Monthly Archives: January 2021

The Fourteenth Amendment

The fourteenth amendment of the United States Constitution say all that is necessary to say in the impeachment of the ex-President, number forty-four, of the United States. His words were heard around the world as the mob incitement was carried out. The mob was sent to the United States Capitol to take it over and stop the ratification of the state’s votes by ‘fight like hell’. What was said before and after those words were incendiary as well. Sedition of our government should not be tolerated nor condoned.

               There were Congressmen that were speakers at the rally and, from what I find, will be dealt with separately at another time.  This includes people in Congress texting the hiding location of fellow Congress people.  Then there are those that do not want the article of impeachment be brought against the ex-President because he has departed and is not in office. That type of thinking is like not bringing charges against an individual for robbing a store because the individual departed. Or, if someone shoot you and throw the firearm away the individual is forgiven because he no longer has the firearm.

               The fourteenth amendment is not a criminal provision, it says that whoever is guilty of the fourteenth amendment (in this case sections three and four) cannot ever hold a federal position again. Which mean the ex-President can never run for nor be in office again. It does not say he will go to jail. That is for the decision of other departments of the government.

               There is still a faithful following that are homegrown terrorist, and others, that believe an insurrection (a violent uprising against an authority or government) and will do anything to see that it is done. Some of these people, like the ex-President, have made it into the government. These people are attempting to bring the government down from the inside out. The fourteenth amendment would apply to them also.

               Thinking about criminal charges, accessory to murder comes to my mind. This would apply to the people on the inside and the ex-President. There are those that do not want the impeachment of the ex-President because, maybe, they rather have Trump instead of a sane government and do not want to carry out the will of the people that elected them. Maybe they want to be a part of the new party that Trump want to start with him as the head. If the new party is activated a newer head would be in power soon because Trump is old, and I believe his health is not as good as he says it is.

               Even if a new party happens the fourteenth amendment must be enforced. Seditious people cannot be a part of the government. The new party cannot make their own rules contrary to the United States Constitution nor can they have their own Constitution. I am not the expert but, I am wondering, can the members of the new party be impeached also? If that is possible, then sedition is out of the question, the fourteenth amendment will be enforced. It will be interesting to watch all of this play out.

Together We Stand

Many times, I have heard the words ‘together we stand, divided we fall’. Those words are truer than most people think. In any combat situation it takes all members of the operation to come together as a unit to survive. If a member decides to go it alone the entire unit is in jeopardy of dying. With the unit fighting as one, there is a good chance that the unit will survive.

               There are two major situations before the citizens of the United States, and both need our immediate attention. COVID-19 and The President of the United States. There are people that do all the precautions, up to and including wearing masks to prevent and stop the spread of COVID-19. The other is the present man in the White House inciting the siege on the U.S. Capitol. In fact, both concerns greatly involve the President.

               The President have told everyone that listens to him that the virus is a hoax, bleach and other things would clean the body and cure the virus, stimmed information on what is happening and what to do about the virus, not to wear masks because he was not going to wear a mask, and many other untruths about the virus. Those people that reported the truth or leaked truthful information were fired. This was from our President and the Republican party, his underlings, and his followers did as they were told and did not try to stop nor correct him. Everything that is happening is on them as much as it is on him.

               Sedition and conspiracy against the United States of America is the worst thing I have ever seen and heard in my lifetime, except in third world countries. I saw and heard the President tell his base, that were present for his speech, to go to the Capitol. He knew what they were going to do, and he encouraged them to do it. They had inside help, I am sure. The Capitol was lightly manned with protection and the warnings that was conveyed was disregarded. While grocery shopping, I heard two men talking, not loudly but slightly louder than normal. They were talking about a civil war and how the election was stolen, etc. I did not confront them, my wife and I got what we were in the area for and walked on. I noticed others looking at them and they also walked on.

               Our country is divided and if that seam of contention is not sewn together, we will fall. It reminds me of the book ‘The Fall of the Roman Empire’. Looking back at history and, in most cases history can and will repeat itself, I find that the downfall of the nations is done through division. Like in a combat situation, divide and conquer. Because the President can not be a dictator or supreme ruler, he wants to take the nation down and his followers can not see this nor do they have sense enough to care. His followers, especially those in government (Congress, staffers, etc.) should be investigated, fined, and jailed as soon as possible.

Caste System

Most of us mean well but we are only human and at times dislike this or that causing hurt upon our fellow human whether at the time we realize it or not. Our feelings are fragile, and we tend to look down our nose at those not in our group, our status. Most of the time we do not realize we are doing this and when we do realize it, we attempt to correct the situation, the wrong that we have inflicted.

               Everyone know of the Hindu caste system, well, a lot of us know of the system but, in a minor way, caste is everywhere. Here in the United States, it is said that everyone is equal but, like a lot of people, I disagree. Like the Hindus we have a caste system also. Maybe not as strict but we do have the system and the last four years have recently put the spotlight on it.

               Caste is nothing but social and/or hereditary groups. Like the television program it is the ‘Have and Have Nots’. There is the CEO and then the others. There is the office worker and the others. There is the homeowner and the maid. I could go on and on, but I believe you understand what I mean. Their rankings on the ladder of success or the higher you are on the ladder the less you would speak to or rub shoulders with the people on the lower rung of the ladder.

               The caste system is definitely imbedded in skin color, race and nationality. The darker the skin the fewer chances there is for a person to advance except in sports or something that entertains the people on the upper rungs of the ladder or to make them more money. Nationality will put you into certain jobs that the people on the upper rungs need. If, by chance, a lower rung person get money, the distain for the person is hidden when outwardly there are smiles. Listen to the words of the song ‘Smiling Faces Sometimes’ recorded by The Undisputed Truth (1971). Lower rung, caste people, are not to have much money unless it benefits the higher rung people.

               But the more money a person has the more they turn their back on the people on the lower rungs of the ladder. The upper crust people will throw a little money to the lower people if it is a tax right off. They will interact with lower rung people for the photo op and then go home thinking that they did their civic duty for a while.

               Look at the United States structural system and most people think the head person is the President. However, he has a boss, and it is the citizens of the United States. It is a large circle, a never-ending circle where everyone has a boss. It would take a book to explain the workings and all that is involved. The people in the government were sent there to labor for us but today they are among those on the upper rungs of the caste system and they are for themselves. Our government is a large part of the caste system and they are flaunting it.