Monthly Archives: September 2019


Lately, I have received correspondence from a few readers about topics I have written. I have tried hard not to take sides when the topic I am writing on have a political tone. However, some readers are of a party that, in their minds, forces them to comment, defending their party. I do not belong to one party or the other. I go for whomever I think is the better choice.

Some people stereotype others by the way they look, talk, or act. In my case, I am stereotyped by the way I write. So be it. I do not get distressed because of the way I am seen. I am old enough, hopefully wise enough, to let this go by me like water rolling off a duck’s back. There are better things, more things, in life that demand my attention than something I cannot control.

I may attempt to help a person run for office that I think will be a good person to have there. I may vote for a person I think is the best to elect. Contrary to what some believe, I am not for one political party over the other. I do not dislike a person because that person is in a political party I am not voting for. I believe the person, that is trying to convince me to have blinders on and believe one hundred percent in a certain party, is the one who have blinders on and is closed minded to hearing the other side and everyone else is against them and/or their party.

The correspondence I have received don’t like the fact I talked negatively about our present President, his people, and the people that support him. This is my opinion, others have theirs. I see things negatively happening differently than what they see. I have a writing platform in which I write what I see and think. Others can do the same thing but rather personalize their feelings upon me. Maybe they are thin-skinned and don’t want to admit their inadequacies. Do your thing and I’ll do mine. I hope we can live together in peace.

For some time, some people take this political agenda too far and commit unspeakable acts that have many people wondering about the purpose of the political party. One stupid person doing something wrong is one thing, but when you have it happening many times, by people of the same party and in the name of the agenda of that party, means that party have lots of soul searching to do.

Maybe they are just acting out, like a young child acts out to get the focus away from them, in order to look favorably upon them. This is childish and shows me that person have not matured and need to focus on growing up. A mature person knows they can not have everything the way they want it all the time. A mature person also knows wrong doings have consequences. The consequences will come either slowly or quickly, but it will eventually come.

So, I say to anyone that have a problem with what I write; get your own writing platform and write what you want. Write good things or bad things but never vulgar things. And, remember this, what you write is there forever. Once you click ‘enter’, you are forever held liable and will be forever held accountable.


It’s Changing

For quite some time I have wanted to live on one of the islands. In particular, Puerto Rico. It is something about the islands that fascinate me, draws me to them, fills me with wonderment and joy every time I visit them. The clean air. The blue waters. Wonderful people. Great weather. I just love the islands. Maybe, in another life, I lived on one of the islands. I don’t know. I really don’t know if I truly believe in transforming from another life. Maybe yes, maybe no. It just feels that way.

However, I have changed my mind about living on an island, even The Outer Banks. What changed my mind? Hurricane Dorian have made me change my mind. Last year, Puerto Rico was hit hard, and they are still trying to recover. They had a bad infrastructure before the storm hit them. Now the island government (they are a possession of the United States, therefore we are their federal government) can’t fight over whether to spend the money to repair the infrastructure or not. It will have to be done. Hurricane Dorian only gave them a glancing blow. They were lucky this time.

Hurricane Dorian literally destroyed Bahamas. That beautiful island is gone. Nothing standing. Parts washed away. People dead or still missing. It will take many years to rebuild the island and that is if they are not hit with another big storm. Then there is another problem for the island.

Bahamas depend on tourist money (cruise ships mostly) which account for most of the money. Next, talking about its economy, is banking. Everything for them to survive is blown and washed away. It will be years before tourists return or are able to arrive and spend money. I don’t know what they will do about the world-wide banking system they had. As I see it, the beautiful island, for now, is no more. When I was last there, it was wonderful, I didn’t want to leave. All I see on the television is total destruction.

I changed my mind about living on one of the islands because of that. With the weather changing and getting worst, it will happen again and again. Some people do not believe the weather is changing but I do. I vividly remember what the weather was like when I was a child and I have watched and felt the changes. The weather is much different now and is becoming harsher. You can’t fight Mother Nature nor change her, not even by dropping a bomb on her (may make her get mad and become worst plus spread radiation into the winds).

At least, on the mainland, I have a chance to get out of the storm’s way and only lose possessions and not my life. On an island, where can I go? Yes, I change my mind now because I didn’t think about bad storms before. I even watched bad storms hitting this mainland and people staying because they don’t want to leave their possessions. Possessions can be replaced, lives cannot. Other lives are in danger trying to save those that refuse to leave and need help to keep from dying.

The islands near the USA are not the only places that have big changes. There are typhoons that are getting larger than ever before and European winters colder than before. So, where can I go? I’ll stay here because I know the area and I can’t hide from Mother Nature especially if I am on an island. Plus, I would be stupid knowing what I now Know and knowing there is a climate change.