Monthly Archives: November 2019

The Constitution

The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government. But the constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all.  George Washington

The first President of the United States had that to say about our constitution and that all people had an obligation to abide by its rules. He also said if something in it was not liked, the people could change it. Until it was changed, all people must adhere to its rules.  In other words, no person can disregard the constitution and do what they want to do.

Most people have not read the constitution, they only know a few key phrases. The key phrases that people know only pertain to what applies to them. The parts that pertain to them are only a few words of the entire clause. A few words versus the entire clause can, most of the time, give two completely different meanings. That is why legal interpretations go to The Supreme Court. Their word is final until overturned by later Supreme Court rulings.

If everyone did whatever they chose to do, there would not be a democracy and living conditions as we know it now. We would have either a king or dictator and complete lawlessness. I can not comprehend our Congressmen and women walking down the trail of being ruled by our enemies. To lose our democracy is to be ruled by whichever enemy get to us first.

Because of my age, my life has become short, it’s my grandkids and great grandkids that will live in the lawless society, if it happens. If what is happening to our executive, judicial and congressional officials do not change, our democracy is gone. The Romans went through it. Remember, The Fall of the Roman Empire? Looking back at all great ruling countries and they all fell at some point. Look at the British Empire and the Turkish, to name just two more. Our demise is coming but I don’t want to see it in my time on earth.

The founders of our constitution knew there will be people against it and people that attempt to tear it down or get around it. They gave us a starting point and left room for adding to it and to make changes. But what have not yet changed is that no one is above the law, it applies to everyone regardless their station in life. The stakes are high, and the time is now. We either accept what we get or legally fight for justice. That will ensure our future generations a strong democracy and only they can keep it and improve on it.

Currently, we have a very weak democracy and we are on the cusp of losing it. There is so much corruption and secret dealings that we will only know a fraction of the total. My only wish is that I could help, other than by voting, in some way. I must leave the fight for our democracy to the younger generation. I love my country but there are so many that only love themselves, country be damned. Remember, the constitution is for all of us.


I’m Gone Again

If you follow my blogs, you are wondering why this blog is early this week. Simple answer. This weekend is The Jazz Legacy in Hampton, Virginia. My wife and I attend every year and tickets must be gotten a year or close to a year in advance because tickets sellout quickly. It is held at The Hampton Convention Center and The Annual Christmas Bazaar is held at the same time in the same building.

I like the jazz legacy over The Hampton Jazz Festival, held at The Hampton Coliseum every summer, which is very close to the convention center, because the performers are close and most of the time they come into the audience while they perform. At the jazz legacy we have rubbed shoulders with, shook hands with or have been close enough to breathe on many, many highly renowned jazz players while they were at the Christmas Bazaar or in the selling booth areas or just simply walking around before or after their performance. Something like that cannot be done at the coliseum. Jazz, a potion for soothing the rabid soul.

I really don’t have much to say this time because of two things. First, I have the jazz legacy occupying most of my mind. I can hardly wait to get there, to take plenty of photos and to hear the beautiful music plus meet many interesting people. Second, while writing this, I am watching the voting results. I am happy to see so many areas and states turn ‘blue’. We can now begin to get the states back into some sort of legal order while working on getting the Presidency, and its administration, back from the edge of hell.

I do not dislike Republicans or people that vote Republican. I do not like the President and by association, I want every Democrat to win. I have voted both parties and will again. I do not vote the party; I vote for the person. However, this time I voted for the Democrat party because of the President of the United States of America and what his Republican party is saying and doing.

I will end this by saying follow me here by clicking the ‘follow’ button and don’t forget the ‘like’ button (I don’t get enough ‘like’). You can also follow my other blog at . I also write an article in The Albemarle Tradewinds Magazine at (once there scroll down to ‘online edition click to read’ ). With my fingers crossed, I hope to have another writing spot for another organization. Wish me luck and I’ll write for you when I get back from The Jazz Legacy.