Monthly Archives: December 2021


Within the past five years CRT (Critical Race Theory) have heated up to a high boil. The reason being is the people that want a change, not going back to covering the past but do what the past did, are coming out of the woodwork in droves. I am not an expert on CRT, but I will attempt to explain as best I can, in a short version and without the large words that is in the official explanation.

               CRT started when the Civil Rights Bill and the Voting Rights Bill passed. Before that time people of color (Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, etc.) were hindered in everything that they did. They did not have the right to live the life that the White person was living. When the bills passed, they did not want people of color reminded about what they used to do to them.

               When the last President took office, they felt emboldened to come out of the woodwork since they had their own man in the highest office, a Congressional majority, a judicial majority, and a governmental majority in the states. They felt they could do and say whatever without consequences and those few consequences that happened would bring minor punishment, if at all.

               By spreading false statements about CRT and that CRT is taught in schools they hope to stop anyone from remembering the past therefore insuring keeping a majority for themselves because the people would believe it is taught in schools, it is bad, and vote the other side out. With the help of print news, radio, television, and whatever is on the internet locks their agenda in place for them to use at will. Never mind the fact that CRT is NOT taught in schools K to 12. Never mind the fact that CRT is only taught in universities for law students. They know when statements are said enough times, over and over again, most people will believe them and unwittingly be on their side to help them. They know people will not research CRT for themselves but will rely on them doing the research and telling them what is found.

               When the people wake-up and see what is happening, it may be too late. It may be too late now; I do not know. Turning the clock back to yonder days will be a bad thing. Look at Afghanistan, they were beginning to move into the modern era until we left. The regime that took over went back to the, I would say, dark ages and their economy is falling like a rock. People will starve this winter and be like nomads in a baren land. We were once the greatest country, but we are also falling fast and I do not see the end of the tunnel.

               The USA is not the only country that is going through this CRT dilemma. I can name about ten, maybe more, that are following the USA’s footsteps and their economy is shaky also. CRT is not the problem because when you do not remember the past (Not selected parts of the past), you are doomed to repeat the same mistakes. We will then be in the same boat as Afghanistan.