Monthly Archives: December 2020

Got To Find A Home

As of January twentieth, twenty twenty-one, where will ex-President Trump live? Is he welcomed in Florida at his club? The governor of New York and the mayor of New York City told him he is not welcomed there. Where will he live? Will there be a Trump Library like other ex-Presidents? As the old folks say, I guess I am a part of them now, ‘you made your bed so lie in it’. He has ostracized so many governors and mayors that they do not want him.

               The people that control the property at Mar-A-Lago have filed papers to not allow Trump to reside there. In 1998 Trump signed papers making staying at the club more than a week illegal because he wanted a tax write-off by making the residence a club. In the signed papers it is written that a person can not stay longer than a week and no more than three times a year. He has stayed there more than that.

               He told New York that he did not want to stay there because they were after him for his tax paperwork and more. This includes his kids and their families. There are still numerous lawsuits in play and is waiting for him to be out of office. Well, Florida and New York are out. California is out also because he told them they were not doing things right to control the fires. He wanted them to rake and sweep the forests to prevent the fires. California disagreed therefore he withheld funds to help them in their time of need (that was one reason but there is more).

               Maybe his supporters will let him live with one of them. They love him and will do anything he say, up to and including anything that is violent. Maybe by him living with them they will not worry about losing their job because of the pandemic and will be able to keep a roof over their heads. Maybe he can give them a little money to keep on keeping on. Nope, I must be delusional to think he would give someone money. He would want money from them.

               I guess going overseas is out also because he has alienated all our allies. I can not expect any country taking him in and that includes Russia. Why not Russia? He has outlived his usefulness to Putin and the Russian people. And, thinking about allies, Moscow Mitch, oops, Mitch McConnell may want to take Trump and his family in, but Mitch just accepted President-elect Biden. Personally, I would not trust nor believe McConnell for any reason. And, thinking about calling people names other than their own, it is ironic that Republicans are raising hell that a Democratic aide used a bad word toward them. That is something I have heard from the Republicans, especially the President, for over four years and the Republicans are silent about it.

               I know where Trump will get free living quarters…when the civil lawsuits are finalized and the courts have their say he will have his own private cell, members of his family as well as other people in his administration. Trump will make history again. He will be the first President that will be homeless and the first President that is taken from homelessness straight to jail. There are many crimes he has committed, and they are both federal and civil. He can, technically, escape the federal crimes but he can be and will be held accountable for the civil crimes.

               As the old song about the bole weevil stated ‘ got to find a home’. This President, soon to be ex-President, need a home before he is given a home behind bars that is paid for by the people he has scammed daily. It will be interesting to watch what happens as it occurs. It is reported he has said he will not vacate the White House. This way he will have a home sooner than he think. JAIL!

This Pandemic

Whether you want to believe it or not the pandemic is still with us and is, believe it or not, getting worst. Sure, a vaccine is on the horizon, but it is not here yet and exactly how it will be distributed have not been determined, so far. Even after the serum distribution start it will be a long while before most of us are in line to get it, maybe in the middle of next year.

               The thing that bother me most are the people that are still calling the pandemic, COVID-19, a hoax. There are people on death’s bed and doctors and nurses have given up on them. Some of the patient’s final words are that the virus is a hoax. There is no hope for them, physically or mentally. I was in Red Lobster and heard a man tell his wife that more people die from the flu than COVID-19. Really?

               Worst than that are the people that go to crowded bars, restaurants, clubs, parties (this includes private and family), rubbing shoulder to shoulder and a face mask is almost unheard of (the Red Lobster was almost empty). The people that does this truly do not care about themselves nor anyone else. Yet, they want this pandemic to be finished without them doing their part to stop it. All that these people want (the vast majority are young) is to party, to have life the way they had it before the pandemic, to do what they want to do when they want to do it.

               Everyone has their rights to privacy and to maintain their own body and life the way they want to do it. However, they do not have the right to endanger someone else life in the process. To contract the virus not only endangers my life but the life of the healthcare workers that are attempting to save the ill person’s life. It is the same as other professions, like the police, when a person is requested not to do a particular thing, the person say they have a right to do it and does it anyway. When things go wrong, they call for help to save them from the thing they were requested not to do therefore putting the professional’s life in jeopardy trying to save them.

               There have been fights, attempted murder, assaults, etc. because someone asked another person to wear a mask. People are heard saying they have a right not to wear a mask, the virus is a hoax, and they are young enough that it will not harm them as much. Most of these people have never been in the military because, in the military, you learn not only to follow orders but to be without things for the good of the whole. You do it without grumbling because you know it will not be forever.

               This pandemic will never end with people disregarding science and recommendations form experts in the medical field (non-political, of course). If everyone had done their part in attempting to stamp out this virus, schools would be safe and have in-school learning, everything else would be back to normal or almost normal and we would be looking toward what is coming next. Thanksgiving was a disaster, and we are almost back to square one.

               We are all suffering through this pandemic, whether you have COVID-19 or not, because life is not what it used to be and never will be. Those of you that call this a hoax, does not want to wear a mask and do not and those of you that whine about the slightest change in your life remember you are not helping the situation. When you get the virus, do not call the doctor call the mortician, because it is a hoax and doctors do not cure hoaxes.