Monthly Archives: August 2017

Think Of Others

I know that I have and others have matured and lived with the sense of being courteous and respectful to others as well as having a sense of cleanliness. Exactly what I mean, pacifically, as an example, are the elevators here. When I first moved here I could not bring my two dogs. As it was, one would have been too big anyway. The other would have been of the right size but I was a little too early coming to Imperial Plaza. My dogs would have been fine on the elevators but there are some people here that have problems.

Dog urine (sometimes it covers almost the entire floor area), dog feces (sometimes in the stairways) and other things, sometimes is left on the floors of the elevators and other places. Some people do not take the animals outside enough times or in a timely basis to ensure the animal does not do it’s business before it get outside. Then (it could be the same people), when the weather is bad, the people nor the animal want to go out into the weather. Therefore, the stairwells, parking garage and a few inches past the garage entrance get used.

It would not be a problem if the responsible adult would clean behind their animal but that is seldom done. I am hesitant to walk across the lawns, where I know some people walk their dogs, because a few times I have almost stepped in something. But, the elevators are another matter because we all have to use them, it’s difficult to not step in something, it stinks and I don’t want to clean-up behind a dog that I do not own.

There is still the problem of throwing cigarette butts on the ground. We have a beautiful, trash free area and then there are some people that do not care or believe others will pick it up for them. I smoke cigars and I put my butt where it is suppose to be placed although the all tobacco cigar will deteriorate in the weather. I do not do throw it anywhere because it takes time for the weather to remove the cigar and it looks bad before then. Why can’t others do the same?

Lastly, the dumpsters are still a problem. Not only is furniture (when people move out) left around the dumpster but there are cardboard boxes (not broken down) and garbage bags (not thrown into the dumpster) and just a total disregard to cleanliness. It just seem as if things are left anywhere with the thought that someone will move it and put it where it belong. Am I being overly critical?

I have no answers for any of these situations and, believe me, there is a lot more. I realize these people are elderly and many can not do a lot of things but there seem to be no consideration for anyone else. If the person can not do the proper thing for the animal (good or BAD weather) then why have the animal? The reason can not be because they love the animal or because they have had it for “x” number of years and it is a part of the family. If the animal can not be cared for properly because of your age or condition, then it should not be expected that others will do it for you. It should be remembered that the animal suffers also and can and will get the same diseases you and I will get.

I am frustrated and angry that this have come about. As I have said, I have no solution but maybe someone else have one, short of banning animals and smoking. If so, let me know and maybe I can carry it forward.

By the way, I am staying out of politics this week and will let the chips fall where they may. A lot have happened and a lot will. It’s not over yet. Have a good weekend!

For Every Action

Sir Isaac Newton stated in his 1679 book “Principia” (the book have a longer more complicated tittle to expand it), For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Okay, most people are thinking that this is about mathematics or physics and they would be correct but take this a little further. Actions culminating into reactions affects everything.

One example, when trash is piled around a dumpster and the dumpster is overfilled, it can be considered an action that needs correcting. Here at Imperial Plaza, this has occurred many, many times, especially when the trash pickup is missed or delayed. The reaction is an accumulation of bugs, flies, odor and, maybe, rats. Then add to that reaction more odor, which bring disease. And to carry the reaction further, the accumulation of odor, flies, bugs and rats brings medical emergencies (remember reading about “The Black Plague”?) and death. It is not that bad during these modern times that we have to worry about such a terrible event occurring, I’m just saying it is possible when you look at the worst that could happen. There are many seniors that have weakened immune systems and they are susceptible to many things which almost anything could trigger a medical event.

One more example, looking at retirement, looks at the progression of life starting with being born. You become a child who morphs into becoming a young adult which bring on a young retiree and finally there is the cantankerous retiree. The last line of progression can apply to almost anyone at any adult age. I will use that as an action. These days many people can act sane one moment and be off the deep end the next moment and this could also apply to anyone of any age. That is the reason everyone should be aware of what they say or do to someone (action) because of the equal and opposite reaction that will occur. The reaction could mean aggravated assault or go so far as (the extreme) death, or, at the very least, verbal or physical insults.

There are many, many people that are very sensitive to such things and it can be seen by simply looking at Republicans. Yes, I went there. Much more than Democrats or any other faction, Republicans get very offended and defensive when anyone speak badly about them or President Trump. Watch the news networks when a Republican is questioned, the narrator usually can not get a word in edge wise and they look very angry. This also applies to Black people. Other people must be careful with the words used. Just remember, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

On the lighter side, I want to mention one more thing. Imperial Plaza went to the Virginia Living Museum (the turnout was sparse) and it was wonderful. This was our second trip (we went last year) and new things were added. The legos display was beautiful and there is so much to see, especially for the kids. Of course I took a large amount of pictures and made another file on my computer for them. As a senior, it’s good to get out and enjoy the day. I can’t tell you how many days I have left or even be able to go on these outings. Enjoy yourself today because tomorrow is not promised. Then… be kind to your neighbors because you’ll never know when you’ll need them; also, insure your words are soft and sweet because you’ll never know when you’ll have to eat them. See ya!!!!