Tag Archives: Putin

This and That

The voting is over, but the fireworks are just starting. 2024 should be interesting and that should go higher than a nuclear blast cloud. The past voting and the upcoming election should make everyone leery about paying a great amount of time viewing polls. This past election showed polls as being wrong because the polls had Republicans leading by, in most cases, a large margin and I see they mostly use anti-Biden polls. I, personally, am glad the polls were wrong, not only here in Virginia but across the United States. Although I am not female, I still have an opinion on abortion and I believe the woman should choose for herself, not someone telling her what she can or cannot do. That one issue influenced the election and made the polls wrong.

               Flipping to another political issue. Boebert. Did you hear about the congressional bill that was being debated and congresswoman Boebert objected to it because money was to go toward the illegal immigrants? The congressman that was presenting the bill had to explain to her in length that there was zero amount of money in the bill that is allocated toward immigrants. She still did not understand and then went on a rant about President Biden and what he was and was not doing. She consulted with a congressional aide and, low and behold, she only read a portion of the bill and assumed the rest. There are a few more like her and a couple that are worse.

               One of the largest issues that is on the burner are the two wars. This issue is so hot I really don’t want to touch it, but I must touch a small piece of it. I will only say what my feelings are and, I know, I will have people coming at me from both sides.

               I don’t like war (I’ve been there, done that) but there have always been wars. From the beginning until now. As for the Israel-Hamas War I believe Israel is justified for fighting after being attacked. I have a heavy heart for the hostages, but this is war. As far as destroying Gaza, my heart is twice as heavy, but the Palestinians are culpable. They do not want Israel to exist either, and they knew that tunnels were being dug underground (their homes, hospitals, and other buildings (on one television interview it could be heard) and they did not say or do anything about it. They can not cross the border for safety and that country is a semi-Arab country. Why? The Republicans are saying Biden is not doing enough especially by saying he wants a pause in the war, he did not say cease fire. Hamas does not respect either and they are very cruel. They cut off the head of women, children (including babies), and execute unarmed men/women. I must side with Israel. If someone hit me, why would people not expect me to hit back.

               The war in Ukraine has some of the same overtures. They were jumped and territory was occupied. Rumors are out about Putin being gravely ill and there are some saying he is dead; however, the war goes on. The Russians intentionally destroyed entire cities and targeted civilians and hospital. How many screamed about that? How many crowded protests were there? Why is there a call from the Republicans to defund them? Explain it to me as if I were a five-year-old.

               There is much, much more on my mind, not counting my personal problems. I don’t let much bother me because there isn’t much I can do about it except vote when the time comes.

Classified Material

I have handled classified material all through my military and civil service career, but I have never imagined anything like what is in the news today. I had both respect and fear of the material I was handling. Respect because I knew what it was, what it could do if the wrong eyes saw it and honored to be able to handle such sensitive material. I feared it because I knew if I mishandled it, lost it, or allowed the wrong eyes to see it I was in very big trouble and the trouble would come very quickly. I used to say, ‘they would dump me in a very deep hole, fill it in, and build a prison over me’. Evidently not so today.

               When the boxes of material were taken from the White House, when the ex-President was reluctantly leaving, I asked then how he was allowed to take the material or is it the law had changed. Eighteen months ago, the removal of classified material was known. Yet, people are acting like it is new news. A year after the material was taken Trump was asked for the return of the material. See-sawing back and forth through delay after delay got the government nowhere with just asking for the return of the material. In June a subpoena was issued for its return. Again, delay after delay resulted in just some of the material being returned, although his lawyers said that was all of it. Now the raid produced boxes of highly classified material. Surprise-surprise-surprise!

               In my civil servant job, when I handled classified correspondence, I had to be very careful. I signed for the material, took it where it had to go, stood there while the individual read it, they signed for it, I took it to a secure storage place, signed in and stored it. When it was time to destroy it, there was a strict procedure that had to be followed to the letter. I could not just flush it down the toilet. If I did not follow the rules to the letter, there would not be a warning nor a chance to delay nor a subpoena nor more than a year going past before I was in handcuffs. Oh, I get it. I am not an ex-President.

               I have said from day one, if I did anything remotely close to what Trump have done, I would have been in prison years ago serving a very long sentence. My leading question is, what was he going to do with that trove of classified material? I know Putin blackmailed people with material like that (he is ex-KGB). Was he trying to do something like that? Was he going to sell it for the money he needs? I guess we will never know. We can only speculate.

               The handling of classified material takes obvious precautions with harsh penalties if you miss the mark, regardless of who you are. There are people for Trump calling for the disbandment of the law enforcement agencies involved or just leaving him alone. I guess they are saying you and me must follow the law and/or rules but Trump does not. He is above the law. He was given time to return the material where-by anyone else would immediately be in jail for the slightest misstep.  Who said this world is fair?

Dirt Begets Dirt

I have often enough written that things never change. It simply repeats itself over, and over again. Where I write most of this is in (www.faithingodministries.net). I want to show it in this piece because it was on my mind and will not go away. I will concentrate on just one era in history and show how our era is almost the same for one particular individual.

               Look at Julius Caesar and his era. Julius Caesar was an emperor that was loved (depending on which history book you read) and, according to some, hated. He ruled an enormous empire that spanned many countries and continents. He ruled with an iron fist and was bathed in much glory. He had buildings and stadiums, around the Roman Empire, named after him. He had money with his likeness on it, which is mentioned in the Bible. He had everything imaginable, including many close friends. Most of these friends would stick by him through thick or thin and would do, as all under his control, his bidding with no questions asked. Some people under his control lost their life for him but, to Caesar, they were just fodder in his venture for greater status.

               As I look at this era I will focus on only one-person, ex-President Trump. According to whom you listen to, which periodical you read, which broadcast you tune to, etc. Trump wanted to be great, not like Caesar because I do not think he have read about him nor know much about him, like Putin or the Chinese leader or North Korean leader or anyone that is a dictator and wield enormous power (there are many).

               Trump amassed a large amount of people that wanted the same things he wanted but with him as their leader. Like Caesar, the people were loyal to him, and he would not accept anyone that was not loyal. These people, as of today would do anything for him, up to and including to kill. These people wanted him in his position forever. Some believe he is so great that some propose to have his picture on a piece of money. They even tried to have him on Mt. Rushmore. Is he Caesar?

               Putin escaped assignation attempts. He never let anyone get close to him and even have food tasters. He remembers what he and his associates did in the Russian Intelligence Service. But, getting back to Caesar, his best buddy got to him. Remember the phrase ‘et tu brute’? When Caesar was stabbed to death he hollered ‘you too Brutus’.

               We have seen in the January 6th Committee hearings the many Trump loyalists speak against him. A couple of the backstabbers are trying to soften their blows so that they can gain some future endeavor they have planned. Like Caesar, his close associates are doing him in. My belief, if you did not throw mud in the first place, you would never have to worry about mud being thrown at you.

               The world never changes except for the date, individual and situation. Of course, you cannot live in a shroud, shielding yourself from everything, but you can do good and not worry as much about being stabbed in the back. Dirt begets dirt.

Got To Find A Home

As of January twentieth, twenty twenty-one, where will ex-President Trump live? Is he welcomed in Florida at his club? The governor of New York and the mayor of New York City told him he is not welcomed there. Where will he live? Will there be a Trump Library like other ex-Presidents? As the old folks say, I guess I am a part of them now, ‘you made your bed so lie in it’. He has ostracized so many governors and mayors that they do not want him.

               The people that control the property at Mar-A-Lago have filed papers to not allow Trump to reside there. In 1998 Trump signed papers making staying at the club more than a week illegal because he wanted a tax write-off by making the residence a club. In the signed papers it is written that a person can not stay longer than a week and no more than three times a year. He has stayed there more than that.

               He told New York that he did not want to stay there because they were after him for his tax paperwork and more. This includes his kids and their families. There are still numerous lawsuits in play and is waiting for him to be out of office. Well, Florida and New York are out. California is out also because he told them they were not doing things right to control the fires. He wanted them to rake and sweep the forests to prevent the fires. California disagreed therefore he withheld funds to help them in their time of need (that was one reason but there is more).

               Maybe his supporters will let him live with one of them. They love him and will do anything he say, up to and including anything that is violent. Maybe by him living with them they will not worry about losing their job because of the pandemic and will be able to keep a roof over their heads. Maybe he can give them a little money to keep on keeping on. Nope, I must be delusional to think he would give someone money. He would want money from them.

               I guess going overseas is out also because he has alienated all our allies. I can not expect any country taking him in and that includes Russia. Why not Russia? He has outlived his usefulness to Putin and the Russian people. And, thinking about allies, Moscow Mitch, oops, Mitch McConnell may want to take Trump and his family in, but Mitch just accepted President-elect Biden. Personally, I would not trust nor believe McConnell for any reason. And, thinking about calling people names other than their own, it is ironic that Republicans are raising hell that a Democratic aide used a bad word toward them. That is something I have heard from the Republicans, especially the President, for over four years and the Republicans are silent about it.

               I know where Trump will get free living quarters…when the civil lawsuits are finalized and the courts have their say he will have his own private cell, members of his family as well as other people in his administration. Trump will make history again. He will be the first President that will be homeless and the first President that is taken from homelessness straight to jail. There are many crimes he has committed, and they are both federal and civil. He can, technically, escape the federal crimes but he can be and will be held accountable for the civil crimes.

               As the old song about the bole weevil stated ‘ got to find a home’. This President, soon to be ex-President, need a home before he is given a home behind bars that is paid for by the people he has scammed daily. It will be interesting to watch what happens as it occurs. It is reported he has said he will not vacate the White House. This way he will have a home sooner than he think. JAIL!

Russia, Oh Russia

The other day I read an article that talked about Putin and Russia. I had forgotten about Russia because I was detracted by this pandemic. But I really have not forgotten about Russia because our President love him so much and is trying to be just like him. If you look at what is happening in Russia and what is happening in the USA and you will see little difference. The only real difference is Putin have been in office an exceedingly long time and I do not see him leaving office anytime soon. Our President want to be in office an exceptionally long time also, but he is old. I heard a whisper that he wants his son to take over like what happened in North Korea.

               Russia not only have a bad case of COVID that is still spreading but Putin himself is still governing from his bunker via teleconferencing. Remember, our President started to do this when the marches started. Humm! Russia have troops spread out in a few outlying countries because of uprisings and other things. They are trying to cope but is slowly losing their hold. Therefore, because of these things and a few more, Putin’s approval rating have dropped with only the seniors holding him up. As here, the younger generation is massing against him, not only in Russia but in Russian controlled provinces too.

               Putin’s opposition is trying hard suppressing of the vote and is making headway. That is why there is a rash of opposition murder and harassment. The administration has attempted voter suppression everywhere and now the supporters have attempted kidnapping which would have ended in murder, according to news reports. What we have that Russia do not have is armed militia marching with the blessing of our President and his cult-like followers/enablers.

               Like here in the USA, Russia’s economy is tanking, thanks to the pandemic, and the end is not in sight. More people that have money to burn are going bankrupt and that is an unheard-of thing in Russia. Normally people with money is closely tied to the Kremlin and they can continue to steal more money from many sources. Putin himself is sweating this because it may go back to the old days of bread lines.

               Our President loves Putin and if he is allowed another term and then do what his love is doing, we will be in bread lines also (are the food give-away lines the same?). We are already hated by everyone around the world and when we cannot do anything for ourselves, they will pounce, and the USA will be no more. One thing I can say, both Russia and the USA is being overwhelmed with COVID because of their actions/inactions. Both countries have conflicts outside the country. Both countries have a President that is disliked (Putin’s approval rating has dropped dramatically). And, both countries have a President that is attempting to get rid of the opposition.

               Russia and the USA have never been more alike than now. Us Americans have a better chance to correct our situation than Russia because you can get away with murder in Russia but have a good chance of getting caught in the USA. Our one and only way to begin to correct our situation is to vote. Do not think things will work out and you are not needed. VOTE! Vote and give all of us a chance to get back to normalcy. It will not if you do not VOTE and vote in-person and early if you can. Only trust the mail if there is no other way around it. Either way, VOTE.   


When you think things cannot get any worse, they do. Never believe your situation is as bad as it can get because there is always someone that have it worse than you. When I was stationed in Thailand, during the Viet Nam war, I was a dog handler and was informed the Viet Cong had a bounty on our lives. There was a bounty on the life of the dog handler and a larger bounty on the life of the dog. Why? It was almost impossible for them to penetrate the base perimeter with the dog teams deployed to protect the base. That made us dog teams extra alert and, while I was there, there was not one base penetration or loss of life although they tried.
I am thankful we were informed about the bounty because to not have known could have meant loss of life, my life. To have a Commander-in-Chief knowing there is a bounty on the lives of our military, not raising hell about it, and loving up to the enemy that placed that bounty is disturbing. This only says to me that the military life means nothing to the Commander-in-Chief and make me wonder why we call him that. Make me wonder why we fight for him, put our lives in danger for him and the country, when he doesn’t love us but loves the enemy more.
There have been many traitors in every conflict the United States have encountered but it has never been from the top. These are troubled times. Not only does the people fight in-country turmoil but those in the military have to not only concentrate on their duty and attempt to save their life but wonder if the orders given to them are valid and it is not aiding the enemy.
All of us that have worn the uniform and those that are presently in uniform depend on our commanders to have our best interests in mind. We know that they would never intentionally do anything that could bring us harm, or do they? We also knew that they would tell us anything and everything that would help get the mission completed and prevent the loss of life, or is that still true?
The Russians have never been our friend. They have always been our enemy and history bears that out. Trying to get along with them is one thing but to love them and trust them is another thing. Putin can never be trusted. He has tried everything he can to disrupt everything in every country. And, being ex-KGB, knows every trick in the book. I cannot respect a Commander-in-Chief that will publicly show love for this enemy and will do his bidding. I cannot respect a Commander-in-Chief that is willing to sacrifice his military because he is loyal to and love the enemy.
This Commander-in-Chief have bowed to every dictator in the world and I cannot think of any that love the United States of America. Like our Commander-in-Chief, they only think of themselves and not their people. They eat and drink good, party and live good while their people are very poor and are dying. They, as so our President, want it all and want to be glorified. The only difference is the other countries care for their military and our Commander-in-Chief does not.