Tag Archives: politics

Immigration Again

I attempted to post my latest Facebook page here, but I could not find a way. Maybe I am not computer literate enough. If you really want to see exactly why I am writing this go to my Facebook page (Robert Threatt) and see the Leviticus entry. It should be the one below this on the page.

               The conversation was about migrants and the responses were between me and MacDonald. He disagreed with my view about migrants, and he is hotly against migrants entering ,this country. He calls them ‘illegals’ and I disagree because the ones he is talking about did not sneak into this country but were let in until they can be evaluated. Those that pass the review can stay and those that cannot will eventually be deported. Many are deported and it makes little news but if you dig hard enough you will find a mention or two about it.

               He also mentioned the crime that is being done by the ‘illegals’ in his area. That may be true, however, there is crime committed everywhere and the great majority is committed by non-migrants. He failed to mention the number of times ‘hate’ crime is committed, not only to ‘illegals’, but to Americans that are Hispanic and thought to be an illegal. Don’t just look at one side, look at both and compare. Don’t look at your immediate area but compare it from everywhere and see the politics behind it.

               It is said the Biden administration is not doing enough to stem the flow of people at our border. I say he is trying but his hands are tied. Congress (the Democrats) have bills ready to be voted on to start having more control on the border, but the other side (the Republicans) will not consider it nor let it be put to a vote because ex-president Trump said it would hurt his chance to be re-elected.

               Getting to that, ex-president Trump said he did not want the border bought under control until he can get into office again and he would be a dictator to harm those against him. There is nothing President Biden can do until he gets a bill on his desk to sign. How can he be at fault while the Republicans will not negotiate nor pass anything that will help the country? Yet he and the entire Democrat party is faulted in the name of politics while America suffers. When a Republican crosses the aisle to negotiate with a Democrat, the Republican party gets angry and want to oust the person. Nothing gets done and America suffers.

               Meanwhile, the migrant at the border goes on and will continue. I did not mention how jobs, that we Americans do not want to do, migrants will do but most will not do them for fear of being deported or harmed by hateful people that do not want them here. Meanwhile laborers in our fields are absent, as well as our slaughterhouses, and many other jobs that are crying for help. Everywhere I go I see ‘help wanted’ signs.

               As I said at the beginning of this blog, go to my Facebook page and see what we were discussing. In my other blog (www.faithingodministries.net) I occasionally talk about immigration through the Bible. Check it out and click follow on that blog and this one. I would appreciate it.

Burn Baby Burn

Every day looks gloomier, and gloomier when you look at the world of politics. I guess I am looking for a country set in a world of utopia but, as I wrote in a previous blog, there is no such thing as utopia. There will always be mistakes, miscalculations, and the inevitable upper crust people greed. Greed is one thing but being overly greedy is too much for me. However, there are those that are mindless about all of this and want the rest of us to fall into the same fire that has engulfed them.

               I am thinking about all the problems our country is mired in and there seems to be no end to any of this. Especially when there is a faction that wants to unravel what is good and decent and only wants to cause discontent. When you add the craziness of some of these people into the mix, there is nothing but chaos and either nothing gets done or there is a slowdown of everything. Then again you add into the mix liars that are only out to destroy everything.

               There are many things on the table that need to be resolved including the abortion issue, the Supreme Court issue, our conflict with China, Russia and, in minor form, some other countries. Add in humanitarian aid to several countries and aid to many states in this country. There is still a big border problem which is not going to go away any time soon. Yet, there is a blockage in Congress to get the money to resolve some of this plus we have the upcoming debt ceiling deadline.

               Thinking about the upcoming debt ceiling deadline, I cannot see why Republicans want to cut money to our military, especially VA (Veteran Administration) hospitals, when they have said they wouldn’t. They want to cut employees from the VA as well as funding. How can we care for our injured vets (we can barely do it now) with fewer personnel and less money? Who would want to join our military knowing that if they get injured care is not a priority?

               Looking again at the Supreme Court and I see a court I would not want to handle my case, if I had one, because I would know they will decide on which way the money, politics, and friendship flow. This is the highest court in the country, and it is so tainted that being corrupt is the lowest I can think of without using a cuss word.

               The country is on fire, and we are all burning in the flames that are thrown in our direction. As the perpetrators of this mess will burn in hell for continuing to cause this, those that condone this mess and are attempting to drag others into this mess will burn also. I wrote about this in my other blog www.faithingodministries.net and I see it all coming true. The devil needs more fuel for his fires, and we are supplying it. Souls will add to the fuel, and I do not want any part of it. There is so much more I could write but I do not want to write a book. We all will burn because of this fiasco. Burn, baby, burn.

Rotten Apples

When I was a child, my mother taught and said many things. I do not know if my mother and grandmother knew that their words were lessons to be able to deal with life when I go out on my own. They taught a lot through metaphors and one of them was ‘one rotten apple spoils the barrel’. I didn’t know what that meant then, but I well know now and they were right.

               For my non-American readers, and others, I will give a short background to where that saying come from. Back in the day, most items were stored in barrels and transported in barrels. It was common to pick out the rotten or getting close to be rotten fruit out of the barrel because it would cause the entire barrel to rot.

               Another headline was in the news, seven people (law enforcement) had a shackled and handcuffed man face down on the floor and they were on his back. He died and they are in deep trouble as they await, in orange jumpsuits, the outcome of the justice system. It has happened so many times that it is almost a back page article, not a headline.

               The same analogy can be said about almost anything, especially politics. It only takes on rotten congressman to taint the congressional body. There have been many rotten apples in congress for a long time. However, I think there are more today than usual. I could name people but I am sure I will miss many people that should be named along with the others. There are undercover apples that are rotten from their core outward.

               Getting back to law enforcement, the majority of officers attempt to do their job correctly and with integrity. It is a shame that a few taint the wellbeing and good deeds of the majority. When I was among them, I knew a few and have seen their conduct, however, there truly is a ‘blue wall of silence’. Why is it hush-hush when the right thing to do is report it? 1) you do not know how high the rot have spread and you could be speaking with an accomplice. 2) you will find yourself, most times, alone in everything you do. There will not be any association with you in any manner. 3) you could accidentally die. This has happened in the past and will happen again. 4) the command tier don’t want transparency, they want to deal with it themselves to keep their names clean.

               Keep in mind, rotten apples are everywhere, in every thing we do and see. The problem is recognizing the rot before you are caught-up in it and become tainted also. Remember not to be naive because you will never know how high the rot goes or who is becoming tainted. We had a President that tainted everything he touched. In this case, the rot trickled downward, not upward.

               There is another problem. If you were able to pick out all the rot in whatever agency, where would you get replacements that do not have a rotten spot? Look out for the rot.

My Business Card

Many things go through my mind but, as usual after watching my favorite news channels, I decided to blowout my mind to clear all the mess it has absorbed. The one thing that stands out is most people engage their tongues before their mind have thought it through. A rampant, out of control person is more dangerous than a person that is mindless. A thoughtless, mindless person is very dangerous and can, not only harm them, but can harm others.

               Maybe some of you have seen my Facebook page and have noticed what I have on the back of my business card. I have had that saying for over fifty years and do not know where it come from. All I remember is I saw it one day, remembered it, and have attempted to apply it as much as I can. Being human, I have failed a few times but, overall, I have applied it. The rear of my business card says “Be kind to your neighbors because you’ll never know when you’ll need them. Also, ensure your words are soft and sweet because you’ll never know when you’ll have to eat them”.

               Why am I saying this? First let me start with President Biden. He has made a few minor hiccups in his time and so has others. The one that standout the most is his Saudi Arabia hiccup. When the Arabian man was murdered, he blamed the Crown Prince for it and called him a terrorist. Now he is rubbing shoulders with the so-called murderer. My guess, for that reason, is not only unity of the Mideast but, as I wrote in a blog a long, long time ago, the oil. Get the price down and pump more of it.

               While on the campaign trail, he also promised many things. He not only did not consider the stiff resistance of the GOP but he, as well as everyone else, never thought that one or two of his own party would resist him and the party. I, as a civilian, can promise something and nothing much would come of it. But in politics everyone, especially the other party, clamps down on every promise and will make him pay dearly if he fails. That is a big deal in today’s politics.

               Let us look at Trump (Yes, I know. Don’t roll your eyes). He always misspeaks and lie. The biggest problem with him is he does not care and will speak badly to a person or about a person because that person did not do as he said or is not a part of his huge click. I think he is finally seeing the people he treated badly is badly needed now. He was not kind to anyone but his family. They are the only ones that know exactly what went on, that are sticking by him. Or are they? I don’t know what is coming.

               I have mentioned two individuals, but everyone should try to abide by the saying on the rear of my business card. One day, what you said some time ago will come back to bite you in your rear end. Once your tongue puts out what you did not mean to say, it is too late. The only thing to do is in the future ensure your words are soft and sweet. You do not want that chunk out of your rear end to be huge.  

Politics, Politics, Politics

Seems as though two things I wrote about some time ago is coming true. I am not a prophet or a fortune teller, I just call it as I see it. There are times I am wrong but this time I called it right. The news of the day is about release of the first draft of the Supreme Court’s decision on abortion. This is an unusual case and it have not happened before. All Supreme Court decisions are kept in secrecy until the final ruling.

               My thoughts on the release of the document are that it is unlawful. Whether the release is illegal enough to go to court and the guilty person spend some time in jail is for the lawyers and courts to decide. I am not a lawyer. I am a clear minded person giving my opinion about a subject that does not affect me but effects members of my family and the populace as a whole.

               I do not understand how any man can make rules on a woman’s body. They say it is not about the body, but it is about the life of a child. I read a quip from a social media post that went something like this…tie a woman’s tubes and save one child but give one man a vasectomy and save many children. Many men have concerns about alimony and payment for children. The men make the children but don’t want to pay or care for them (nor does Congress). It is fact that people that want to do away with the Roe v Wade ruling are in the minority. Then there are those that are in the minority that are there because of their political party. That is a hell of a reason. This should not be political; it should be only between the woman and her doctor.

               I said that the new makeup of the Supreme Court will have bad repercussions and the new (one is not new) people lied during vetting. They are not worthy of being on the Supreme Court and their qualifications are suspect at best. They were put on the court to do the will of a political party. That is not a separation of the three parts of the federal government.

               When everything else is said and done there is the conflict-of-interest issue. In this case I will call it ‘bedroom whispers’. When a bed partner is a hard core whatever and is for or against a particular subject and the other person is a justice that is preparing to make an important ruling on that subject, the justice should recuse themselves. I never thought this justice should have been selected for the Supreme Court.  However, politics stood in the way of a more qualified, honest person.

               Politics have messed up quite a few things and it is not finished yet. I believe this is only the beginning. I have mentioned before that the book ‘The Rise and Fall of The Roman Empire’ shows what is happening here. All great nations have risen and fell and so will we. We are slowly on our way out and this fight at the Supreme Court, with its political influence, is only the beginning. I am afraid we cannot stop it.

Our Government

Does our government do everything it is supposed to do? No. Both sides are fighting each other. When one side say ‘yes’, the other side say ‘no’, and vice versa. Does our government provide everything it is supposed to provide? No. Again, when one side try to provide what it can and propose a bill to do it, the other side is against it simply (as I see it) because they did not propose it and will not receive the credit for it. Even when their constituents benefit from the proposed bill, they are against it.

               Around the world, other governments are going through the same thing. Politics gets in the way of progress for any society, and everybody lose. Here in the USA, things are getting worst and, as far as I can see, I do not see a light at the end of this long tunnel. Maybe it is still dark outside, and I can not tell it is the end of the tunnel. Or, maybe, there are more obstacles to jump over, and those obstacles are blocking the light at the end of the tunnel.

               The midterm elections are upon us, and it is assumed that Republicans will retake the government. It seems that the in-power party lose during the midterm election because the populace is angry that the in-power party have not moved fast enough to give them what they voted for. They do not care that the in-power party have been hamstrung from approving the bills they proposed to give the people what they want. They do not listen to the rhetoric, the untruths, from the other side. All that is known is they are not getting what they want, and they want to make them pay. They do not care that there are many things that they have gotten, all they see is they do not have their pet want.

               Politics is messed-up and is rife with politicians saying untruths, giving the runaround, and many other things that will make their side look good and the other side look bad. They will not tell you that the other side did something good nor will they vote a positive for a bill from the other side no matter that it is good for their constituents and/or it will help the world. They also have a ‘what is in it for me’ type of thinking. Most politicians are in politics because it will make them rich or richer.

               Yes, politics is messed up, but it is the only democratic thing we have for now. Personally, I do not want a dictatorship nor anything close to it. But, who or what do we have or put into place to watch the present government, keep them truthful and (here is the big one) dole out fair punishment for wrong doings? Everyone, including the populace, are for themselves and ‘be damned’ anyone else. There is not a thing in this world that is perfect but at least we can try and at least look out for our fellow man as we lookout for ourselves. By doing that, maybe we can have a better government.

Just Thinking

Thinking about the future, especially the upcoming months, the upcoming years, I cringe. I know I will make it through, one way or another and I don’t have too many more years of life left but what about the family? The young ones. What will the future look like for them? I don’t know about your family, but my family is not thinking about anything in the future. They do not have any idea what may come, nor do they care. Most young people only think about the here and now. Never tomorrow. Let tomorrow take care of itself.

I am thinking about what is happening in politics. Anything and everything can happen in politics that will have an effect for many years to come. Then there is climate change. The earth has always been in some sort of change and now is no different. I care not that it is called climate warming, climate cooling or whatever the name experts can call it, the earth is and will change. I care not that the President or his people or anyone else say there is no climate change, that is their opinion and they are entitled to it. Then there are the forest fires. Too many to count and they are everywhere. The earthquakes and tornadoes and volcanoes and tsunamis and rising waters and…

I, for a long time, wanted to live on one of the Caribbean islands until storms started tearing them apart. I changed my mind and realized that when a storm hit there isn’t a place to go. Plus, the coral reefs are dying, and the oceans are rising. At least, on the mainland, I can attempt to run somewhere. The islands are beautiful now and most have weathered the storms well but what about five years from now, ten years, twenty years from now? I may not be here to see it but the young saying the earth is not changing will.

Weather during my childhood in Virginia is nothing like now. The first time I saw a tornado I was in a military school in the late ‘60s. Now, in Virginia, it is not unusual to have a few per year, something I have never heard of during my childhood. Earthquakes are on the rise in Virginia. That is another thing that I didn’t know about during my childhood. Yet, my government say nothing have changed. I guess they think I am stupid and will believe everything they tell me.

That was a little, very little, peek into what have been on my mind and I have not gotten into politics. This week I’ll leave it alone because to write what is on my mind will take a couple of pages. Politics is also one of the biggest things that is changing the world. I, personally, do not sway to one side or the other. I go for whom I believe is better than the other or who is the better of two evils. So, I will not go further except to say we may be in another war soon.

I won’t be here when the stuff hit the fan (unless it will be soon) and there isn’t a thing I can do for the family I leave behind. The world has been here a very long time but at many different stages of climate and solid earth conditions. Be prepared because it is coming, and you can’t stop it.

The Constitution

The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government. But the constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all.  George Washington

The first President of the United States had that to say about our constitution and that all people had an obligation to abide by its rules. He also said if something in it was not liked, the people could change it. Until it was changed, all people must adhere to its rules.  In other words, no person can disregard the constitution and do what they want to do.

Most people have not read the constitution, they only know a few key phrases. The key phrases that people know only pertain to what applies to them. The parts that pertain to them are only a few words of the entire clause. A few words versus the entire clause can, most of the time, give two completely different meanings. That is why legal interpretations go to The Supreme Court. Their word is final until overturned by later Supreme Court rulings.

If everyone did whatever they chose to do, there would not be a democracy and living conditions as we know it now. We would have either a king or dictator and complete lawlessness. I can not comprehend our Congressmen and women walking down the trail of being ruled by our enemies. To lose our democracy is to be ruled by whichever enemy get to us first.

Because of my age, my life has become short, it’s my grandkids and great grandkids that will live in the lawless society, if it happens. If what is happening to our executive, judicial and congressional officials do not change, our democracy is gone. The Romans went through it. Remember, The Fall of the Roman Empire? Looking back at all great ruling countries and they all fell at some point. Look at the British Empire and the Turkish, to name just two more. Our demise is coming but I don’t want to see it in my time on earth.

The founders of our constitution knew there will be people against it and people that attempt to tear it down or get around it. They gave us a starting point and left room for adding to it and to make changes. But what have not yet changed is that no one is above the law, it applies to everyone regardless their station in life. The stakes are high, and the time is now. We either accept what we get or legally fight for justice. That will ensure our future generations a strong democracy and only they can keep it and improve on it.

Currently, we have a very weak democracy and we are on the cusp of losing it. There is so much corruption and secret dealings that we will only know a fraction of the total. My only wish is that I could help, other than by voting, in some way. I must leave the fight for our democracy to the younger generation. I love my country but there are so many that only love themselves, country be damned. Remember, the constitution is for all of us.


Kiddie Korner

In this week’s blog there will be metaphors for a few things that is happening in politics. Some will agree with me and some will disagree, so be it. For a long time there have been a phrase uttered about the people in the White House (children’s zoo) that, if you metaphorically look at it, it is, some would say funny and, some would say true. Maybe it’s both, I have my own opinion about the entire thing. The way I will put this, it’ all like children playing or acting out.

The Speaker of The House told the President of The United States that he could not give the State of The Union address because of security concerns. Because of the government shut-down the usual security is too thin and what is left cannot protect all the important members of every branch of government that will all be in one place. The response is the Speaker of The House and her delegation cannot use a government plane for a trip. That is like two kids playing marbles and one kid gets mad and take the marbles and go home. Then, to get even, say ‘I’m gonna tell on you’. The President spilled the classified travel details before anyone could take another plane.

Then there is “whack-a-mole”. No one have contact with the special prosecutor. No one either speak with him, know where he is or where he is going or what he is going to do. The media and the administration are so used to knowing everything about everyone, to be able to whack them down if they seem to get to high, that the prosecutor perplexes them. They keep trying to out think him and his team just to find out they are wrong.

Then there is the game I played when I was in school. The teacher would whisper something in the first student’s ear. By the time it gets to the last student, what the teacher whispered is completely different. That is similar to what the President and his lawyer is doing, or it seems so. Something would be released to the media and almost immediately the President, his lawyer, and his administration will put their spin on it. How can such rubbish be believed when there is proof to the contrary?

Have you ever asked your child if they have completed a task and later see them hurrying to complete it before you find out they didn’t? The President just made an appearance at a combat zone base because there has been criticism for not doing it. Some military people have done three or more tours in combat zones with the Commander in Chief making one in two years (bone spurs?).

There is more, however, but I will leave it here, I don’t want to madden people more than they are already. I know I anger people because I speak badly about the President and the no experience administration, but I don’t care because everyone has their own opinion, and this is mine. And, I wrote no experience administration because most people hired by the President are hired because they agree with him not because they are experts, they are not.

Anyway, have fun in the ‘kiddie korner’ and keep your fingers crossed that things will eventually straighten itself out and get back to an even keel. Any writing suggestions, contact me. Don’t forget to read my other blog at www.faithingodministries.net and pass it and this on. I need many more viewers to continue writing the blogs, they cost too much for the number of readers that I have.


Retirement vs Politics

Coco Cay, Bahamas

My blog is suppose to be about retirement/seniors but it is mostly political simply because of the toxic atmosphere caused by the present political personnel. However, do not take the political atmospheric conditions as meaning it does not have anything to do with retirees or their tranquil lives. The retiree’s life is anything but tranquil knowing the storms from hell are approaching (new laws or discontinued laws) and hidden dangers are everywhere. Us retirees are being cloaked from the true facts of the turmoil that is before us. There is an attempt to shield us from hearing facts, truths and seeing the cause and effect of political actions and utterances.

Because of these actions (a lot of inaction) we have been hoodwinked into believing that we are better than before and will be even better yet. Don’t be fooled, like the slight of hand, what you see is not really what you see. Some of the endeavors of our present government have come to fruition and the most of it does not look good. I will only list a tiny amount of things that have happened which have an affect on us seniors/retirees.

First, patient dumping. Employees were video recorded wheeling a patient wearing a hospital gown, socks and nothing else, to a bus stop in front of a hospital on a cold, windy night. They left the poor woman there. Don’t ask why. This have been going on for a while but people now believe it is okay because of the new administration. Another is the fact we have heads of agencies that are not qualified or have a conflict of interest because they are either against the agency they head or have had opposing dealings before. One fact in point, a woman heads an agency but now is backing a company to do contract work which have a direct money deal with her. Our tax money at work, straight to her pocket. The rich get richer and us poor people get poorer. One last point is how we teach our children, grandchildren about the brashness of using vulgar language. How to respect other people, no matter where they are from or who they are. Not so for our President. He teach the usage of vulgar language and racist disrespect. So goes the President, so goes the USA. Don’t listen to grandpa or grandma, the President will show you and tell you the way to do it.

I am only saying one thing. Just because you are older now and think politics is a piece of the past, a thing you used to dabble in, think again. When your grand-kids tell you to ****. The President did it first. When you go to the hospital and your co-pay is more than you can afford and you get put out into the cold, the President said it is okay. When your roads and bridges or whatever is in disrepair but your tax bill keep getting higher, remember the President put that incompetent person in charge.

Politics is something we all should have a say about and keep saying it loudly. Because you are retired does not mean you give up on your rights or give up on life.

Lastly, I recently attended a commemoration of Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. There were many non-residents in attendance in the Imperial Plaza’s auditorium which contrasted the poor turn out of the Imperial Plaza’s residents. There is a large Black community among the four buildings but, as usual, there was a very poor turnout of Black people for the program. The Black Mayor (Richmond) and Black Police Chief (Richmond) was in attendance and spoke to many people. Many Army personnel from Fort Lee were there and that reminded me that many people don’t realize a Black History fact. Afro-Americans have participated in every war and/or conflict there ever was in and for the USA including The Revolutionary War and both sides of The Civil War.

I have been getting a lot of hits and followers on this blog but, in case you don’t know, I have another blog at www.faithingodministries.net Hope you will also read and enjoy that blog. Let me know.