Tag Archives: President

This and That

The voting is over, but the fireworks are just starting. 2024 should be interesting and that should go higher than a nuclear blast cloud. The past voting and the upcoming election should make everyone leery about paying a great amount of time viewing polls. This past election showed polls as being wrong because the polls had Republicans leading by, in most cases, a large margin and I see they mostly use anti-Biden polls. I, personally, am glad the polls were wrong, not only here in Virginia but across the United States. Although I am not female, I still have an opinion on abortion and I believe the woman should choose for herself, not someone telling her what she can or cannot do. That one issue influenced the election and made the polls wrong.

               Flipping to another political issue. Boebert. Did you hear about the congressional bill that was being debated and congresswoman Boebert objected to it because money was to go toward the illegal immigrants? The congressman that was presenting the bill had to explain to her in length that there was zero amount of money in the bill that is allocated toward immigrants. She still did not understand and then went on a rant about President Biden and what he was and was not doing. She consulted with a congressional aide and, low and behold, she only read a portion of the bill and assumed the rest. There are a few more like her and a couple that are worse.

               One of the largest issues that is on the burner are the two wars. This issue is so hot I really don’t want to touch it, but I must touch a small piece of it. I will only say what my feelings are and, I know, I will have people coming at me from both sides.

               I don’t like war (I’ve been there, done that) but there have always been wars. From the beginning until now. As for the Israel-Hamas War I believe Israel is justified for fighting after being attacked. I have a heavy heart for the hostages, but this is war. As far as destroying Gaza, my heart is twice as heavy, but the Palestinians are culpable. They do not want Israel to exist either, and they knew that tunnels were being dug underground (their homes, hospitals, and other buildings (on one television interview it could be heard) and they did not say or do anything about it. They can not cross the border for safety and that country is a semi-Arab country. Why? The Republicans are saying Biden is not doing enough especially by saying he wants a pause in the war, he did not say cease fire. Hamas does not respect either and they are very cruel. They cut off the head of women, children (including babies), and execute unarmed men/women. I must side with Israel. If someone hit me, why would people not expect me to hit back.

               The war in Ukraine has some of the same overtures. They were jumped and territory was occupied. Rumors are out about Putin being gravely ill and there are some saying he is dead; however, the war goes on. The Russians intentionally destroyed entire cities and targeted civilians and hospital. How many screamed about that? How many crowded protests were there? Why is there a call from the Republicans to defund them? Explain it to me as if I were a five-year-old.

               There is much, much more on my mind, not counting my personal problems. I don’t let much bother me because there isn’t much I can do about it except vote when the time comes.

Our Congressmen

Here we go again. Government shutdown! Among the many things I dislike about politicians, this, if not in first place, is close to first place. While everyone is suffering because they will not be paid and bills will be due, the politicians will be paid and will be on vacation. If I am not being paid, being laid off, etc., why should they be paid for doing nothing and keep their job? It is their job to fund the government, but they want to use the shutdown as a bargaining chip to get what they want.

               It was known, long in advance, that money must be voted on to keep the government running therefore there is no reason to wait until the last minute to do it. The Senate is awaiting the House of Representatives to get together and pass spending bills so that they may vote on it to give to the President to sign (although the Republicans fault the President for doing nothing, it is them that must get the paperwork to him). This takes time and, listening to some Congressmen, they either don’t care and want to leave Washington for a break, or they think there is plenty of time to get it done (some Republicans are heard on tape saying they want a shutdown). (***this is being written five days before the shutdown deadline***)

               Then there are those (like the Congressman that is preventing military promotions) that have said to the media that they want certain things before they will okay a spending bill. It seems that when the Speaker of the House nods to the side that is holding out, suddenly, they want more, they up the ante. As the saying goes, ‘you can please some of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all the people all the time’.

               As I said in a previous blog, most people do not keep up with the news. For those that do not know, this is only a partial list of hardships caused by a government shutdown. The great majority of the federal government will not be paid, and most offices will close. Government contracts will not be paid, which will mean contractors, working for the government, will not be paid. But the Congressmen will be paid. You voted for them and still plan to continue to vote for them.

               When people that work for the government are not paid, rent is not paid, stores lose customers, there is not any money to spend anywhere. Everyone suffers because of the shortage of money. Recently the government’s financial rating dropped from AAA to AA+ and will probably drop lower which will mean interest rates will go higher around the world. You think things are high now, just wait and start to dig deeper into your pocket.

               Couple all of this with the auto industry strike and there is a bad situation. There is no work for anyone except for the Congressmen and they are taking a break. They have worked hard at doing other things except for funding the government. Hunter Biden, Hilery Clinton, President Biden’s finances, and the upcoming trials for the former President (to name a few) took priority. Trying to expose the January 6th findings took priority. Defending crooked Congressmen took priority (Democrats immediately asked their crooks to resign). Talking to the media and media shows took priority. Spreading disinformation took priority.

               This is not what they were elected to do. They were elected to represent their constituents in getting what they want done. Instead, they are looking out for their own interests, not their constituent’s nor the USA populace. We the people suffer so that they live on without worry.


Oath: A solemn promise, often, invoking a divine witness, regarding one’s future action or behavior.

               Everyone takes an oath, whether they realize it or not. I will name a few, not all, because I know I will miss a lot of them. Oaths are given when someone is taking a government job (federal, state, or local). This includes enforcement of the law, military, doctors, nurses. Lawyers, etc. When you rent an apartment, you will sign a contract or when you buy a car (promise to pay or that what you put on the form is truthful). There are many organizations and clubs that require it. I think you understand what I mean. Oath covers a lot of territory.

               Rep. George Santos has admitted he is a liar and took the oath of office. Now he is charged with several things including lying to Congress. A breach of the oath. He stated he will not resign but the people that voted for him and elected him knew most of what he is accused of before the election. Even the Speaker of the House stands by him and said he wants to see if he is found guilty or not. There have been many other people that have been accused of something and were made to resign. The Republicans can not afford to lose one vote and I think that is why they are standing by him until this is bought to a head.

               Another (this will ruffle feathers) is ex-President Donald Trump. Becoming President, he took the oath of office and shattered it into a million pieces. Before and after becoming President, he signed many contracts and rarely was he true to them. When he was charged with rape, he was given a chance to meet his accuser in court and did not appear. Yet, he told his followers he was not given the chance. I believe he did not appear because he would have had to take an oath. I do not understand why that matters to him because he broke his oath numerous times in the past.

               I will mention one last person and that is the guy that was in intelligence service for the military and posted on the internet what he wanted. Of course, he had to take an oath and he shattered that oath for whatever lame brained excuse he gave. He not only hurt our government but other governments around the world.

               To list all the government officials that took the oath and broke it is impossible to list. That list is too long to even think about, especially those from the last administration. Today, oaths mean nothing. Back in the day, a simple handshake was all that was needed. There was also a time when a person gave their word and that was all that was needed.

               I have taken many oaths and kept all of them. I could not afford to be caught breaking an oath because I am a little guy and before I could recite my name, I would be so deep into the catacombs of prison that daylight wouldn’t reach me. I guess keeping true to the oaths taken is for the little people like me.

Rotten Apples

When I was a child, my mother taught and said many things. I do not know if my mother and grandmother knew that their words were lessons to be able to deal with life when I go out on my own. They taught a lot through metaphors and one of them was ‘one rotten apple spoils the barrel’. I didn’t know what that meant then, but I well know now and they were right.

               For my non-American readers, and others, I will give a short background to where that saying come from. Back in the day, most items were stored in barrels and transported in barrels. It was common to pick out the rotten or getting close to be rotten fruit out of the barrel because it would cause the entire barrel to rot.

               Another headline was in the news, seven people (law enforcement) had a shackled and handcuffed man face down on the floor and they were on his back. He died and they are in deep trouble as they await, in orange jumpsuits, the outcome of the justice system. It has happened so many times that it is almost a back page article, not a headline.

               The same analogy can be said about almost anything, especially politics. It only takes on rotten congressman to taint the congressional body. There have been many rotten apples in congress for a long time. However, I think there are more today than usual. I could name people but I am sure I will miss many people that should be named along with the others. There are undercover apples that are rotten from their core outward.

               Getting back to law enforcement, the majority of officers attempt to do their job correctly and with integrity. It is a shame that a few taint the wellbeing and good deeds of the majority. When I was among them, I knew a few and have seen their conduct, however, there truly is a ‘blue wall of silence’. Why is it hush-hush when the right thing to do is report it? 1) you do not know how high the rot have spread and you could be speaking with an accomplice. 2) you will find yourself, most times, alone in everything you do. There will not be any association with you in any manner. 3) you could accidentally die. This has happened in the past and will happen again. 4) the command tier don’t want transparency, they want to deal with it themselves to keep their names clean.

               Keep in mind, rotten apples are everywhere, in every thing we do and see. The problem is recognizing the rot before you are caught-up in it and become tainted also. Remember not to be naive because you will never know how high the rot goes or who is becoming tainted. We had a President that tainted everything he touched. In this case, the rot trickled downward, not upward.

               There is another problem. If you were able to pick out all the rot in whatever agency, where would you get replacements that do not have a rotten spot? Look out for the rot.

Time and Infrastructure

My mother used to say to me, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’. I never thought much about that then but as I grew older it made sense. Be patient because everything takes time nothing is done instantaneously. Rome, built on seven hills, took a very long time to come together. No matter what you do will take time to do it, especially when you do it correctly.

               The other day, as I was watching the news, a comment was made that the President always talk about rebuilding the infrastructure but there is nothing to show for it. It was said the President does not uphold his promises and we should not trust anything he says. It was also said that the person-in-charge of the Department of Transportation was also at fault.

               I will give you a little lesson about our highway system (this is only one out of many projects concerning infrastructure). Many years ago, I read a road marker, I forget which state I was in, that talked about President D.D. Eisenhower and how he developed the highway system. When he was a newly minted Lieutenant in the army he had to drive from New York to California. What road there was was rutted and narrow. It took many days to get where he was going, and he swore that someday he will make better roads. When he became President in the 1950s, he did just that.

               To fix the aging infrastructure will take a long time to do. Let me mention a few things that will slow that rebuilding of any part of the infrastructure. First and foremost are the permits before anything can start. Plans have to be drawn, inspections have to be made, contracts have to be written and signed. Just that part mentioned can take months to do. If all that have been mentioned goes smoothly, the work can begin and, depending on the size of the project, will take time to do it safely and right.

               If the project is a new build, then there are other problems. Environmental agencies must give their approval, hearings have to be held, groups for and against have to be appeased, hearings are held again because of the changes to the original concept. After all of that then you start with drawing detailed plans, written contracts, etc.

               The Romans built many great roads and bridges and most of them still stand today, and a few are still being used. The Romans did not wave a magic wand and their projects instantly appeared. It took a long time to accomplish those things that were built thousands of years ago. The Romans had many projects, very little red tape, yet it took a long time for each project.

               I said all of that to say this. Give the infrastructure plans some time. The ball is rolling but it will take time to see it. Many people, that are against the President or the Democrat Party, will always say bad things about the infrastructure bill without proof of anything. Remember, Rome was not built in a day, nether was our deteriorating infrastructure, and completing the plans in the infrastructure bill will take time.

The Borinqueneers

I just returned from a week in Puerto Rico, just ahead of the hurricane/tropical storm. My wife and I go there often and have been to most of the other major islands. However, after watching a segment of history about Puerto Rico on a morning talk show, I thought about I have never heard about Puerto Rican military people when I was in the military nor read about them in history books. It was as if, like Black military people and Native Americans, they never existed. I did some research, and it did not take long to find a lot of information.

               Like Black people, Hispanic people volunteered for military service and was delegated to segregated units. During WWI they formed the 65th Infantry Regiment and served as the U.S. military’s last segregated unit composed primarily of Hispanic Soldiers. This have echoes of Black soldiers in the military. These soldiers are known as Borinqueneers.

               There is a short piece in the history pages that I found, and it say ‘shortly after Puerto Rico became part of the United States in 1898, a regiment of Puerto Rican Soldiers was formed, and they served our nation bravely ever since. In World War I, they defended the homeland and patrolled the Panama Canal Zone. In World War II, they fought in Europe. In Korea, they fought in mud and snow. They are the 65th Infantry Regime, U.S. Army. They are also known as Borinqueneers’. The nickname ‘Borinqueneers’ originated from the Borinquen – one of the native Taino Indian names for the island of Puerto Rico.

               One interesting fact is that two hundred Hispanic women joined the military and was given the job as code talkers, just like the Native Americans. Now that I have a taste of Hispanic history, I will delve more into it because I know there is much more to discover. Like all the other ethnic groups of people, the Hispanics have done well in many things for the United States including doing better than average in the military. Also, like other ethnic groups in the military, the Hispanics were short changed when it came to receiving medals. When ex-President Obama was in office, he gave out a record twenty-four Medal of Honor at one award ceremony.

               Although Puerto Rico is a possession of the USA, they have trouble getting USA support when there is a disaster, need of an influx of money for infrastructure upgrades, and so forth. I really love that island and would love to live there if the hurricanes would skip the place. The island is usually in the path of most hurricanes that leave the coast of Africa. And, while I was there, the news said there were earthquakes on the east coast of the island. I didn’t feel them.

               I invite all of you to join me and dig deeper into Hispanic history (music also), especially the Borinqueneers. These people are as interesting as the Tuskegee Airmen and others. Mexico is not the only place for Hispanics, but most people only think of Mexico and southward as the only Hispanics. Duh, not so. Look at Puerto Rico and other places. Huum, I have to do more traveling. By the way, HAPPY HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH!!

My Business Card

Many things go through my mind but, as usual after watching my favorite news channels, I decided to blowout my mind to clear all the mess it has absorbed. The one thing that stands out is most people engage their tongues before their mind have thought it through. A rampant, out of control person is more dangerous than a person that is mindless. A thoughtless, mindless person is very dangerous and can, not only harm them, but can harm others.

               Maybe some of you have seen my Facebook page and have noticed what I have on the back of my business card. I have had that saying for over fifty years and do not know where it come from. All I remember is I saw it one day, remembered it, and have attempted to apply it as much as I can. Being human, I have failed a few times but, overall, I have applied it. The rear of my business card says “Be kind to your neighbors because you’ll never know when you’ll need them. Also, ensure your words are soft and sweet because you’ll never know when you’ll have to eat them”.

               Why am I saying this? First let me start with President Biden. He has made a few minor hiccups in his time and so has others. The one that standout the most is his Saudi Arabia hiccup. When the Arabian man was murdered, he blamed the Crown Prince for it and called him a terrorist. Now he is rubbing shoulders with the so-called murderer. My guess, for that reason, is not only unity of the Mideast but, as I wrote in a blog a long, long time ago, the oil. Get the price down and pump more of it.

               While on the campaign trail, he also promised many things. He not only did not consider the stiff resistance of the GOP but he, as well as everyone else, never thought that one or two of his own party would resist him and the party. I, as a civilian, can promise something and nothing much would come of it. But in politics everyone, especially the other party, clamps down on every promise and will make him pay dearly if he fails. That is a big deal in today’s politics.

               Let us look at Trump (Yes, I know. Don’t roll your eyes). He always misspeaks and lie. The biggest problem with him is he does not care and will speak badly to a person or about a person because that person did not do as he said or is not a part of his huge click. I think he is finally seeing the people he treated badly is badly needed now. He was not kind to anyone but his family. They are the only ones that know exactly what went on, that are sticking by him. Or are they? I don’t know what is coming.

               I have mentioned two individuals, but everyone should try to abide by the saying on the rear of my business card. One day, what you said some time ago will come back to bite you in your rear end. Once your tongue puts out what you did not mean to say, it is too late. The only thing to do is in the future ensure your words are soft and sweet. You do not want that chunk out of your rear end to be huge.  

Dirt Begets Dirt

I have often enough written that things never change. It simply repeats itself over, and over again. Where I write most of this is in (www.faithingodministries.net). I want to show it in this piece because it was on my mind and will not go away. I will concentrate on just one era in history and show how our era is almost the same for one particular individual.

               Look at Julius Caesar and his era. Julius Caesar was an emperor that was loved (depending on which history book you read) and, according to some, hated. He ruled an enormous empire that spanned many countries and continents. He ruled with an iron fist and was bathed in much glory. He had buildings and stadiums, around the Roman Empire, named after him. He had money with his likeness on it, which is mentioned in the Bible. He had everything imaginable, including many close friends. Most of these friends would stick by him through thick or thin and would do, as all under his control, his bidding with no questions asked. Some people under his control lost their life for him but, to Caesar, they were just fodder in his venture for greater status.

               As I look at this era I will focus on only one-person, ex-President Trump. According to whom you listen to, which periodical you read, which broadcast you tune to, etc. Trump wanted to be great, not like Caesar because I do not think he have read about him nor know much about him, like Putin or the Chinese leader or North Korean leader or anyone that is a dictator and wield enormous power (there are many).

               Trump amassed a large amount of people that wanted the same things he wanted but with him as their leader. Like Caesar, the people were loyal to him, and he would not accept anyone that was not loyal. These people, as of today would do anything for him, up to and including to kill. These people wanted him in his position forever. Some believe he is so great that some propose to have his picture on a piece of money. They even tried to have him on Mt. Rushmore. Is he Caesar?

               Putin escaped assignation attempts. He never let anyone get close to him and even have food tasters. He remembers what he and his associates did in the Russian Intelligence Service. But, getting back to Caesar, his best buddy got to him. Remember the phrase ‘et tu brute’? When Caesar was stabbed to death he hollered ‘you too Brutus’.

               We have seen in the January 6th Committee hearings the many Trump loyalists speak against him. A couple of the backstabbers are trying to soften their blows so that they can gain some future endeavor they have planned. Like Caesar, his close associates are doing him in. My belief, if you did not throw mud in the first place, you would never have to worry about mud being thrown at you.

               The world never changes except for the date, individual and situation. Of course, you cannot live in a shroud, shielding yourself from everything, but you can do good and not worry as much about being stabbed in the back. Dirt begets dirt.

The War in Ukraine

I am watching the war in Ukraine, and I am sad about this on two accounts. First, I am too old to go there and take up arms against the invading forces. Second, this reminds me of a civil war because a portion of the Ukraine populace speak Russian, and some have family in Russia. This is a war started by a mad man and he does not care about anything except what he wants.

               I see the civilian buildings shattered and burned, children and women dying, not even understanding what is going on nor why. I also see fearless people taking on the invaders knowing they could die at a moments notice. I see the people that have never held a weapon trying to quickly learn to shoot and protect their country. This should never happen.

               The Russian military is not as good as they think they are. There is video of them giving up because their vehicles are out of fuel, they are hungry and tired. The Ukraine people gave them food and comfort and, from the videos I saw, did not harm nor restrain them. But that is only some of the military because others followed orders and purposely targeted civilians and their domiciles. Why is it taking so long to overrun a country the size of Ukraine with a large Russian army? Incompetence, leadership, the will to fight, what?

               Everyone is afraid of a nuclear war if a nation with nuclear powers joins the Ukraine fight. Never to worry, worry about Russia targeting the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and going after another. We were lucky that the bombing did not cause the release of any radiation on the first one, but we may not be lucky if they bomb the next one. Nuclear radiation does not know the difference between friend or foe nor boarders.

               Of course, President Biden is accursed of not doing enough to stop the start of the war, among other things he is falsely accused of. The Congressmen that released unauthorized video, when there was a video talk with the Ukraine President, will not even get a slap on the wrist. The rules Russia goes by, our rules, and the rules of the rest of the world are not the same rules. Plus, no one can believe anything Russia say. Russia told the world, before the invasion, that they were conducting war games. We knew better because we now have a President that listens to the intelligence reports. The reports were correct.

               But the question now is ‘what can the world do to stop this invasion’? Not much besides the sanctions. The rest of the world could take up arms to help Ukraine, but the Russian mad man may be crazy enough to drop a nuclear bomb. Roll the dice. Then the entire world is in jeopardy. The world can not negotiate with a mad man.

               The bottom line is to watch and wait to see what develops and hope it is good. We all must support Ukraine anyway we can with whatever we have. We can also pray for them and keep them in our prayers until this is over. When this is over it will take years to rebuild the country.


Within the past five years CRT (Critical Race Theory) have heated up to a high boil. The reason being is the people that want a change, not going back to covering the past but do what the past did, are coming out of the woodwork in droves. I am not an expert on CRT, but I will attempt to explain as best I can, in a short version and without the large words that is in the official explanation.

               CRT started when the Civil Rights Bill and the Voting Rights Bill passed. Before that time people of color (Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, etc.) were hindered in everything that they did. They did not have the right to live the life that the White person was living. When the bills passed, they did not want people of color reminded about what they used to do to them.

               When the last President took office, they felt emboldened to come out of the woodwork since they had their own man in the highest office, a Congressional majority, a judicial majority, and a governmental majority in the states. They felt they could do and say whatever without consequences and those few consequences that happened would bring minor punishment, if at all.

               By spreading false statements about CRT and that CRT is taught in schools they hope to stop anyone from remembering the past therefore insuring keeping a majority for themselves because the people would believe it is taught in schools, it is bad, and vote the other side out. With the help of print news, radio, television, and whatever is on the internet locks their agenda in place for them to use at will. Never mind the fact that CRT is NOT taught in schools K to 12. Never mind the fact that CRT is only taught in universities for law students. They know when statements are said enough times, over and over again, most people will believe them and unwittingly be on their side to help them. They know people will not research CRT for themselves but will rely on them doing the research and telling them what is found.

               When the people wake-up and see what is happening, it may be too late. It may be too late now; I do not know. Turning the clock back to yonder days will be a bad thing. Look at Afghanistan, they were beginning to move into the modern era until we left. The regime that took over went back to the, I would say, dark ages and their economy is falling like a rock. People will starve this winter and be like nomads in a baren land. We were once the greatest country, but we are also falling fast and I do not see the end of the tunnel.

               The USA is not the only country that is going through this CRT dilemma. I can name about ten, maybe more, that are following the USA’s footsteps and their economy is shaky also. CRT is not the problem because when you do not remember the past (Not selected parts of the past), you are doomed to repeat the same mistakes. We will then be in the same boat as Afghanistan.