Monthly Archives: March 2023

Rotten Apples

When I was a child, my mother taught and said many things. I do not know if my mother and grandmother knew that their words were lessons to be able to deal with life when I go out on my own. They taught a lot through metaphors and one of them was ‘one rotten apple spoils the barrel’. I didn’t know what that meant then, but I well know now and they were right.

               For my non-American readers, and others, I will give a short background to where that saying come from. Back in the day, most items were stored in barrels and transported in barrels. It was common to pick out the rotten or getting close to be rotten fruit out of the barrel because it would cause the entire barrel to rot.

               Another headline was in the news, seven people (law enforcement) had a shackled and handcuffed man face down on the floor and they were on his back. He died and they are in deep trouble as they await, in orange jumpsuits, the outcome of the justice system. It has happened so many times that it is almost a back page article, not a headline.

               The same analogy can be said about almost anything, especially politics. It only takes on rotten congressman to taint the congressional body. There have been many rotten apples in congress for a long time. However, I think there are more today than usual. I could name people but I am sure I will miss many people that should be named along with the others. There are undercover apples that are rotten from their core outward.

               Getting back to law enforcement, the majority of officers attempt to do their job correctly and with integrity. It is a shame that a few taint the wellbeing and good deeds of the majority. When I was among them, I knew a few and have seen their conduct, however, there truly is a ‘blue wall of silence’. Why is it hush-hush when the right thing to do is report it? 1) you do not know how high the rot have spread and you could be speaking with an accomplice. 2) you will find yourself, most times, alone in everything you do. There will not be any association with you in any manner. 3) you could accidentally die. This has happened in the past and will happen again. 4) the command tier don’t want transparency, they want to deal with it themselves to keep their names clean.

               Keep in mind, rotten apples are everywhere, in every thing we do and see. The problem is recognizing the rot before you are caught-up in it and become tainted also. Remember not to be naive because you will never know how high the rot goes or who is becoming tainted. We had a President that tainted everything he touched. In this case, the rot trickled downward, not upward.

               There is another problem. If you were able to pick out all the rot in whatever agency, where would you get replacements that do not have a rotten spot? Look out for the rot.

Yes I Can

I am a loner. A strong statement but one that is true. I’ve found that staying to myself and keeping my thoughts to myself have taken me further than I thought I would go. Playing one side against the other and simply listening to what is said around me have given me insight into those that pretend they are my friend but is giving hints of attempted manipulation. Some attempts are under the table, softly spoken, and some are outwardly loud. I see them and most of the time I go along with them to meet my own end, but sometimes, when I feel it is necessary, I reject them.

               I was born during segregation and schooled under segregation going to an all-Black school. I used secondhand books with barely a whisper of Blacks mentioned in them. I learned Black history the way most Black people did, orally, the way it has been passed down for generations. As I read the hand-me-down books, I soon learned that much was left out, much was bull, and much was manipulated to the benefit of the White people.

               CRT theorist still does not want the learning of Black history and probably does not want a Black History month in which we tell our children about the accomplishments of Black people nor who they were and are. We were always told that we were incapable of doing anything, but that is untrue. We, as it was said back in the day, were to ‘get back’, meaning ‘get to the back of the bus’. Rosa Parks and others stood against that because they had enough of the BS.

               When I went into the military, I went primarily to beat the draft (I did not want the army, I wanted my own choice). I still could not get into what I wanted but it was still better than what I would have been in the army. I had been on the radio all of my high school years, but the military did not accept Blacks into any part of the communication services, including radio or tv (AFRTN).

               As an air policeman (later as a security policeman and I am not sure what they call it now), I was used as an augment for K-9 but could not formally be a K-9 handler because I was Black (this was whispered to me). I made a promise to myself to do it anyway and four years later I made it (this went well with me being a loner. Just me and my dog doing our thing). I went through much shunning, racial harassment, and I had to fight my way to the top of the K-9 field (I had to do more and know more than the average airman). I even made it to being a First Sergeant in the security field. Low rank equal low pay but I had my pride knowing I and others can do it as Blacks especially when told you can’t do it or that field is closed to you (remember the Tuskegee Airmen?).

               So, we have had the Black History month. With CRT theorist getting a stronger following, how many more Black History months will we have? When or how will people learn the true Black History? When will Black people stop being denied something because of their color? I will always say ‘yes I can’ and I did.