Monthly Archives: July 2023

I Am Not Stupid

I may be dumb, but I am not stupid. What do I mean? It’s an old saying meaning a person can tell you anything that pleases them, but you are not dumb enough to believe. You have a mind of your own and don’t need them to tell you what is or isn’t. What am I talking about?

               Senator Tommy Tuberville, Republican from Alabama, is a one-man-band holding up the promotions and nominations of hundreds, plus, of military people. Many, if not most, Congressmen will go to extremes to secure whatever bill or talking point that they are interested in. What Tuberville is doing is preventing crucial promotions to force the Pentagon to change a military rule/law. Promotions that are critical to the wellbeing of the military and its performance.

               Tuberville does not want the military to cover the travel and time off when military members must go out of state for an abortion. With his boycott, he is on the brink of disturbing the stability of the Joint-Chiefs-of-Staff because they serve for a certain length of time. Others must be promoted to the proper rank to take the position. Then there are the lower tiers of the military that have commanders that must be promoted to take the position. Withholding these promotions can harm the fighting capability of the military.

               I do not understand someone that is willingly harming our fighting forces at a time when we really must present a super strong military to the world. I understand why he is doing this, but I do not understand why he is continuing, knowing the damage being done. I do not understand the Republicans that will not lift a finger to help the Democrats to stop this. I also do not understand how so much power is given to one person that the entire Congressional body have their hands tied.

               I am not against him because he is a Republican, I am against him because the military is being harmed. This is an unnecessary tactic that can be handled in a different way. Now that Tuberville’s tactic is successful, what is coming next? Who else will use this as a tactic to get what he/she wants? Why do ‘we the people’ put up with this or do they even care? Do the ‘blackmailers’ think we are all stupid. I may be dumb, but I am not stupid.

               I see the handwriting on the wall. If one Congressman can do this to get what he wants, others will try it until it does not work anymore. That will put the screws on a lot of things that must be done to keep the government functioning. They must really believe that ‘we the people’ are dumb as well as stupid.

The Immigrant

I read a lot of news simply because I like to have different points of view while attempting to weed out misinformation and disinformation. In today’s media it is a hard thing to do, and most young people today get their news from one source on their phone or computer. There are many people that only read or hear one form of news (information) and believe everything to be factual and true. They will not fact check the source, nor do they want to hear anything on the other side of the story.

               The other day, just before the 4th of July Holiday, I listened to a short debate that has been ongoing for many years, about the first Thanksgiving and where it started. This made me think back to when I was in grade school and in one class, I was taught the first Thanksgiving was in a New England state (Massachusetts I think) but in another class I had to take Virginia history (I am from Virginia) and there I was taught it was in Jamestown, Virginia (the first permanent settlement). I really don’t know for sure because that happened more than three hundred years before my time. But the debate goes on and where it stops, no one knows.

               I said that to give you background into what a Congresswoman said during one of her speeches. She said we (the United States) should put all immigrants and those that are not wholly American out of the country. No exceptions allowed. That made my mind do flip-flops. First, we all are immigrants except for the Native Americans (American Indians). The United States was invaded by Europeans not by Native Americans. Europeans tricked, stole, and killed for this land. The Native Americans, at first, attempted to help the Europeans survive in this strange land and even taught them to raise their own food, etc.

               The Europeans bought in slaves (my ancestors) to do the work for them and even had other slaves and indentured servants (depending on the part of the country and era). The Europeans set up colonies (which became states) and a constitution to bolster their laws which were supposed to be for everyone. The laws applied to every European, all others were considered either non-human or below the Europeans.

               The way I see it is all people, except for the Native American, should get out because all other people are the immigrant. All peoples migrated all over the globe and settled where they thought they could safely live and prosper.  It is true that there are bad people among them but that is another subject that I have covered before and may cover again.

               So, I’ll say this, yes, my ancestors were immigrants and so was everyone else’s. The Native American is not and will never be an immigrant and that Congresswoman should be the first person on a plane or ship out of here. Words hurt especially if you don’t know your history. We are one and have travelled this earth, going to better places, for thousands of years. This is a beautiful place, and we are trying hard to bring it down and make it ugly.