Monthly Archives: August 2020

I’ve Said It Before

Well, the country has gotten an exceedingly rare one-two punch from two hurricanes this week and I, for one, am not surprised. I have talked about this happening for some time, especially in my other blog ( I could explain why but I have written about this for a long time and have explained this repeatedly. I will let you meet your due because, as it is said, ’you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink’.

The present administration, taking the lead from their President, does not believe in science, unless the President says they may, does not believe in medical experts, unless they concur what the President says, and never mention any form of religion unless it suits their agenda. I know many people will say I am wrong, but I have my mind and eyes open and I am not afraid to say I am wrong when I am. However, the great majority of President Trump’s supporters (enablers) will never admit they are wrong, nor will they admit he is wrong. As he idolizes himself, they idolize him.

I have many times said history repeats itself, and, if you have read history, the world has been through this a few times before. It is not the same exact way but similar and it is not going to stop. We can slow it down, maybe, but we will greatly suffer if we continue to put our head in the sand and think this President will solve our dilemma when he is only thinking of himself. There are his supporters that want their old prejudicial ways, thinking their skin color made the world a better place when it took all peoples to do it.

It took slaved Black people, Latinos, and Asians to make this land, which was taken from the Native Americans, what it is today. It took the brains and technology of many peoples, especially the Black people, to build and fine tune everything. Because of the inequity of multitudes of prejudicial people, we are beginning to see more and more bad things happen around the world.

Floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, typhoons, ice cap melting, fires, pandemics, and much more is happening. Read the Bible and history books (the Bible is a history book) and all of it is written there. It will not get better; it will get worst and we can only blame ourselves. Our President does not read, at least like he should, and he think he knows better than anyone about everything. He believes that and his supporters believe that. I, for one, do not.

If this President continues with four more years of chaos, we, as the United States of America, is lost forever and we cannot fault anyone but ourselves. More poverty, pandemics, war, chaos, you name it is our destiny. We cannot and will not survive. Voting him out is the only hope that is left for us plus a strong faith in God. Beware, there will be all manner of cheating, and intimidation for him to win. Vote as early as you can and tell your family and friends to do so also. I have said it before and I will say it again, we will be in more trouble if he is not voted out.

Also beware of other people, attempting to carry out the President’s agenda, coming from other states and cities, infiltrating peaceful demonstrations, causing trouble. These are the people that assault, loot, burn, damage things, and even murder. I said it before and I say it again, wake-up, vote and pray for a better day.


A Dictator

There are many words I could use to describe our President. What a conundrum. However, the word I will use, among many I would like to use, and some are not printable, is ‘dictator’. Most of the time I use my on-line dictionary, mostly for spelling of words, for the meaning of a word. Dictator is a good word, or should I say, ‘wannabe dictator’? This is because he looks up to those that have acquired that position and thumbs his nose at those that governs over a democratic government that is overseen by the populace.

Dictator-noun: a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession.

Looking at our President’s early life and the life of his father’s, I see absolute control over everything and if that thing does not go the way he wants it or benefit him, make a change, legal or illegal. If anyone stand in the way or sound the alarm or mutter in some way that it is not right, get rid of the person, no matter the means and let an underling do it so that he is safe from being known as the person that did it.

To have absolute power all walls holding him back from doing whatever he wants to do must come down, no matter if it hurts his people and if it does not hurt him. Along with power must be the money and the money must come to him and only him. Every situation consists of power and money. Nothing else counts. Shoulder-to-shoulder with this is having the love of the people, his people. These people look upon him as a God and he can do no wrong, no matter what he does or say.

Other dictators came into power through democratic elections and remained because of the changes they made after getting into office. They then gathered the militia to trample all opposition against him and, most of all, controlled the voting and vote counting (most dictators get 90% or more votes to keep him in office).

The people that oppose him (dictator) will have the secret arm of the government to deal with. They are met on the streets by either the police, militia, or kidnappers. There will be groups of people that will mix in with legitimate protesters that will cause trouble so that the militia can accuse them of rioting and, therefore, be violently dispersed. Sound familiar?

Dictators, also, will not talk to the people unless they are either praising their own rule, being praised by others, and speaking untruths without any type of correction or come back. To the dictator, a lie is never told, a correction is never received, and his word is absolute. The more money he makes, the more money he wants. He must live the life of royalty while others starve and/or die, it is no matter to him. If there is a problem, it is not his to fix but for someone else to handle. If it is fixed, he will take credit and say he did a good job. If it can not be fixed, he will say someone else did a bad job.

We have a ‘wannabe’ dictator and his supporters are attempting to make it possible for him to achieve that goal. He can be stopped as other countries have stopped theirs. Do your part and vote. Vote as early as you can. Vote in-person if you can. Either way vote. We do not need a DICTATOR.

As I completed this piece the situation with the USPS (United States Postal Service) came to a head. This have been brewing for some time and is another controlled department that the dictator has at his bidding. This need to be stopped and can only be stopped by voting the ‘wannabe dictator’ out of office. If you can vote in person, do so. If not, vote by mail as early as possible. Do not wait and chance a vote not being counted. That is exactly what the ‘wannabe dictator’ want.