Monthly Archives: September 2020

This President

I am supposedly living in the most democratic country in the world but, after the President’s latest gross comment, and if he should win re-election, I have my doubts. We, meaning the people of the United States of America, have always had a peaceful and smooth change of power from one President to the next. We have never had a President that have to think about whether he would peacefully step aside and let the elected President take over. This is something that happens in a dictatorship not in a democratic country.

What make this seem so viable is the fact that his cult-like followers are okay with anything he says and does. All he must do is say he desire a certain action to happen, legal or illegal, and someone, somewhere will attempt to make it happen. As for me, I am neither republican nor democratic. I have voted for people in both parties. I am not in the organized independent party; I follow my own mind. However, living through this political mess, if a republican came to my house and said it was raining, I will go outside to see for myself.

Some of you may remember how a cult leader had his members commit mass suicide and others, that were not present at the mass suicide, still adored the cult leader, even after knowing the truth. The Republican party, today, have the same mindset. There is not anything to compel them to envision things that is not what the cult leader wants them to see or think. To stand-by and let mass slaughter happen (COVID-19?) is nothing if the cult leader say it is okay and want it.

As a teenager, during the Civil Rights era, I have marched, been beaten by the police (plus all that went with that at the time), helped teach adults how to vote and what to expect at the polls (up to and including counting jelly beans in a jar, poll tax, etc.), plus many other things which include sit-ins. That was more than fifty years ago and here we are, only a little have changed. They are actively attempting to suppress the vote, as they were fifty years and more ago, because the wannabe dictator need to stay in power. Is he afraid of going to jail if he is out of office? But that is another writing, among many, for another blog.

I am a senior citizen, an old man, and I never thought I would see a Black President, but I have. I never thought I would see so many varied people of color in Congress, but I have. I expected and saw our Black President blatantly opposed in everything he tried to do, and it was announced to the world that it was going to happen by the people that did it.

So, why should I not believe this President when he says he is not going anywhere, even if he loses? Then there are the people that can (and maybe will) help him illegally stay in office. He has stacked many courts, federal agencies, and now there is an attempt to overload the Supreme Court. Every Republican Senator have gone back on their word and will certify a replacement.

Secret recordings have been heard and his ex-employees have stated the obvious feelings and dealings of this President, yet his cult-like followers and enablers are still there. I have acquaintances that are Republican and loves this President dearly, therefore, I have concluded that there is not a thing that can be done or said to change their mind. I am almost ashamed to call them an acquaintance.

All I can say, at this point, is for everyone to vote and let the election tell us where we will go from here. If you do not vote, you can never say anything about what happens in your life. You will just take what is given to you without any say. My life is coming to an end and I can say that I have done what I could when I could and will continue until I die. It is now up to you younger people to carry the torch and never give up.



I Am A Sucker

I have spent a lifetime of service to this country, under Presidents of both parties, and later served the communities with pleasure and honor. I never considered myself neither a “sucker” nor a “loser” and I have served with a smile on my face. I never asked for fame or fortune nor did I shun from the job to be done and ask why.

I, like many others before me and after me, come from a family of honorable servers that put their life on the line for God and country. Before me, there was the draft and I do not know of anyone that refused to serve or hid from the commitment of serving. I have friends that have died and friends that are wounded (medically and/or mentally). There is no one, that I am aware of, who have a frown on their face and have said they do not want to be a loser or sucker.

This President is tearing down the very principles that this country was built upon. He is doing the work that the enemies of this country want done. I can imagine the leaders of our enemy countries smiling knowing that a sucker/loser is doing their work for them. They are probably applauding the followers and those that will not verbally oppose him. They will do anything to keep him in power and further destroy our democratic way of life.

To be for him is to want further destruction of our way of life then on to the other countries that stand in their way. Country after country will weaken and fall just like we are weak and is quickly falling. Newspapers, magazines, radio, and television will be gone. The last nail is being hammered into the coffin of the Stars and Stripes, others will follow, and WE will be at fault for it. The supporters of this President will be shoulder-to-shoulder to blame.

I can not go to a cemetery and see the gravestone of the fallen and call them “losers” because I could have proudly been one of them. Every time I am at the Veteran’s Hospital and see the sick and crippled vets, I cannot turn my head and not want to be around them or see them. They, as I, are not “suckers”. I have never said, they have never said, “screw this country, screw this President”, we served because we wanted to serve, and we are proud of it.

If we are suckers and/or losers, let the President’s followers protect him and this country the way we did. Let them do the jobs we did and have a smile on their face. Let the President do one single job that we did, and others are presently doing. Let him lead by example or has his leading come down to lying, cheating, and dishonoring those that gave their all for our futures.

No, I am neither a loser nor a sucker and would proudly serve this country again if I could. I could have run out of the country or I could have gotten a medical excuse for the pleasure of not being called a “sucker” or a “loser”. I could have let others provide me with a safe and comfortable country so that I may possibly acquire a fortune because of those that did serve and became a “loser”, a “sucker”.