Monthly Archives: June 2023

Watch AI

A short time ago I wrote about AI (artificial intelligence) and it seems as though it has expanded greatly since then. To mankind, it is great to have something to aid mankind, but I can see a hindrance that has a potential to really harm mankind in the long run. AI is a good thing but (as in some sci-fi movies) can be a bad thing.

               It’s good in medicine. At Duke University there is a machine that is aiding medicine and can outperform the doctors when predicting medical conditions, knowing all the medical jargons, and giving possible cures for something. I haven’t heard much about it recently, but it would be great if most hospitals have this type of mechanical brain. Cancer and all other conditions will be diagnosed quicker as well as more accurately. Why not put it into the labs to make newer medicine and bring down the cost of medicine?

               Transportation is booming with self-driving, self-parking, etc. vehicles. In the blog I mentioned, I wrote about a self-driving truck that took a load of ore from a self-mining mine to a self-operating factory and made other robots witho0ut a human hand doing anything. That can be done with almost anything, anywhere, at any time, with today’s automation.  Think about it; there are automated cars, trucks, trains, ships, planes, and the list goes on and on. Humans do not have to touch the controls.

               I only know about a small fraction of what the military has. I was in the air force (security, law enforcement, K-9) and I see a lot that have happened since I retired. In K-9, for instance, there are robotic perimeter guards that are like dogs (the machines walk on four legs). I guess me and my dog would be replaced at considerable cost. I can only imagine what is going on in the control room (CSC?) (Central Security Control). Back in the early ‘80s I flew on a plane that the pilot was telling me, as the plane was circling the Pyramids on its own, how the plane could taxi, take off, fly to its mission, return, and land on its own.

               Now that you have a little background about AI and our daily life, I now wonder what we are to do with ourselves if AI completely takes over our daily life. This is what I mean. AI is into farming by doing everything remotely and robotically therefore there is not a need for workers in the field. This has a domino effect that is attached to it. AI doing the work in the factories means there is no need for employees. When people are jobless, they cannot buy food, transportation, lodging, go on vacation, buy fuel for the vehicle that they have (electric vehicles cost more but without a job they can not afford to buy one), and anything else that a human would need to live. And it goes on, and on, and on.

               As you see, the domino effect, caused by AI, can affect living a minimal life. Like in the sci-fi movies, AI can take over and us humans will have to take a backseat and suffer. We are already suffering but it, maybe, will get much worse. I am not against AI; I am asking for caution and tighter controls. I remember an article I read, some time ago, that these scientists put two computers together to see what would happen. They had to unplug them when the computers started talking to each other in a language the scientists did not understand. Bad things, accidents, can and will happen. Watch AI as AI watches us.


Time Is Relative

Last week in my other blog,, I mentioned ‘time’ and what it meant to God compared to what it means to us. I am not an expert in that sort of thing nor am I or have I been a scholar in that. I only know what I feel, have read, and can imagine. What I am about to write does not construe whether it is true or untrue and is only a very small piece about time. It is only for you to think and decide for yourself.

               Einstein wrote on ‘relative time’, where he determined that time is relative. In other words, the rate at which time passes depends on your frame of reference. Ahhh, what is meant by that? (My words) things will be perceived differently if sensed in different ways or by different people.

               This phenomenon was experimented with by using clocks. In the lab’s experiment they used a light clock and an atomic clock, the most accurate clocks known. It was found that the faster the clock moved the slower the clock got. One of the examples used was an atomic clock that was stationary on earth, and another was flown in a plane around the earth. When the clocks were together again, they were a fraction of a second apart from each other.

               What made me think of this was last week I wrote that in God’s time a thousand solar years is one solar day to us. Okay, let me think about what has been happening for a long time here on earth and what has been in the news lately. UFOs. If they come from another planet think about the speed used to get here and what about the time it took. Did time stop?  Did time speed up? Did time go back? It all is confusing yet a wonder at the same time.

               NASA want to send man to Mars and other planets. What will the timing be because (to us) the time spent in space getting there is very long. Then think about a light year which is one solar year or 5.88 trillion miles. My mind is numb when they say a star is close with it being four or five light years away and we want to go to that solar system. To me, impossible, but throw in ‘time’ and that would be the unknown variable that could make it possible. On earth we could see the space capsule slowly traveling to the far away star. To the people in the capsule, it could be a very short time when ‘time is relative’ is added to the equation. Is this how the UFOs get here? Worm holes? Space warp? Talking about UFOs is another future blog.

               Last week, what I wrote in, shows that most of this article melds with that article and vice versa. We point up because Christ rose into the clouds when He left earth. Also, the universe is huge and, from what I have read, is still expanding. How far is it to the end of the universe? Time is relative and time is not on our side. If time is relative, then our present life is not even a flicker, and we better get right quickly and that may not be fast enough. Now I’ll sit back and see the very few commits that I rarely receive.