Tag Archives: dictator

Immigration Again

I attempted to post my latest Facebook page here, but I could not find a way. Maybe I am not computer literate enough. If you really want to see exactly why I am writing this go to my Facebook page (Robert Threatt) and see the Leviticus entry. It should be the one below this on the page.

               The conversation was about migrants and the responses were between me and MacDonald. He disagreed with my view about migrants, and he is hotly against migrants entering ,this country. He calls them ‘illegals’ and I disagree because the ones he is talking about did not sneak into this country but were let in until they can be evaluated. Those that pass the review can stay and those that cannot will eventually be deported. Many are deported and it makes little news but if you dig hard enough you will find a mention or two about it.

               He also mentioned the crime that is being done by the ‘illegals’ in his area. That may be true, however, there is crime committed everywhere and the great majority is committed by non-migrants. He failed to mention the number of times ‘hate’ crime is committed, not only to ‘illegals’, but to Americans that are Hispanic and thought to be an illegal. Don’t just look at one side, look at both and compare. Don’t look at your immediate area but compare it from everywhere and see the politics behind it.

               It is said the Biden administration is not doing enough to stem the flow of people at our border. I say he is trying but his hands are tied. Congress (the Democrats) have bills ready to be voted on to start having more control on the border, but the other side (the Republicans) will not consider it nor let it be put to a vote because ex-president Trump said it would hurt his chance to be re-elected.

               Getting to that, ex-president Trump said he did not want the border bought under control until he can get into office again and he would be a dictator to harm those against him. There is nothing President Biden can do until he gets a bill on his desk to sign. How can he be at fault while the Republicans will not negotiate nor pass anything that will help the country? Yet he and the entire Democrat party is faulted in the name of politics while America suffers. When a Republican crosses the aisle to negotiate with a Democrat, the Republican party gets angry and want to oust the person. Nothing gets done and America suffers.

               Meanwhile, the migrant at the border goes on and will continue. I did not mention how jobs, that we Americans do not want to do, migrants will do but most will not do them for fear of being deported or harmed by hateful people that do not want them here. Meanwhile laborers in our fields are absent, as well as our slaughterhouses, and many other jobs that are crying for help. Everywhere I go I see ‘help wanted’ signs.

               As I said at the beginning of this blog, go to my Facebook page and see what we were discussing. In my other blog (www.faithingodministries.net) I occasionally talk about immigration through the Bible. Check it out and click follow on that blog and this one. I would appreciate it.

Dirt Begets Dirt

I have often enough written that things never change. It simply repeats itself over, and over again. Where I write most of this is in (www.faithingodministries.net). I want to show it in this piece because it was on my mind and will not go away. I will concentrate on just one era in history and show how our era is almost the same for one particular individual.

               Look at Julius Caesar and his era. Julius Caesar was an emperor that was loved (depending on which history book you read) and, according to some, hated. He ruled an enormous empire that spanned many countries and continents. He ruled with an iron fist and was bathed in much glory. He had buildings and stadiums, around the Roman Empire, named after him. He had money with his likeness on it, which is mentioned in the Bible. He had everything imaginable, including many close friends. Most of these friends would stick by him through thick or thin and would do, as all under his control, his bidding with no questions asked. Some people under his control lost their life for him but, to Caesar, they were just fodder in his venture for greater status.

               As I look at this era I will focus on only one-person, ex-President Trump. According to whom you listen to, which periodical you read, which broadcast you tune to, etc. Trump wanted to be great, not like Caesar because I do not think he have read about him nor know much about him, like Putin or the Chinese leader or North Korean leader or anyone that is a dictator and wield enormous power (there are many).

               Trump amassed a large amount of people that wanted the same things he wanted but with him as their leader. Like Caesar, the people were loyal to him, and he would not accept anyone that was not loyal. These people, as of today would do anything for him, up to and including to kill. These people wanted him in his position forever. Some believe he is so great that some propose to have his picture on a piece of money. They even tried to have him on Mt. Rushmore. Is he Caesar?

               Putin escaped assignation attempts. He never let anyone get close to him and even have food tasters. He remembers what he and his associates did in the Russian Intelligence Service. But, getting back to Caesar, his best buddy got to him. Remember the phrase ‘et tu brute’? When Caesar was stabbed to death he hollered ‘you too Brutus’.

               We have seen in the January 6th Committee hearings the many Trump loyalists speak against him. A couple of the backstabbers are trying to soften their blows so that they can gain some future endeavor they have planned. Like Caesar, his close associates are doing him in. My belief, if you did not throw mud in the first place, you would never have to worry about mud being thrown at you.

               The world never changes except for the date, individual and situation. Of course, you cannot live in a shroud, shielding yourself from everything, but you can do good and not worry as much about being stabbed in the back. Dirt begets dirt.

Our Government

Does our government do everything it is supposed to do? No. Both sides are fighting each other. When one side say ‘yes’, the other side say ‘no’, and vice versa. Does our government provide everything it is supposed to provide? No. Again, when one side try to provide what it can and propose a bill to do it, the other side is against it simply (as I see it) because they did not propose it and will not receive the credit for it. Even when their constituents benefit from the proposed bill, they are against it.

               Around the world, other governments are going through the same thing. Politics gets in the way of progress for any society, and everybody lose. Here in the USA, things are getting worst and, as far as I can see, I do not see a light at the end of this long tunnel. Maybe it is still dark outside, and I can not tell it is the end of the tunnel. Or, maybe, there are more obstacles to jump over, and those obstacles are blocking the light at the end of the tunnel.

               The midterm elections are upon us, and it is assumed that Republicans will retake the government. It seems that the in-power party lose during the midterm election because the populace is angry that the in-power party have not moved fast enough to give them what they voted for. They do not care that the in-power party have been hamstrung from approving the bills they proposed to give the people what they want. They do not listen to the rhetoric, the untruths, from the other side. All that is known is they are not getting what they want, and they want to make them pay. They do not care that there are many things that they have gotten, all they see is they do not have their pet want.

               Politics is messed-up and is rife with politicians saying untruths, giving the runaround, and many other things that will make their side look good and the other side look bad. They will not tell you that the other side did something good nor will they vote a positive for a bill from the other side no matter that it is good for their constituents and/or it will help the world. They also have a ‘what is in it for me’ type of thinking. Most politicians are in politics because it will make them rich or richer.

               Yes, politics is messed up, but it is the only democratic thing we have for now. Personally, I do not want a dictatorship nor anything close to it. But, who or what do we have or put into place to watch the present government, keep them truthful and (here is the big one) dole out fair punishment for wrong doings? Everyone, including the populace, are for themselves and ‘be damned’ anyone else. There is not a thing in this world that is perfect but at least we can try and at least look out for our fellow man as we lookout for ourselves. By doing that, maybe we can have a better government.

A Dictator

There are many words I could use to describe our President. What a conundrum. However, the word I will use, among many I would like to use, and some are not printable, is ‘dictator’. Most of the time I use my on-line dictionary, mostly for spelling of words, for the meaning of a word. Dictator is a good word, or should I say, ‘wannabe dictator’? This is because he looks up to those that have acquired that position and thumbs his nose at those that governs over a democratic government that is overseen by the populace.

Dictator-noun: a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession.

Looking at our President’s early life and the life of his father’s, I see absolute control over everything and if that thing does not go the way he wants it or benefit him, make a change, legal or illegal. If anyone stand in the way or sound the alarm or mutter in some way that it is not right, get rid of the person, no matter the means and let an underling do it so that he is safe from being known as the person that did it.

To have absolute power all walls holding him back from doing whatever he wants to do must come down, no matter if it hurts his people and if it does not hurt him. Along with power must be the money and the money must come to him and only him. Every situation consists of power and money. Nothing else counts. Shoulder-to-shoulder with this is having the love of the people, his people. These people look upon him as a God and he can do no wrong, no matter what he does or say.

Other dictators came into power through democratic elections and remained because of the changes they made after getting into office. They then gathered the militia to trample all opposition against him and, most of all, controlled the voting and vote counting (most dictators get 90% or more votes to keep him in office).

The people that oppose him (dictator) will have the secret arm of the government to deal with. They are met on the streets by either the police, militia, or kidnappers. There will be groups of people that will mix in with legitimate protesters that will cause trouble so that the militia can accuse them of rioting and, therefore, be violently dispersed. Sound familiar?

Dictators, also, will not talk to the people unless they are either praising their own rule, being praised by others, and speaking untruths without any type of correction or come back. To the dictator, a lie is never told, a correction is never received, and his word is absolute. The more money he makes, the more money he wants. He must live the life of royalty while others starve and/or die, it is no matter to him. If there is a problem, it is not his to fix but for someone else to handle. If it is fixed, he will take credit and say he did a good job. If it can not be fixed, he will say someone else did a bad job.

We have a ‘wannabe’ dictator and his supporters are attempting to make it possible for him to achieve that goal. He can be stopped as other countries have stopped theirs. Do your part and vote. Vote as early as you can. Vote in-person if you can. Either way vote. We do not need a DICTATOR.

As I completed this piece the situation with the USPS (United States Postal Service) came to a head. This have been brewing for some time and is another controlled department that the dictator has at his bidding. This need to be stopped and can only be stopped by voting the ‘wannabe dictator’ out of office. If you can vote in person, do so. If not, vote by mail as early as possible. Do not wait and chance a vote not being counted. That is exactly what the ‘wannabe dictator’ want.


The Constitution

The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government. But the constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all.  George Washington

The first President of the United States had that to say about our constitution and that all people had an obligation to abide by its rules. He also said if something in it was not liked, the people could change it. Until it was changed, all people must adhere to its rules.  In other words, no person can disregard the constitution and do what they want to do.

Most people have not read the constitution, they only know a few key phrases. The key phrases that people know only pertain to what applies to them. The parts that pertain to them are only a few words of the entire clause. A few words versus the entire clause can, most of the time, give two completely different meanings. That is why legal interpretations go to The Supreme Court. Their word is final until overturned by later Supreme Court rulings.

If everyone did whatever they chose to do, there would not be a democracy and living conditions as we know it now. We would have either a king or dictator and complete lawlessness. I can not comprehend our Congressmen and women walking down the trail of being ruled by our enemies. To lose our democracy is to be ruled by whichever enemy get to us first.

Because of my age, my life has become short, it’s my grandkids and great grandkids that will live in the lawless society, if it happens. If what is happening to our executive, judicial and congressional officials do not change, our democracy is gone. The Romans went through it. Remember, The Fall of the Roman Empire? Looking back at all great ruling countries and they all fell at some point. Look at the British Empire and the Turkish, to name just two more. Our demise is coming but I don’t want to see it in my time on earth.

The founders of our constitution knew there will be people against it and people that attempt to tear it down or get around it. They gave us a starting point and left room for adding to it and to make changes. But what have not yet changed is that no one is above the law, it applies to everyone regardless their station in life. The stakes are high, and the time is now. We either accept what we get or legally fight for justice. That will ensure our future generations a strong democracy and only they can keep it and improve on it.

Currently, we have a very weak democracy and we are on the cusp of losing it. There is so much corruption and secret dealings that we will only know a fraction of the total. My only wish is that I could help, other than by voting, in some way. I must leave the fight for our democracy to the younger generation. I love my country but there are so many that only love themselves, country be damned. Remember, the constitution is for all of us.


What’s on My Mind

I am tired, very tired of this political mess that none of us are able to rid ourselves of. This three-ring circus would have never happened in the days of yore, which, by the way, was not too long ago. All of this not coming together and play fair have me wondering why we have an election at all (remember, our present President did not win the popular vote). We elect people to do our bidding and all they are willing to do is their own biddings. All of this will come to an end, with our government in taters and all I can see now is a fallen government. It’s like we are in a third world country.

Why I am talking about this is because of the misfiring of the intelligence committee. When the GOP had the majority for two years and had a show of questioning people, it came to sham questioning. I said ‘show’ because they (GOP) really didn’t want to find anything incriminating against anyone. It was all a show, and, at the same time, they tried to make the other side look like they were over zealous wanting what they wanted. I knew then that something was wrong and wondered why the constituents weren’t hollering bloody murder.

Now, the democrats are in power and have the leadership of the intelligence committee. They want to send transcripts to the Special Prosecutor. Seems reasonable to me but the GOP will not appoint people to the committee so that the committee can not send any transcripts to the Special Prosecutor. What in the ‘Sam Hill’ is going on? Is this any way for government to act? What is it that the GOP don’t want known? Are they protecting someone that they are afraid is going to be indicted if the documents are released?

I look back at what the GOP have done while being a ‘stooge’ for the President when there are three branches of government and they are one of the three. They rammed (confirmed) people through the committees that had no business in front of the committee in the first place, let alone being confirmed anyway. They are a shame to the world and most of them I would never vote for nor recommend for a vote, ever. I am ashamed to be a part of a country that act the way our government does. Yes, we are laughed at all over the world. It used to be that only other countries acted this way. We now have joined them, may have gotten a little lower.

I guess to really be like a third world country we must have a dictator. Oops, our President want to act like a dictator, and he have his party letting him say and do what he wants. I guess now, to be a true dictator, our military must roam the streets and shoot anyone that disagree with the dictator. The dictator must have secret assassins. Come shoot me, assassinate me because I don’t care if the world knows I don’t like our sham dictator. I would love to see the dictator and all his family and associates rot in jail. I would love to get my country back. I will have a drink, smoke a cigar and smile when that day come. What a day that will be. And, all the people that can not see all the ‘BS’ that the GOP is spreading all around should be jailed with the rest of the scum.