and congresswoman Boebert objected to it because money was to go toward the illegal immigrants? The congressman that was presenting the bill had to explain to her in length that there was zero amount of money in the bill that is allocated toward immigrants. She still did not understand and then went on a rant about President Biden and what he was and was not doing. She consulted with a congressional aide and, low and behold, she only read a portion of the bill and assumed the rest. There are a few more like her and a couple that are worse.

               One of the largest issues that is on the burner are the two wars. This issue is so hot I really don’t want to touch it, but I must touch a small piece of it. I will only say what my feelings are and, I know, I will have people coming at me from both sides.

               I don’t like war (I’ve been there, done that) but there have always been wars. From the beginning until now. As for the Israel-Hamas War I believe Israel is justified for fighting after being attacked. I have a heavy heart for the hostages, but this is war. As far as destroying Gaza, my heart is twice as heavy, but the Palestinians are culpable. They do not want Israel to exist either, and they knew that tunnels were being dug underground (their homes, hospitals, and other buildings (on one television interview it could be heard) and they did not say or do anything about it. They can not cross the border for safety and that country is a semi-Arab country. Why? The Republicans are saying Biden is not doing enough especially by saying he wants a pause in the war, he did not say cease fire. Hamas does not respect either and they are very cruel. They cut off the head of women, children (including babies), and execute unarmed men/women. I must side with Israel. If someone hit me, why would people not expect me to hit back.

               The war in Ukraine has some of the same overtures. They were jumped and territory was occupied. Rumors are out about Putin being gravely ill and there are some saying he is dead; however, the war goes on. The Russians intentionally destroyed entire cities and targeted civilians and hospital. How many screamed about that? How many crowded protests were there? Why is there a call from the Republicans to defund them? Explain it to me as if I were a five-year-old.

               There is much, much more on my mind, not counting my personal problems. I don’t let much bother me because there isn’t much I can do about it except vote when the time comes.


We are all afraid of the IRS and what they are perceived to be able to do to any of us at will. Whether they can harm us monetarily, jail time, or both is always in mind every April fifteenth. These things stay in our minds even if the tax filling is honest, without one iota of falsehood. Most of the time, I know I think this, we wonder if we made a minor mistake that would trigger an audit which will make the IRS tell us we owe more money plus interest and a fine.

               I watch the news or read articles that say how much rich and super rich people pay in taxes. There are some that can pay the tax bill of everyone you know and never feel the strain. These people make money from our labors and many other things I can not begin to explain. These people have so much money that they will never be able to spend all of it nor their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and more family members inherit. Yet not a penny or a very few dollars is paid in taxes.

               Our ex-President often said as soon as the audit on his taxes were completed, he would release his tax forms for all to see. I knew then as I know now that what he said was baloney. He is out of office now so what is the excuse for not showing the papers? Tax audits do not go on for years.

               Then there is the revelation that is happening now. The IRS is deep auditing the taxes of McCabe and Comey, both ex-White House employees and they spoke out against our ex-President. This is something that is so rare that only a few people know it can happen. But remember the head of the IRS is an appointee of our ex-President. He says it is a coincidence that it happens to both at the same time. I say that is BALONEY!  

               Just like the Congressman that said for him to testify before the January 6th Committee is purely political, I say the tax audit of the two men is political and revengeful in favor of the ex-President. Some of the ex-President’s people still hold the positions they were appointed and they, in turn, still love and will do anything for the ex-President. Why they are still in power I do not know. I do know they can and are doing damage and they should not be there. The IRS is a department that need a new head. We will then see the ex-President’s tax forms.

               I can not feel sorry for Comey and McCabe because they knew the man they worked for and what he was doing to the country but, on the other hand, I am not sorry. Maybe this will help shove the head of the IRS out and a fair person is seated. Then the backlog of unprocessed tax forms will be processed, and the people will get some relief from waiting. Maybe then we can breathe again and be not afraid of the IRS. We should not be afraid of any of our agencies.  


               All sorts of crime will be with us for the foreseeable future. There are many reasons that this have come to the forefront and will stay. I will write about a few reasons simply because 1) to give all the reasons will take a tome and 2) I surely will leave out a lot although I will be trying to include all of it. Therefore, I will write about a few reasons crime is upon us and will remain, even if we try to stop it.

               First, let me say that crime have been a part of human nature since the beginning (does Abel and Cain ring a bell?). Go further back (can’t go too far) and it started with Eve and that conniving snake, better know as the Devil (Satan). The crime was attempted to be covered up by saying ‘am I my brother’s keeper’, and the rest is history. This have been happening ever since and will continue. Be honest with yourself and don’t think crimes can be stopped.

               Recently, within the past eighteen months, murder have risen to a level as great as to what it was in the seventies. Crime, back then, started going down when we, as a nation, started getting real tough on crime, especially murder. True, some people were (are) convicted falsely. However, that is another story because there are very glaring reasons why. Also, one of the reasons for both acts, like I said in other blogs, politics control everything, good or bad politics, politics did it.

               There has been a great push on restructuring incarceration institutions and the justice system in general. Many people want a softer system because people are human and the majority deserve a second, third chance (some get more chances). After cameras became the norm all anger, finger pointing, and suspicions fell on policing. As in any society, there are good people and there are bad people, as it is in any police force. There are more good cops than there are bad but when the bad cops do their dirty deed, all cops are blamed.

               There is a call for open policing, accountability, etc. and most of it have made the policeman’s work harder, which mean fewer crimes are solved. Of the crimes that get solved, go to trial, and convictions are brought, the punishment is becoming softer. Most of the time it is only a slap on the wrist. And not all punishment is the same for all for the same crime. It becomes evident that because of the political status of the judge, the wealth status of the person convicted, the political status of the person convicted, the color of the skin, which state the trial is in, the political status of the state, etc. means the amount of punishment, if any.

               Because the police are being called out on everything, cops are, most times, too cautious when confronting someone, especially a Black person. This can be detrimental for the police as well as the person being confronted. This is one of the reasons police hiring is bad and maintaining good policemen is hard. They are over worked, underpaid, and not appreciated.

               I could go on and on about crime, but I have neither the space nor time. Before you say yes or no seriously think about this and why crime is getting worst. There is a lot more to this and more honest research is needed by you before any preaching or action.

I Do Not Understand

The thinking was that by now America would either have extraordinarily little COVID or, at least, be in a herd immunity state. Not so as of now. That is why, when I see or hear of the many people that refuse the vaccine, I ask why? I am retired military and have had my share of shots, seldom knowing what the shots were for. I also remember taking the polio sugar cube when I was in junior high school. I did not turn my back on taking the sugar cube because I knew of the iron lung and did not want to be in that position.

               In my childhood, whooping cough, measles, chicken pox and more was the norm until doctors had shots for that and more. Young people today live in an era that is free of a lot of diseases that were normal during my young years. I did not have to look hard to find someone that have been affected by one or more of these illnesses. I have had a couple of these, and I am still here. I took my shots, and I am still taking shots.

               What I do not understand is why people see what have happened when a person become ill with COVID and still do not want to take the vaccine. I do not understand the medical workers not wanting to take the vaccine when they see what happens when a person become ill without the vaccine verses what happens when they do get the shots. I am perplexed about the whole thing.

               I have seen news film clips of people that have the virus, laying in the hospital and either still believe the virus is a hoax or still say they do not believe in the vaccine. There was one clip where the sick person was asking for the vaccine and as the person was told it was too late, they started to cry. I do not understand why they did not take the shots when they had the chance.

               Why is taking the shots politicalized the way it is? When the shots have saved millions of people, why are people making it political? I do not understand why people lives are sacrificed for a political win and the people that are the sacrificial lambs still believe in them. What will these lambs gain from this? I would bet every dime I have that these politicians, that are loudly talking against the vaccine, have taken it willingly.

               I have always thought the doctors, nurses, teachers, etc. were smart people. That is why I do not understand this resistance in taking the vaccine. Now besides the variant-D virus there is another on the horizon. If the people continue to act in the way they are we will never rid ourselves of the virus and, unfortunately, there will be another lockdown, fights because of it, and many more deaths. I do not understand why people want to take the chance of death when they have the chance to continue to live. Maybe I am missing something, I need enlightenment.

Nothing Changes

I am an old man. Almost ancient to some people. I have seen a lot and have been involved in a lot. Most of the things I have seen and been involved in I have not told anyone. Most people would not believe it anyway. Actually, the things I have seen and done have been done many times before me and is now repeating. Maybe not in the same way but it is happening. History repeat itself time and time again. People either learn from history and do not go down the wrong road as before or suffer the consequences when they do.

               On the news I see the inequities against people that are not White, especially against Blacks and I only see repeats. Years ago, it was worst, and it seem as though it is trying to get back to that. This week my wife and I went to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, of which we are members. While walking through a special showing of ‘The Dirty South’ for members only I pointed to a picture in a glass enclosed frame to my wife (my finger was about six inches away). A museum employee immediately ran up to me and said to be at least an arm’s length from the gallery items. I stepped back and apologized for being too close. Later I saw a White man sitting on a gallery display and the same museum person looked at him and did not say anything. Then, unfortunately, when it comes to voting rights, White people, especially the middle class, are caught up in the suppressing the Black vote. Everything possible is being done to accomplish this. History is definitely repeating itself.

               Then there are the people that holler about their rights. Yes, they have a right not to take the vaccine and not to wear a mask. But they do not have the right to mingle with healthy people and infect them. They do not remember how lepers were kept in leper colonies away from everyone else. Maybe that should happen again. When one of them cough or spit on someone on purpose, to me, that is attempted murder and should be handled accordingly. If anyone attempts to get around the mask and/or vaccination rule, they should pay a heavy price. I want to live a little longer and get back to normalcy.  

               Then there are the political fights. Not about what the people need or want but about not liking the other party. This happens even if what a party want is good for all it is no good because it is the other party. The Congress was elected to legislate the will of the people that placed them in the position to do so. Yet they lie, steal, hoodwink their way to wealth and prosperity for their own good and not for the people that elected them. Even when their party does something bad and get caught, it is okay for their party and unbelievably bad and want to prosecute when it is the other party. No equality, no equal justice. Just finger pointing.

               I am an old man, and my time is almost up. I could go on and on, point after point but what good will it garner? Who will listen? History will repeat itself when what we are going through is over. We, who are alive and seeing it now, may not be around to see it happen again. But there are some things that never end, like the bickering between the parties and that is because we are allowing it to happen. We cannot change history and we cannot change the future, but we can do something about it now. It is up to the people younger than I am because I am an old man seeing nothing changing.

P.S. For those that are new to my blog, I have another blog at: www.faithingodministries.net  Check it out. You may like it.

He Wants Your Money

Not too long ago I wrote a piece about following the money and had a positive response. If you followed the news I was right as have others in the past. The saying about following the money have been said for many, many years. This time it seems like Trump have changed the tune to ‘send me your money’. He is talking to his PAC and other cult members that are fool enough to think the money will be shared with the Republican party.

               I have an exceedingly rare statement to make. I agree with Trump. I know some people are shocked at this but give me a chance to explain. Trump wants the Republican donations sent directly to him because the party is using his name and image to raise money. If the Republicans do not want the money to go to him, the party should not use him to raise funds.

               Here is the fly in the soup. Trump will use the money on the lawsuits, fines, attorneys, appeals, and his pocket for his businesses that are in deep trouble. It is said he is not broke (I do not know) but he does not want to use his own money for anything. He wants to use yours if you send it to him because the Republican party will use it equally among party politicians.

               Trump has a history of getting the money and wanting more. He does not care who he steps on, push out of the way, or lie to. Just give him the money, be very loyal to him and you will be smiled upon. Do not give him the money, disagree with him and you are forever ostracized. Money and power are everything. No one and nothing else matters.

               The Republican party is now two parties. One party that is trying to continue as a political party that does not include Trump and is trying to boost all party members. The Trump party (which have the acronym SAP (does it mean you are a sap)) is a party with Trump at the head with Trump getting the lion’s share of the funds and all other members getting what is left over, if anything.

               Everything to do with anything have a tinge of money on it. That is where Trump have his many problems. Not the political ones but the personal, civil ones. I will give an example. The people that have property and money is like a multitiered cake. First there is acquiring the property. Then there is maintaining the property. Next, and not necessarily in order, is staffing the property. Depending on the nature of operation of the property there are many companies that does work and supply things. The bottom line is lots of money to put out to make money, if possible. If you send Trump money, he does not use his money to maintain the property and he will not use his money to attempt to quash the lawsuits to keep the property. He wants your money and lots of it to do it.

               You say you are poor and do not have money to help him. That puts you on his wrong side. Okay, you send him money, but you still cannot set foot on any of his properties. I say, if you want to send money send it to the GOP not him.


The Presidential Debate was on television the other night and the President, although he could not interrupt as he did during the first debate, was saying the same thing he said almost four years ago. It was the same lies, misinformation, same ‘this is what I have done’ lies, and the same ‘I am not a racist’ pledge. Nothing but the same everything and nothing of consequence. Therefore, I was flipping between that and the football game, which was more interesting.

               I have already voted, and I cannot believe there are people that are still undecided. My mind was made-up a long time ago. If people still believe what the President is saying, I know someone that will sell them the Brookland Bridge. If people still don’t see that all this is is about money, power, and themselves, I feel sorry for them. Maybe they are just for themselves and not the country. Most Republicans are just for the party, good or bad, and to hell with compromising or the country.

               As I have said before, I am not a pure Democrat, during the past years I have voted Democrat and I have voted Republican. I vote for whom ever I think is the best person, not the party. I can think, I listen, and I will vote a mixed ticket, if necessary. However, there are many people that will vote against a person because they belong to a certain party.

               Then there are those that will take the oath of whichever office they are elected to and immediately break that oath. They swear to God to abide by that oath knowing they do not mean a word they are swearing to. Some get elected to office for the prestige, power, and the desire to get even more. Some use the office to possibly get fame and fortune. For some, the people they are elected to represent, are steppingstones to something greater.

               I can not understand how people want a health care plan, that may not be one hundred percent, destroyed because a different political party introduced it, and, as of yet, do not have another plan on the table. By destroying the health care plan and not having another to replace it standing-by will put millions on the sideline without anything. That will mean, not taking in consideration the pandemic, thousands will die because they could not afford medicine, a doctor, or a medical procedure, or all combined.

               The President said he have a health care plan coming. He said the same thing every year and yet there is nothing. He said he care for the people yet thousands, each day, die and/or get the virus. The people do not have the special medical care that the President and those in Congress have and because of the lack of medical care will greatly suffer. On November the fourth, the people of this great nation will awaken and will either know that their health care is safe or that their health care is going down the tubes. However, the way the situation plays out is in your hands by the way you vote. It is that easy. I have voted. It is now your turn if you have not already voted. Vote.

Lessons Learned

I remember, years ago when my daughter was in high school, she was having a problem with her schoolwork. I sat down with her to help as much as I could. I soon realized she never applied what had been taught but was applying what is being taught at the present time. I instructed her to go back and study earlier lessons. She told me she would not see that again therefore it was a waste of time to rehash old lessons. She said it was better to move on and forget it.
I believe we are at the same mindset today. We have forgotten lessons of the past, lessons that were attempted to be taught but all is forgotten. Learning from the past seems to be a forgotten art and when the old scenario comes along again it’s like seeing something new. It’s not new, it’s just not remembered. Most things considered new is not new but is in a different format and not recognized.
Everything that the Obama administration, through hard work and struggles put together, the Trump administration have undone or is attempting to undo or have forgotten it was ever done. The Obama administration had run a couple of exercises to see how a pandemic is spread, with the focus on finding the holes in trying to stop such a thing and if the USA was ready for a pandemic. It was in the works to fix the holes and make sure we were ready for the next pandemic. The incoming Trump administration joined in the last exercise the Obama administration ran and valuable lessons were learned.
After the Trump administration began operating the government, President Trump began to take apart everything that the Obama administration put together, good or bad, it was dismantled. Later, the Trump administration members, that were a part of the last pandemic exercise ran by the Obama administration, were either eventually fired or resigned. Lessons learned were now gone. The people ousted either didn’t pass on past information or the information was disregarded.
Now, in the wake of the newest pandemic, we are told that the government did not know a pandemic could hit us like this. However, this was practiced during the previous exercises. The holes in the system were recognized but were never completely fixed. The department for the pandemic response was dismantled by President Trump. Lessons learned were forgotten. Response to a pandemic was a thing for Obama, not Trump.
We should never forget our past, good or bad. It may, someday, visit us again. If we don’t remember the lesson learned, we will waste time learning the lesson anew. Lying about not knowing does not do any good but to hamper and hurt what is attempting to be done. We should let the experts say what needs to be done without politics getting in the way. When there is a political agenda, there is chaos and misinformation. When there are briefings with very little information, it is better not to have the briefing.
As of now, the states are doing more for the people than the federal government. The states seem to have learned the lessons from the exercises and their pandemic teams stayed in place and have responded. They never forgot the lessons of the past and is applying those lessons to deal with the new problem, all politics aside


Some time ago I promised to use common words when I put pen to paper because large, complicated words tend to confuse and/or mislead to the wrong conclusion. Almost daily I get an e-mail entitled ‘Word Genus’ which have, in my opinion, a difficult word plus its meaning(s). I will use one such word and give you what I think of it.

Vicissitude: Latin-early 17th century 1) A change of circumstances over time, especially in one’s life. 2) Mutability or change from one thing to another, or in a cycle.

To put that word into todays actionable terms, I would say that todays political scene has vicissitudes that I, for one, do not like. There is too much bickering, backbiting, name calling, foul language, slight-of-hand gamesmanship, outright lying, and an attempt to make this nation into a monarchy.

A true monarchy (England is one) is calmer than what is happening to this country. This country was formed to get away from a monarchy just like what is happening in the mid-east. Genocide. We took the land of the Native Americans. Wherever there was resistance, we wiped them out of the area until we had everything. We lied, stole, killed and eradicated into the nation we have today. Is that a part of the definition of vicissitude?

I do not want us to rapidly or slowly change to a monarchy or communism in any way. If I did, I would relocate to some such country. Other countries, just like we have been doing, are attempting to change peoples into what they believe. The radical Muslims and Russians are two such peoples and they are not trying to hide their intentions. Can’t really blame them because we have done and is still doing the same thing.  An old saying ‘the kettle calling the pot black’.

I just wanted to remind all of you why I seldom use large, confusing words in my writings. These words can be interpreted in ways I do not mean and/or they can confuse. I could use a word that give my thinking a different outlook on things that I didn’t mean.

Sometimes I listen to educators, news pundits and politicians speak. I later wonder about their true meaning of what they spoke about. While they are speaking, I wonder about a word they used because I can’t lookup the words as fast as they are speaking them. Those words are not part of my everyday word usage. I think they do it on purpose in order to either confuse people or make people think they are educated and smart.

I am not highly educated, smart or trying to confuse anyone. I shoot straight from the hip and attempt to speak clearly. I want people to understand me. No misunderstanding. Vicissitudes are here and have been for a while. In fact, there is a forever vicissitude of everything, like leaves on a tree. The best anyone can do is to go with the flow and make do the best that can be. Just be careful and have your eyes wide open. Now, did I get that word right? Let me know.


The Constitution

The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government. But the constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all.  George Washington

The first President of the United States had that to say about our constitution and that all people had an obligation to abide by its rules. He also said if something in it was not liked, the people could change it. Until it was changed, all people must adhere to its rules.  In other words, no person can disregard the constitution and do what they want to do.

Most people have not read the constitution, they only know a few key phrases. The key phrases that people know only pertain to what applies to them. The parts that pertain to them are only a few words of the entire clause. A few words versus the entire clause can, most of the time, give two completely different meanings. That is why legal interpretations go to The Supreme Court. Their word is final until overturned by later Supreme Court rulings.

If everyone did whatever they chose to do, there would not be a democracy and living conditions as we know it now. We would have either a king or dictator and complete lawlessness. I can not comprehend our Congressmen and women walking down the trail of being ruled by our enemies. To lose our democracy is to be ruled by whichever enemy get to us first.

Because of my age, my life has become short, it’s my grandkids and great grandkids that will live in the lawless society, if it happens. If what is happening to our executive, judicial and congressional officials do not change, our democracy is gone. The Romans went through it. Remember, The Fall of the Roman Empire? Looking back at all great ruling countries and they all fell at some point. Look at the British Empire and the Turkish, to name just two more. Our demise is coming but I don’t want to see it in my time on earth.

The founders of our constitution knew there will be people against it and people that attempt to tear it down or get around it. They gave us a starting point and left room for adding to it and to make changes. But what have not yet changed is that no one is above the law, it applies to everyone regardless their station in life. The stakes are high, and the time is now. We either accept what we get or legally fight for justice. That will ensure our future generations a strong democracy and only they can keep it and improve on it.

Currently, we have a very weak democracy and we are on the cusp of losing it. There is so much corruption and secret dealings that we will only know a fraction of the total. My only wish is that I could help, other than by voting, in some way. I must leave the fight for our democracy to the younger generation. I love my country but there are so many that only love themselves, country be damned. Remember, the constitution is for all of us.