Monthly Archives: May 2020


Like many people I have a few ailments that have been with me for so long that I rarely think about them. For everyone, that will be any type of ailment, known or unknown. These ailments do not hinder the daily activity or require a visit to the doctor’s clinic. This have been happening with me for several years and then came the COVID-19 pandemic.
For a few years I have been keeping a logbook of my vital signs. This is mostly for me and I share it with all my doctors so that they can get an overall picture of my health and not just for the day I visit them. This is more important during these pandemic days. I am imagining you saying this is a lot of work and time but contrary to that, it is not a lot of time and it is beneficial.
In my logbook, before I have my coffee or eat anything, I get my blood sugar test, date, time, blood pressure, weight, and body temperature. I can compare this with whatever was written yesterday, last week or whenever. I can think about what I ate yesterday or drank or whatever to make these readings increase, decrease, or stay the same. I am not a doctor but want to know what is going on with my body.
However, during this pandemic I keep a weary eye on my temperature because that is one of the signs that something is wrong. I keep an eye on my wife’s temperature because she wants to know about hers also. I am leery these days more so than in the past. Before I was in a routine, a habit, and it did not mean much to me. It was just a log of my body’s vitals, ho-hum. Now, every slight vital sign moves, up or down, have me wondering if it something I should be concerned about.
Years ago, when I first started keeping a record of my vitals, I never thought it would mean as much as it does now. A high temperature would be worrisome, at best. A drop or height in blood pressure and I start to wonder if I should be cautious. Is that cough a warning and am I smelling things? Should my blood sugar really rise would have me calling my wife and the doctor (I never had). Maybe I am too cautious, but it is better to be safe than laying in the hospital telling myself that I should have.
I am rambling on and on just to say the times have changed for many reasons and this is only one. Now is the time to really take care of your body and your significant other to stay healthy and give the doctors and nurses a needed break. You only have one life and it is up to you to take care of your body and see another day. Now is not the time to throw caution to the wind and take your chance of not getting sick. This COVID-19 is nothing to play with nor that a chance that it will pass you by.
I will continue to take my vitals, seldom venture out, stay away form people/crowds, wash my hands/sanitize often and always wear a mask (not only for my benefit but for the safety of others). The world has changed, and it is time we all do the same. There is nothing that is as normal as before. Stay safe and good luck during the re-openings.


Cast The First Stone

Every time a person attempts to elevate him or herself into a higher position someone comes out of the background and attempts a prevention into that higher position. The reasoning is not if the person is telling the truth or is lying but why do they have a time lapse of years. If the allegation is a matter that is so egregious that the person should not be considered for the position, why the many years between the event and the reporting of the incident?
I do not understand an incident happening twenty or thirty years ago before being reported as if it happened yesterday. It may have been wrong then however, thirty years later should have no reference to today unless it is dealing with murder or something as bad. An incident condoned years ago have not changed today. It is still condoned.
During our younger years all of us have done a bad thing or two. Let those that have never sinned cast the first stone. All of us have something that we are not proud of, whether it is recent or old. As I look at myself from years ago, I see things that I would have done differently. However, I would not want someone holding that against me, especially when there was a chance to hold it against me twenty or thirty years ago. Hold it against me, or someone else, if it is recent or a short time ago.
Now the woman that is bringing allegations against former Vice-President Biden says she did bring harassment allegations against Biden, but she said she never said anything about sexual harassment. Why not then? Why now? Why wasn’t it bought out when he was vetted for Vice-President? Why wasn’t it bought out when he was vetted for the Senate? Why is it that the present Secretary of State will not research and release the archived papers about the situation? There are too many whys.
I go back to, he without sin cast the first stone. There are many people that say he should not run for office because there is the question and that is all that is needed. If so, there would be no one that could run for any office that requires vetting. It all depends on how egregious the offense. Is it an offense if it was accepted at the time? She says the offense is not in the report that was made. Why is it an offense now? Why wasn’t it reported then? Why wait almost thirty years? So many questions.
Then I look at the present President and the allegations against him. Some were proven and some were also recorded. He was still put into office and some of his offenses are worse than Biden’s. This is called a double standard and what is good for the goose is good for the gander (an old saying). Like I said for the last Presidential election, I will take the better of the two and Biden is not anywhere as bad as Trump.
Cast your stones if you think you never have to worry about being vetted for a past offense. An offense that occurred five years ago, maybe ten years ago, I would have to look at it but an offense that occurred almost thirty years ago is out of consideration for me. Unless it was murder, gross assault, rape, drugs, or something close to those, then there is a problem.