Monthly Archives: June 2019

Looking Back

It is difficult to understand the reasoning, exploited by some people, to wrap themselves in the past. They constantly talk about the past as if it was in the present tense, conduct themselves the way they acted in the past, and never realizing the present conversation is about the present. There are many people like this, and most are senile. Situations like this is fine if you are talking about past adventures, situations or studying history. But, to constantly seek the past, especially in conversation or mindfulness, is another. Counselling help is needed.

However, the other side of the coin is a little tougher for most to understand. In trying to understand this, most people take it too far and read into it more than is there. This is where you must know the past, understand it and attempt to not repeat it (unless it is good). People should take the past into consideration when attempting to do something new. In other words, tweak it a little bit so as not to make the same mistake again. Seems easy enough but some people cannot do it.

The President must think he is starting the 2016 campaign and he is running against Hillary  Clinton. Bringing up the e-mail situation, as if it is current, and the shouting about ‘lock her up’ is a campaign that is still in the past and he is running against an invisible person. That is someone that is in the past and will not appear again. He should be taking lessons learned and apply them to the present campaign. He should be taking lessons from past Presidents and apply them to his administration. He should be taking past policies and use them to accomplish a smooth-running administration. In this way, looking into the past can help.

Looking into the past is a good thing but to attempt to correct something that occurred many, many years ago is next to impossible. Reparation for Black slaves is another next to impossible. Looking back at the situation, learning from the situation and making sure it does not occur again is great but looking for a payment penalty should be unthinkable. There are many more important things the money can accomplish.

Think about the amount of money it would be to accomplish this. Then the problem is who will receive this money and how much? Then another agency will be formed to research this and dispense the money. In the meanwhile, the infrastructure, the economy, and a myriad of other things suffer from lack of attention and money. This is something that could have and should have been done in the 1800’s, not 200 years later.

Looking back is great and people can learn and progress from it. All that is needed is common sense, of which some people lack. Some people use looking back to gain attention while others jump onto the bandwagon hoping to gain some attention for themselves for selfish reasons. Let us all look back, learn from it, use it for purposeful things and then move on. Life is short. Wasting time on things that does not accomplish anything, but headlines, should be looked at harder.

Give Me The Old Days

I guess you can call me old, old timer, ancient, or all of it rolled into one. By this I mean, the way I think about children and the way they act (act out). There is not one shred of discipline to be found. I seem to be comparing children of today versus children of my growing days and before. Children of my day would never dream about acting out at any time. We were always on our best behavior, even at a very tender age, whether at home, in the neighborhood or out and about with our parents.

Everywhere I go I hear and see children acting out, having their way and not being mindful to adults (especially their parents). They get away with all sorts of things. Things I would never dream of doing in my childhood days. I would get that stare, or grunt, or a swift backhand. As a very young child, I learned all the signs that told me to settle down or suffer the consequences. I also learned that there were different levels of consequences. I did my best to avoid the worst of these. It would be painful, and I would always remember what I did and the punishment.

I was told that children should be seen and not heard. That was a rule that was enforced without my parents or another adult telling me twice. Another cardinal rule was that children should stay out of grown folks’ business. When adults were having a discussion, it was taboo to jump in and say what was on my mind (unless pacifically asked). If I was told to do something, it was paramount to do it without any hesitation or back-talk.

Corporal punishment was used, mostly, for extreme punishment, even in school. I am not talking about a swat or simple tap. I am talking about a slap, a beating that, most of the time, was well deserved for breaking one or more of the rules. These beating were well intentioned and today I remember some of them and I am a better person because of them. The beatings hurt, at the time, but all of them were good for me. I learned, respected the adults, showed respect, and gathered good manners.

Today’s children (and their parents) never learned these things. The children act out, scream and holler and will tell you ‘no’ at the drop of a hat. Call them, they will come if they want to or when they get around to it. They will run around a place, wild and unruly. I have talked to parents that will say their child don’t want this or that, or they must do this or that for the child because the child wants it. I have heard people say they can not or will not spank a child because it is not right (it’s now legally called child abuse).

I just wonder, who is rearing whom, the parents or the child? From what I see, the child is rearing itself, the parents just begot the child. This is one reason the child, as well as an adult, will become entangled with the justice system. They will become the adults that commit horrific crimes. These are the children that bully or commit horrific crimes as children and adults. These are the children that don’t display good manners, say whatever to whomever, don’t have any discipline, every other word they say is a cuss word, and is forever interacting with the justice system.

I could go on and on, but you can see what I am thinking about. Just hear around you (you don’t have to see them to know they are there) and know that your dinning out or shopping could be better with a little old school rearing of that child. The old days of child rearing are gone forever.