Monthly Archives: February 2019

Black History

I will hit upon, just a fraction, a topic that would take a book to cover. Black History. This is a topic that some would say there is just a little of because they are ignorant of or just don’t want to see the facts. I say this because for many, many decades other races have attempted to quench Black History, a history that goes to the beginning of mankind itself.

I’ll start with Lucy. You know, the oldest bones ever found, and the bones were found in Africa, a continent of Black people. But, let us go to Egypt where the Pharaohs were, and pyramids are. Egypt is on the continent of Africa, Black people. Therefore, the Pharaohs were Black as well as all the people. Moses was found floating in a basket and the Pharaoh reared him as his own and the people never knew any difference. Therefore, Moses had to have been Black. Moses was Jewish, and Jesus, King of the Jews, had to have been Black.

Everyone remembers Socrates and Plato, great men. Most people don’t know that they studied at Alexandria which is in Egypt, which is in Africa, a library that is still in operation today. That mean Black men and Black institutions taught these men, men that others say are greater than the teachers (I truly doubt that), in the oldest library still in existence today.

The Black people of Egypt were so good in math and other things that the Pyramids and other things still exist today. Building, mortuary, writing, and many other things were honed by Black people. They even dabbed in pharmaceuticals, some still used today (one is aspirin). These were not ignorant nor lazy people. Other races of people constantly call them dumb, ignorant, non-human, incapable of learning anything, and on and on and on. We are harming ourselves today and only a few is taking advantage the inherent heritage that is within Black people.

When you look at the modern people, there are many, many Black people that show the brilliance that was given freely to others for thousands of years. No one wanted to be with nor work with Black people although Black people normally gets the hardest, dirtiest work but the job gets done with perfection. Remember all the wars the USA have been in and Black people have always been there (Buffalo Soldiers, Tuskegee Airmen, to name only a couple). We had a President of the United States, although through eight years of office the Republican Party stated over and over that they will not work with or approve anything that he did, and I personally think he did a fantastic job with the opposition against him. Now they are undoing everything he did, whether good or bad, just because he got it pass Congress somehow.

Black people seldom get the credit they deserve when the credit is due. Most good accomplishments are claimed by someone other than the originator. I have seen a lot of credit given long after the person is dead, seldom to a living Black person. It is the same as giving flowers to someone that have died. I rather smell the flowers while I am alive, I can’t smell them when I am dead. It’s the same with Black History, let me read it or hear it now. Let me be proud of my forefathers now. Let us teach the children about our greatness now, later is too late, Black History is now.


What’s on My Mind

I am tired, very tired of this political mess that none of us are able to rid ourselves of. This three-ring circus would have never happened in the days of yore, which, by the way, was not too long ago. All of this not coming together and play fair have me wondering why we have an election at all (remember, our present President did not win the popular vote). We elect people to do our bidding and all they are willing to do is their own biddings. All of this will come to an end, with our government in taters and all I can see now is a fallen government. It’s like we are in a third world country.

Why I am talking about this is because of the misfiring of the intelligence committee. When the GOP had the majority for two years and had a show of questioning people, it came to sham questioning. I said ‘show’ because they (GOP) really didn’t want to find anything incriminating against anyone. It was all a show, and, at the same time, they tried to make the other side look like they were over zealous wanting what they wanted. I knew then that something was wrong and wondered why the constituents weren’t hollering bloody murder.

Now, the democrats are in power and have the leadership of the intelligence committee. They want to send transcripts to the Special Prosecutor. Seems reasonable to me but the GOP will not appoint people to the committee so that the committee can not send any transcripts to the Special Prosecutor. What in the ‘Sam Hill’ is going on? Is this any way for government to act? What is it that the GOP don’t want known? Are they protecting someone that they are afraid is going to be indicted if the documents are released?

I look back at what the GOP have done while being a ‘stooge’ for the President when there are three branches of government and they are one of the three. They rammed (confirmed) people through the committees that had no business in front of the committee in the first place, let alone being confirmed anyway. They are a shame to the world and most of them I would never vote for nor recommend for a vote, ever. I am ashamed to be a part of a country that act the way our government does. Yes, we are laughed at all over the world. It used to be that only other countries acted this way. We now have joined them, may have gotten a little lower.

I guess to really be like a third world country we must have a dictator. Oops, our President want to act like a dictator, and he have his party letting him say and do what he wants. I guess now, to be a true dictator, our military must roam the streets and shoot anyone that disagree with the dictator. The dictator must have secret assassins. Come shoot me, assassinate me because I don’t care if the world knows I don’t like our sham dictator. I would love to see the dictator and all his family and associates rot in jail. I would love to get my country back. I will have a drink, smoke a cigar and smile when that day come. What a day that will be. And, all the people that can not see all the ‘BS’ that the GOP is spreading all around should be jailed with the rest of the scum.