Tag Archives: music

The Reason for the Season

This is the largest part of the year for gift giving and fellowship. However, some of the things that this season holds are good, bad, and in between. To many people and nations, this is a Christian thing and is not for them, not their normal way. Let us forget about Santa Claus and just focus on the spiritual portion of this.

               There are some religious areas that do not celebrate the birth of Christ because it is not part of their religion. Okay, well and good. I’ll leave it at that. The rest of the world that celebrate the birth of Christ is leaning away from what the season originally stands for. They know what the season is, but they really do not act the way they should.

               When I was a kid Christmas ads and decorations were not seen until after Thanksgiving. Things have changed and I have frequently been told that I should change with the times. I don’t know about that, but I do remember that I almost got fired because of that. When I was a radio DJ, I had special programs that aired, and I never played Christmas music until after Thanksgiving. My program manager told me to play some Christmas music a week before Thanksgiving and I refused. My refusal went all the way to the top and I won. It was my program and although the station was playing Christmas music I did not until I wanted to, if ever.

               It seems as though it is all about commercialism and the earlier they start the ads the more money they make. Religion is out of the equation and making money is in. When I was a kid Jesus in a manger was everywhere. Not today. You will see Santa, toys, lights, etc. and rarely Jesus in the manger. There are office parties, celebrations all over town, house parties, etc. Where are the religious celebrations? When I was a kid my family had the Christmas tree, presents, but we were in church every Christmas and New Year’s Eve (called Watch Night). I not only heard the Christmas story in church, but it was also told in school. Santa was not displayed everywhere but what was shown was the Three Wisemen, the star, the manger with Jesus, and everything else that was a religious Christmas.

               Now that this hardcore outward display of a religious Christmas cannot be shown in schools there is nothing unless you want to praise Macy’s, all other stores, and Santa. This is not the reason for the season. The birth of Christ is. The reason for the season allows us to remember that God gave His only begotten Son to all of us, not the commercial items on display before us each day, all day. I wish there was some way to get people back in church to really see the reason for the season.

               I know this blog is before Christmas, but I still will say Merry Christmas, not happy holidays, or merry Xmas but Merry Christmas to all. This is the reason for the season.   

Quanah Parker

This is the last of Black History Month and I was asked to do one more but with a twist. The twist will be not of a Black person but to give honor to an American Indian. Indians are seldom mentioned when it comes to doing something great but with just a little research shows there are many.

               I could talk about this great nation being taken from the Indian. I could talk about the ‘Wind Talkers’ that helped win WWII. I even could talk about the Indians that lead the wagon trains across the west to help White people settle their lands. But this blog installment is about a man that led his people from certain extension. I will write this in the way I write for The Albemarle Tradewinds Magazine of which I am a regular contributor for their music column and special interest column.

Quanah Parker

                                               (1845-February 24, 1911)

               Quanah Parker was a war leader of the Kwahadi (Antelope) band of the Comanche nation. Quanah (Comanche, ‘smell, odor’) was born about 1850 on Elk Creek just below the Wichita Mountains to Peta Nocona and Cynthia Ann Parker. Cynthia Ann Parker (born c. 1827), was a member of the large Parker frontier family that settled in east Texas in the 1930s. She was captured in 1936 (c. age nine) by Comanches during the raid of Fort Parker near present-day Groesbeck, Texas.

               At the battle of Pease River, as the American Forces (U.S. 2nd Cavalry and Texas Rangers) Quanah Parker and his brother were the only warriors to escape by horseback. After his father’s death, Horseback, the head of the Nokoni people, took Quanah and his brother under his wing. Horseback taught them the ways of the Comanche warrior, and Quanah grew to considerable standing as a warrior. He left and rejoined the Kwahadi band with warriors from another band. Quanah Parker surrendered and was taken to Fort Sill, Indian Territory where he led Comanches successfully for several years on the reservation.

               Quanah Parker was never elected principal chief of the Comanche by the tribe, but the U.S. government appointed him principal chief of the entire nation once the people had gathered on the reservation and later introduced general elections. He also became a primary emissary of southwest indigenous Americans to the United States legislature. In civilian life, he gained wealth as a rancher, settling near Cache, Oklahoma. Though he encouraged Christianization of Comanche people he also advocated the syncretic Native American Church (of which he founded), and passionately fought for the use of peyote in the movement’s religious practices.

               He was elected deputy sheriff of Lawson in 1902. After his death in 1911, the leadership title of Chief was replaced with Chairman; Quanah Parker is thereby described as the “Last Chief of the Comanche,” a term also applied to Horseback. He is buried at Chief’s Knoll on Fort Sill. Many cities and highway systems in southwest Oklahoma and north Texas, once southern Comancheria, bear references to his name.

               Quanah is only one person out of many, many more. Take the time to research and read about them. I squashed Quanah’s bio down to a few words, there is quite a bit more. I hope all of you have found this piece interesting. Let me know.

I’m Gone Again

If you follow my blogs, you are wondering why this blog is early this week. Simple answer. This weekend is The Jazz Legacy in Hampton, Virginia. My wife and I attend every year and tickets must be gotten a year or close to a year in advance because tickets sellout quickly. It is held at The Hampton Convention Center and The Annual Christmas Bazaar is held at the same time in the same building.

I like the jazz legacy over The Hampton Jazz Festival, held at The Hampton Coliseum every summer, which is very close to the convention center, because the performers are close and most of the time they come into the audience while they perform. At the jazz legacy we have rubbed shoulders with, shook hands with or have been close enough to breathe on many, many highly renowned jazz players while they were at the Christmas Bazaar or in the selling booth areas or just simply walking around before or after their performance. Something like that cannot be done at the coliseum. Jazz, a potion for soothing the rabid soul.

I really don’t have much to say this time because of two things. First, I have the jazz legacy occupying most of my mind. I can hardly wait to get there, to take plenty of photos and to hear the beautiful music plus meet many interesting people. Second, while writing this, I am watching the voting results. I am happy to see so many areas and states turn ‘blue’. We can now begin to get the states back into some sort of legal order while working on getting the Presidency, and its administration, back from the edge of hell.

I do not dislike Republicans or people that vote Republican. I do not like the President and by association, I want every Democrat to win. I have voted both parties and will again. I do not vote the party; I vote for the person. However, this time I voted for the Democrat party because of the President of the United States of America and what his Republican party is saying and doing.

I will end this by saying follow me here by clicking the ‘follow’ button and don’t forget the ‘like’ button (I don’t get enough ‘like’). You can also follow my other blog at www.faithingodministries.net . I also write an article in The Albemarle Tradewinds Magazine at www.albemarletradewinds.blogspot.com (once there scroll down to ‘online edition click to read’ ). With my fingers crossed, I hope to have another writing spot for another organization. Wish me luck and I’ll write for you when I get back from The Jazz Legacy.


Good Old Days

Have you seen something new on the television, the internet or in a store and said to yourself ‘I’m getting old’? Have you ever daydreamed about the things that went on during your childhood, looked around yourself and thought how old you are? Well, I also look at it another way. I look at the name of something or what it is called and say to myself ‘in my day it was called…it’s exactly the same thing’.

Many things are not different from the olden days. It is only named differently or packaged differently or made to look different. I imagine you are asking, why? Simple. To peak interest in something being new therefore you will purchase it. The thinking is that newer is better therefore, make the consumer think the product is new. To pass the test that the product is new, they add a little additional ingredient, that really does nothing to change the product (or does it?), then call it new, passing the test of calling it ‘new’.

In my day natural items were used to combat ailments or for cleaning or just about everything. Actually, natural is cheaper and sometimes better. A across the counter laxative will cost much more than some prunes or prune juice. There was oatmeal, Oxtagon soap that was used for, not only washing clothes but treating poison ivy and other rashes. The list can go on and on and I doubt I can think of all the items that fall into this category.

I feel old in so many other ways. I used to want to always be partying or be around the gang. There was always something alcoholic to drink. There was loud music everywhere I went. Now, I am content to sit on the porch and watch people and traffic go by. I go one or two weeks without a drink. I really love quietness. I remember my military K-9 days, which was very solitary, and I still love that. Now I know I am old.

Have you ever heard the first bars of music and immediately knew the song? I bet you remembered when the first time was you heard the song, where you were, who you were with and what you were doing (probably the conversations that took place). I’m not talking about this new stuff. I am talking about the oldie-but-goodie of years gone by. Yeah, we are all getting old. But there is nothing wrong with that because we are still alive, mobile and can remember it all. We can smile and recall it all. We sit around with our friends and talk about the old days.

There is nothing wrong with getting old because it is something we all must do, like one day we all must die. All I am saying here is that old is good and new may not be better because it may be a new brand of old, including the music. Thinking about new music, I have listened to new music and it will have the sound of an oldie-but-goodie with different lyrics. One day the young people today will do the same thing we are doing. They will look back and say ‘those were some good old days’.


Comings and Goings

I want to welcome Ron back to Activities. It is so good to have him back especially to lead ROMEO on it’s monthly excursions to different restaurants. Yes, ROMEO is back to its original form (the pen is mightier than the sword) . Now Activities can get back to his norm and on it’s luxurious way. Again, welcome back Ron.

As I have said before, it is so nice to be retired and to be able to go to places without worry of having to do this or that to your house. My wife and I went to our favorite casino places, Maryland live, Horseshoe and MGM casinos. We spent three days and two nights away without a care in the world. Who says you can’t do things when you are retired? That is what retirement is for, to do what you want to do when you want to do it. The only reason that we came back so soon was because we had another engagement Saturday evening, where I ran into a guy I used to work with more than twenty years ago. Again, good food, music and lots of fun.

Last Tuesday, as it is every Tuesday, the White Squirrel have it’s live music along with good food and fun. The Thunderbirds, who plays every other Tuesday, were really great in the music playing and selection. The White Squirrel have a new menu and the food was really good. I am glad to see the upgrade in the food because, for a while, the food was going downhill. I talked with James, the assistant manager of the dining facilities, who is back and he seem to be doing well. He is still crazy and it was really great to see him running around acting crazy with everyone.

Now that warm weather will soon be here, it is time to get my bicycle, and other things, ready for good weather so that I can go outside and get some pleasant exercise done. Being cooped up all winter have really gotten me out of shape, as if I was in good shape to start with. LOL Being in the age group that I am in, doesn’t take much to get me out of shape. Keeping myself active and not sitting around doing nothing should keep me healthy and vibrant ( I hope). Of course going to the casinos, like we do, and all the other things, doesn’t leave much room to cram in the exercising. I really don’t like going down into the gym and going through the exercise routines that a trainer would give. Good shows on TV does not help the situation any either (smile). I will keep trudging along and doing the best I can to stay in shape so that my wife and I can continue to go to the casinos.

Really, there’s not much to put in to today’s blog. I am just looking forward to the warm weather and the upcoming activities from the Activity Department here at the Imperial Plaza. The Activity Department have the cherry blossom/boat ride coming up as well as other exciting outings. I don’t know how many I will be able to go on because I know that some will clash with my schedule. But, of course, I cannot miss ROMEO. So I say to all, get out there and be active. Maybe I’ll see you somewhere along the way.

I Am Retired

For the moment I will get back to talking about Imperial Plaza, not all of the happenings but as much as I dare for now. Since I have been here and have written about this place, I have found it quite intriguing, to say the least. Imperial Plaza have gone uphill, downhill and now uphill again. I was involved in some of it by being on committees but there have been some people that were quite radical about what they perceived as needing to be accomplished and how it should be accomplished. There is one or more that gives the perception of “my way or the highway”. There are others that will go so far as to jump the chain of command and go straight to the top.

In everything, like the government, there are parts of a problem that is not seen by the average person. In other words, the whole picture is not seen, therefore, the problem can not be solved as it is seen because one must first see the whole picture (the big circle…). There is always another element to look at unless you are at the top and definitely know the whole picture. Then, alas, there may be an element of that picture that is hiding something, for whatever reason, which makes the picture cloudy and a commendable resolution difficult if not impossible.

There are a few people at Imperial Plaza that come from a world where they are the boss and are used to people complying to their every whim but now they are into a world of retirement. They still have the mindset that when they say something, everyone must jump to do whatever it is without question. They also have it in their heads that they know the best way to do things only if they can get people to get on with the task they have alluded.

Since the previous head of Imperial Plaza got the boot (some say not), the new person have done a great job getting things moving without too much conflict and discontent. There is still a hic-up here and there but nothing is perfect and never will be. There was a large shift in the dining facility and the food and wait staff got to be pretty bad. With the new head chef and quite a few new wait staff, things are beginning to look up. I hope so because I have stopped eating there.

The one thing that have, on one hand, gotten stagnant and, on the other hand, gotten bad is the entertainment. I know most of the seniors want old music (thirties, forties and so on), but, it is always the same old thing. There are two or three bands that always come here and I can tell you the line up of the music. I know what tune is next, because there is very little deviation from that line up, and usually what comment the lead person will make. There is a very good man playing good music in the White Squirrel but he have been relegated to twice a month, he was playing every week for months. He would fill the place on Tuesday and everyone was eating, drinking and dancing. The new group that replaces him every other Tuesday does not take requests nor do they fill the place. Alas, you can’t fight city hall. It’s the dining facility’s lost and I keep my money in my pocket. I either stay in my apartment to eat and drink or I can go out to eat. My wife and I are mobile and I don’t care what we do for that day. There are always choices and I try to take advantage of them because I am retired and I’m not nailed down to do anything I don’t want to do.

I’ll stop here although there is so much more to talk about but I don’t want to make this too long and boring. I want to continue this at the next writing and go into other parts of what is going on as well as, hopefully, getting into my travels. As I said before, I am retired and I love writing, salt water fishing and traveling. As time permits, I’ll write something else soon. Be kind to your neighbors for you’ll never know when you’ll need them. Also, insure your words are soft and sweet, you’ll never know when you’ll have to eat them. By the way, the photo is one of the jobs I retired from.




I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the passing of Prince. In the music world he was one of the greatest icons that ever was. He will be missed as his music lives on and on. He has written, co-written and influenced so much music that I hesitate listing anything. As I understand it, he has a vault containing hundreds of unpublished music. I can hardly wait for any of it to come out. He is one artist that will never be forgotten. RIP

I was a radio announcer/DJ for many years and I have had an e-mail account since the mid or late eighties. At the end of my radio shows (since the eighties) and at the end of my e-mail accounts I always closed with a saying…”Be kind to your neighbors because you’ll never know when you’ll need them. Also, ensure your words are soft and sweet because you’ll never know when you’ll have to eat them”. There are many people that need to learn that and, as for me, I try to.

Why am I relaying this? The other day, as I was sitting on an outside bench getting a little sun, an older woman with her walker passed within a foot of me. I spoke, she glanced at me, kept walking and never spoke or acknowledged that I had spoken. I knew she heard me because she did not glance at me until I spoke. Later that same day the same thing happened with another person. I began to think there was something wrong with me. That is when I started to remember the saying. If the first and second woman were to have an immediate, life threatening or not, problem both would look to me for help of some type. I then must become a good neighbor and disregard any and all prior treatment by that person. I could either be a kind neighbor or not. That is my call, depending on my feelings at the time. I could help or, being angry for treatment I previously received, go on about my business and not help.

I looked at the evening news Thursday and saw the man knocked unconscious, robbed and run over by a cab as the multitude of people stood around and did nothing to help. If it was one of them, they would want some type of intervention. Be kind to your neighbors. The man died. I could quote many more incidents from here at Imperial Plaza and elsewhere, but for brevity I will not.

The other part is about speech. Not the sound but the content. I’ll hop on a political figure although there are many more examples but this is most recent. Mr. Trump stated, many times years ago and when he started campaigning, that he was against abortion and gay people. Period. Thursday, I am guessing it’s for political reasons, he said he is for abortion in the case of rape, incest, etc and transgendered people can use any restroom they choose. What a turnaround (can someone say flip-flop). Ensure your words are soft and sweet because it may come back and bite a big chunk out of whatever. Mr. Sanders said, at the beginning of his run and like the republicans, that he would support whomever is the democratic nominee. Thursday he said only if the nominee supported his views. Were his words soft and sweet? And, what did he say about Harriet Tubman?

All I am saying is people must be careful in what they say, how they say it and what they do because they may not have a chance to correct the oversight before they are caught in the web of regretting all that they have done. It is a shame we have people, here at Imperial Plaza, that act like it’s still the nineteen fifties, sixties or before. They may be old but this is a new age and, one day, they will need help, no matter who gives it. They would let the devil help, if he would. And, last but not least, all of the politicians have said something that they should not have said and, believe me, it is recorded somewhere.

We will all need help, at some point in time, and we all should think about what we are about to say before we say it and/or acknowledge being spoken to. Many people do not and it may not be forgotten when push becomes shove.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

I know I am late but things, from time to time, come up that can not be controlled. However, I am committed to continue my blog. There was a night time bicycle ride that had a few streets blocked off that infuriated many drivers. I was at my part-time job, filling in for a person on vacation, and saw the part of the ride that came down Monument Ave. I watched many vehicles making u-turns because streets were blocked off but the bicyclists were elated and having fun. I could not see much but what I could see made me wish I could have been out there. Alas, maybe next year.

We are still having great fun at the White Squirrel with more and more people jumping up to dance. The music is great, the food is good and Steve and Christy will play music in September. So, for the month of September the fun will continue. The room may be small but that is one of the reasons that make it great. I want more to join in. Not to just listen but to eat and dance.

Coming up is another fishing trip out of Virginia Beach, Va. and the casino trip to West Va. For those that do not know, the trip to West Virginia is an overnight trip simply because the horses run at night. This way everyone can take their time gambling and play or watch the horses that night. The last time we went fishing out of Virginia Beach, a lot of fish was caught and a couple of sharks (I kept one to cook the next day). It can not be said that Imperial Plaza does not take wonderful trips and many more are to come. Join in because a second bus can be added to accommodate the overflow of the one bus.

I see Imperial Plaza have many new residents and that is a good thing. There were too many empty apartments but they are filling quickly. I have seen new men and have asked a couple to join us men for ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eating Out). There are many great eating joints, that we go to, that have very good food and we all have fun talking and joking with one another. If anyone know someone that want to go, tell him to sign-up and meet me at the bus. There is one thing that is good. I can drink and leave the driving to the bus driver. The women have started LIFE (Ladies In Full Effect) and they are to go to O’Charlies at the end of the week.

Well, I will close and I am sorry for being late but, as I have said, things come up that will either prevent or make an article late. Hang in there and I will get this out sooner or later (smile). During your retirement, just have fun and don’t just sit around and fade away. Life is short, take advantage of what’s left. I know I will.