Monthly Archives: March 2015

I’m A Deacon

It’s been a short time coming and I am both excited and humbled by it. The new Non-Denominational church that my son-in-law started in January has Ordained me as the Deacon. We only have eleven steady members, at this time, which mean the Pastor and I have some hard work to do but I am happy to be chosen for the job and will put everything I have into it. I don’t want to stifle my home life but incorporate it into the big picture. Unlike a well established church, that have been around for a while, that have it’s business well in hand and in an easy flowing mode, this is building from the ground up which means nothing is smoothly flowing or it is not flowing yet. With time and patience, things will come together as long as the Pastor and I keep everything in it’s proper order. With a membership increase, qualified people can be picked to handle duties that is taking the Pastor’s and my time in which we need to concentrate on some other important duties.

That is why I haven’t been writing in the past two weeks but I will try to write more. In that time I had a meeting with the head of Imperial Plaza. A lunch, to be precise, and I think it went well between us. I had nothing to report to her and, as I have said, I am in a wait and see mode. Most of the things I talked about earlier have either been cleared or cloaked in secrecy. I was just informed that there still are employees leaving. One or two, every now and then, but they are leaving. I am surprised, every time I go into the dining room, and only recognize one or two people out of the many that are there. There was a time I knew everyone there. I even see new faces as I walk along the hallways and grounds. The assistant activities director have been moved to another position but he is still doing the job because, I think, no one can do it and get it right like he does. To me, that was the dumbest move of all and the young man that took the job doesn’t know the job from a hole in the ground. I am still in a holding pattern, waiting to see what will happen, to see and hear the other shoe drop.

Warmer weather is almost here and I can then get back to my bike riding. I am too old and it’s too cool for me to get out there when I can just wait three or four more weeks for better weather. I know that most people was thinking I had given up bike riding but I am a fair weather biker, I am not like I used to be in my younger days and I am not a professional. However, I must first get myself tuned up and also, the first few rides, take it easy on short routes. If I don’t, I’ll be seeing a doctor and my wife and church don’t want that (should I say I don’t want to hear what they have to say?).

There are other things that have happened but I will get to that in another article. So much have happened and there is much, much more to do which mean I will change all of my on-line profiles from ‘retired’ back to ‘working’. Until the next time….’be kind to your neighbors because you’ll never know when you’ll need them’….also ‘ensure your words are soft and sweet because you’ll never know when you’ll have to eat them’. For years I used to say those words at the end of all of my radio programs and, if you think about it, the words are true. Bye-bye


Two weeks have gone by and it is warming up again.  It’s been a challenge to get through the snow and cold because it has been a while since I have endured this type of cold.  In fact I was still in the air force, in North Dakota, and that was what made me retire.  I can take the cold when I am prepared for it, however, moving to Imperial Plaza I didn’t think I needed my cold gear since I wasn’t shoveling snow or staying outside working anymore.  I didn’t think about the walking to and fro from my car or being outside cleaning the two cars.  My wife says I should get some boots, long johns, etc.  I say no because I will only use it two or three times a year.  It’s a waste and storage problems are also involved.

Here at Imperial Plaza, we are in a wait and see mode.  I am of the mind to zip it and let the explosion of angry people happen.  Granted, I could be wrong but, as of yet, I don’t see it.  I see, hear and know the underlying anger that is all around.  There are situations that have gone underground and are still there but it will see the light of day, eventually.  In other words, the situations are not so blatant as before.  I am afraid that the ones that are to be hurt the most are the most favorite employees.  That is a shame.

Another thing that is fast approaching is my installation as a Deacon.  In two weeks I will become a Deacon at the new ministry and I hope there will be a large crowd present.  The church, at this time, has only a few people that attend and I will be the only Deacon.  With the growth of the church, I am assuming we will add more of everything.  But, at this time, everything is at a minimum.

I was driving to work, the other morning, at the height of the snow storm, because the dayshift person could not make it in to work, and noticed the road condition.  I thought of this many times before but this is the first time I am writing about it.  I had to drive in a part of Richmond and a part of Henrico and the road had been plowed in Richmond but was still hard to travel.  However, in Henrico the road was plowed also but it was almost clear.  What a difference.  I could always tell the difference when I worked for an armored car company.  Those trucks are pretty bumpy and I could tell the difference in the road surface between Henrico, Chesterfield and Richmond.  The roads were rated from best to worst in the order I gave.  People have been complaining about the roads in Richmond but, with the exception of the main roads, the roads seem to be getting worst.  All I can say is, if you are driving in Richmond, stay on the main streets and stay away from the narrow side streets.

Until the next time, take care and be good.  Like I used to say on my radio programs…Be kind to your neighbors because you’ll never know when you’ll need them….also, ensure your words are soft and sweet because you’ll never know when you’ll have to eat them.  SEE YA!!!!