Tag Archives: Trump

My Social Security

Over sixty years ago I started paying into Social Security. Being young and dumb, I knew nothing about social security or even there was such a thing. All I knew was one thing or another was taken out of my check each payday. I’ve been working since my teens, making very little money, and did whatever the government said I had to do. I didn’t know about all the laws the government had nor did I care, with the exception of one law, the draft, and they would be coming for me when I turned eighteen.

               I dodged the draft by joining the air force when I graduated high school and quit my job. I remember I was shocked to work 24/7 and, after everything was taken from my pay, got sixty dollars every two weeks (on day fifteen and thirty of the month). I made more as a civilian and only worked eight to ten hours a day five or six days a week. I figured it was only for four years and I wasn’t in the army. I actually stayed in the air force twenty years.

               Here I am receiving my social security and I read the who, what, and why about it. It’s a beautiful thing to know I will receive my money to help me in my old age which is also helping me pay my mortgage. Now I heard and have read that Trump want to take my earned money. The money I worked for, looked forward to, and now depend on is to be taken away if and when he becomes president again.

               A couple of people laughingly said he is only joking. I say, if a person has a gun to your head and says he will pull the trigger, believe him. I did not steal this monthly money. I did not beg for this money. I worked for over fifty years for this money. It is not a ‘give me’, it is an entitlement that the government owes me and promised I will get it until I die.

               Why does Trump want to mess with social security I do not know. When I am homeless, I guess I will pitch a puptent in the White House (it’s the people’s house). Getting a retirement check and social security is just enough to pay the bills I have to pay and have a little left for a little fun.

               I still don’t see why people are for Trump with all the entitlements under attack. There are many other things that he has said he will do that I think will change the way most of us live and it is not for the better for me and my entitlements. I say, leave my way of living alone and let me receive my entitlements. In other words, to keep my social security by keeping Trump out of the White House. It’s crazy that people still want him with all the federal and civil charges against him.

               Remember, he has padded the SCOTUS, civil and federal courts, and other agencies with people that are loyal to him and those that are not loyal to him will be fired, like the RNC. Almost a dictatorship. But that is for another blog.

Immigration Again

I attempted to post my latest Facebook page here, but I could not find a way. Maybe I am not computer literate enough. If you really want to see exactly why I am writing this go to my Facebook page (Robert Threatt) and see the Leviticus entry. It should be the one below this on the page.

               The conversation was about migrants and the responses were between me and MacDonald. He disagreed with my view about migrants, and he is hotly against migrants entering ,this country. He calls them ‘illegals’ and I disagree because the ones he is talking about did not sneak into this country but were let in until they can be evaluated. Those that pass the review can stay and those that cannot will eventually be deported. Many are deported and it makes little news but if you dig hard enough you will find a mention or two about it.

               He also mentioned the crime that is being done by the ‘illegals’ in his area. That may be true, however, there is crime committed everywhere and the great majority is committed by non-migrants. He failed to mention the number of times ‘hate’ crime is committed, not only to ‘illegals’, but to Americans that are Hispanic and thought to be an illegal. Don’t just look at one side, look at both and compare. Don’t look at your immediate area but compare it from everywhere and see the politics behind it.

               It is said the Biden administration is not doing enough to stem the flow of people at our border. I say he is trying but his hands are tied. Congress (the Democrats) have bills ready to be voted on to start having more control on the border, but the other side (the Republicans) will not consider it nor let it be put to a vote because ex-president Trump said it would hurt his chance to be re-elected.

               Getting to that, ex-president Trump said he did not want the border bought under control until he can get into office again and he would be a dictator to harm those against him. There is nothing President Biden can do until he gets a bill on his desk to sign. How can he be at fault while the Republicans will not negotiate nor pass anything that will help the country? Yet he and the entire Democrat party is faulted in the name of politics while America suffers. When a Republican crosses the aisle to negotiate with a Democrat, the Republican party gets angry and want to oust the person. Nothing gets done and America suffers.

               Meanwhile, the migrant at the border goes on and will continue. I did not mention how jobs, that we Americans do not want to do, migrants will do but most will not do them for fear of being deported or harmed by hateful people that do not want them here. Meanwhile laborers in our fields are absent, as well as our slaughterhouses, and many other jobs that are crying for help. Everywhere I go I see ‘help wanted’ signs.

               As I said at the beginning of this blog, go to my Facebook page and see what we were discussing. In my other blog (www.faithingodministries.net) I occasionally talk about immigration through the Bible. Check it out and click follow on that blog and this one. I would appreciate it.


For many years I have known, cannot physically prove, that there is a lot of underhanded stuff going on. This is hurting all of society in a way that if it continues it will bring down society as we know it (how can you stop it). These people are criminals but, as the law states, you cannot call them criminals until they get caught and convicted. However, when you have these things flaunted in your face day after day, your gut will tell you that it is criminal.

               Let me give you one example. As I was recently driving, I passed a gas station, and the gas was $2.99. One half mile down the same road I passed a gas station, same brand as the other, and the gas was $3.19. Why is there a difference when the two gas stations are filled by the same truck? I call that criminal. Also, if the gas station tanks store the gas that was bought at a certain price, why does it rise in price tomorrow when it is the same gas?

               Read the daily papers and think about lawyers. The truth is that most lawyers are honest, and I am about to refer to the dishonest ones. Let me give examples. I will start with the Trump lawyers. Lawyer after lawyer has resigned from representing him and lawyer after lawyer has jumped at the chance to represent him. I really cannot understand why when it is a proven fact that he seldom pays his debts. Then I will read later that many of them are indicted on charges that they have been doing something highly illegal. There are a few of these people that are flipping and will testify against Trump and have pled guilty to the crimes they are accused of.

               Then there are those in Congress that are only looking out for themselves. They will say one thing while campaigning and do another when elected to Congress. Most people only vote for their congressman for what they can get, not what the entire country is getting. Plus, most congressmen start their career without having much personal money. After a few years the same congressmen are rich, and some are ultrarich. How did this happen?

               I have one more although there are many more. I will write about corporations. Greedy, greedy, greedy. Look at pharmaceuticals. Prices are sky high and, for some unknown reason, are getting higher. The CEO of the companies are making around 400% higher than their employees. Companies also have lobbyists to sell more products and keep the price as high as possible. They even lobby against another company making and selling the same medication at a much lower price. I remember reading my aunt’s hospital bill. There was a charge of $10 a pill for two aspirins. This was years ago. It may be much more now. They told me it is because it included the cost for the nurse to get, take to, and administer the aspirin to the patient.

               This is not utopia and never will be. We will be around criminals forever and will have them constantly attempting to take us on a delusional ride. It is so bad that I rarely know who to trust. Be careful out there because it will be a wild ride.


Everything and I really mean everything have consequences. Whatever you say, whatever you do, whatever you see, whatever you feel, whatever you taste, whatever you hear have consequences. Most people never think about it, but the consequences are like playing chess. One move (thing) leads to another and, to make the correct decision (move) you must think two or more moves ahead to outwit your opponent, and, at the same time, try to know what your opponent will do. Here is just a couple that is in today’s news.

               Hamas attacked Israel. They have very strong religious beliefs, a strong remembrance of things that happened to them hundreds of years ago (or longer), but they cannot remember the fierce fighters that they attacked. They also must not remember what happened in the six-day war. Now there will be dire consequences and, I believe, they will be at the wrong end of the war. Unfortunately, the Palestinians are caught in the middle. Hamas will feel the consequences.

               I know, what about the Palestinians? Their religious beliefs with Hamas are the same therefore they endured living with them. They knew what Hamas was doing but did not do a thing nor say anything. Unfortunately, if they are willing to be human shields then the consequences have come with more on the way.

               The ex-President Trump moved the American Embassy and separated the USA from most of the world pacts while being closer than close friends with countries that were normally called enemies. Comfort and secrets were given, and consequences ensued. He did not have anything good to say about anyone that did not butter up to him except for our enemy countries. Now consequences are ensuing (for the world and his personal life).

               Then there is Representative Tuberville. He is still holding the military promotions hostage, but his fellow Republicans can stop it. They will not do it although it is hurting the military, making the military slightly weaker, and making the military slightly vulnerable. Our enemies are watching, planning, and waiting. What secrets do they know? There will be consequences.

               While I am on the subject of a congressional member, I must write about the vacant Speaker of the House position. This, from the beginning until now, is the doing of the Republican party. Not a thing can be accomplished in the House of Representatives until a new Speaker takes the position. The old Speaker owed too many people too many things. Evidentially he could not play chess and he suffered the consequences. Because the vacancy occurred, consequences will ensue, and most will not be pretty.

               I can’t play chess; however, I can imagine many things that are developing and none of them are pretty. I am thinking about the war, Congress, the upcoming elections, and the blowback I will get for this blog. I am only calling it as I see it and there is much more that I haven’t written. As I said at the beginning of this blog, everything has a consequence, whether good or bad, the consequences will be felt and must be delt with. There is so much to write about and each and everything is partnered with a consequence. Be careful with what you do and say, mostly, because the resulting consequence will come back to bite you.

A House Divided

As it is written, a divided house can not stand. The house the Republicans were trying to build have been in disarray for a few years. Their minds are so diversely divided that they can not do anything that will make all of them agree on anything. Then there is the cult leader that they are afraid to distance themselves from.

               As I write this, McCarthy have gone through thirteen votes (history made here), and he still have not been elected as House of Representatives Speaker of the House. He loves Trump and it seems he is guided by him, and he does not want to do anything that will meet Trump’s disapproval. Trump endorsed many Republicans that ran for office and most of them lost that election, is this why McCarthy is having problems winning enough votes to get elected? It is too late to move away from Trump now because everyone knows who is at his side.

               I am not a politician, and I am not a political expert, but I am a person that try to use a little common sense to attempt to figure things out. I am independent, I vote for whomever I believe will do the best job although I am not of the Independent Party. Through the last few years all I have heard from Republicans in Congress is to give angst to the Democrats at all costs. They don’t seem to have any ideas of their own except to say what should be done, never how and never present a bill nor compromise with a Democrat on a bill of substance.

               Recently, Republicans have been elected that are not a part of the cult and want to get the party moving in way that will hopefully accomplish something of meaning. They don’t seem to want to stay on their own side but seem to want to reach across the aisle and accomplish something. They just don’t want to banish Democrats, or undo what Democrats have done for the country, nor sit idle and let the nation be shunned by the rest of the world, they want to make a difference.

               However, with the Republican House being in, I believe, three parts mean each and every thing they try to do will mean chaos. Then there are the Democrats to deal with if the Republicans decide not to reach across the aisle or compromise. If the Republicans do not do what they did the last time they had the majority, which were to present bills of contention, they should be okay.

               They must remember one thing, they were elected by the people and are paid to do the people’s work. Instead of doing their own thing or doing what the cult leader wants, remember what they are there for. Now all they must do is to get their house together instead of it being divided. Then and only then maybe they can accomplish something. Until the division is gotten rid of, there is no chance that any great thing will be accomplished.

               So, the bottom line is, bring the party together. Do not govern by contention. Compromise. Remember the people that elected you. You are not in a cult, therefore, rid yourselves of the cult leader. And lastly, the world is watching.

The Cult And Cult Members

The other day I was talking with a friend and ‘cult’ was mentioned. That made me think about today’s situation. Remember Charles Manson? For those that do not, I will tell you a little about him. He was a jailbird, con man, drug user, musician, among other things. Somehow, he decided to form a cult to his liking. He had a few followers that he kept in-line with LSD and alcohol. These followers followed him everywhere and did anything and everything he wanted.

               Time went on and he killed someone. A few of the cult killed Sheron Tate and her family and tried to make it look like someone else did it to cover Charles’ murder. They did everything they could to get the onus off him. However, they were caught and after one thing led to another, Charles Manson and his cult was charged with multiple murders and other acts. This led to a very long trial.

               The, I think, nine-month trial boil down to this. The entire time the cult members, that were on trial, repeatedly said Charles did not do it, did not have anything to do with it, and did not know anything about it. Meanwhile, other members of the cult staged demonstrations outside the courthouse (they were barred from the building because they caused disruptions). During the trial Charles put a cross in the center of his brow. The cult members did the same. Next, Charles shaved his head, the cult members did the same. Charles finally was found guilty and was given the death penalty but, with the changing law, received life without parole. His cult members received the same but, a few years later, got a chance at parole but refused to renounce Charles Manson and remained in prison.

               That was only one cult out of many through my time here on earth and Trump’s cult, as far as I know, is the largest. Since he loves patting himself on the back for achievements, whether deserved or not, I will let him take this. What make this so weird is he has given them nothing to keep them close to him. Just shadow promises and many defeats. The master conman has millions of people kissing the ground he walks on, even when it is shown time after time that he is above wrong.

               Trump is like Charles Manson only Trump have not murdered anyone, nor have he given his cult LSD. He controls has cult and loves his cult members while never giving them anything. They must give their everything to him and his causes. His cult members have attempted murder, assaults, break-ins, do anything to cover for him, etc. while getting nothing in return but scorn.

               There are more cults I could talk about, but I only picked one. Trump’s cult members are filled with veneration for him and only him. I hope they do not drink kool-aid (remember Jim Jones?) that he may serve them. Some are already drinking the wrong kool-aid and it is making them certifiably loony. I personally feel sorry for anyone that is willing to stay on this runaway train that is almost out of track. Some cult members are jumping but not many.

Classified Material

I have handled classified material all through my military and civil service career, but I have never imagined anything like what is in the news today. I had both respect and fear of the material I was handling. Respect because I knew what it was, what it could do if the wrong eyes saw it and honored to be able to handle such sensitive material. I feared it because I knew if I mishandled it, lost it, or allowed the wrong eyes to see it I was in very big trouble and the trouble would come very quickly. I used to say, ‘they would dump me in a very deep hole, fill it in, and build a prison over me’. Evidently not so today.

               When the boxes of material were taken from the White House, when the ex-President was reluctantly leaving, I asked then how he was allowed to take the material or is it the law had changed. Eighteen months ago, the removal of classified material was known. Yet, people are acting like it is new news. A year after the material was taken Trump was asked for the return of the material. See-sawing back and forth through delay after delay got the government nowhere with just asking for the return of the material. In June a subpoena was issued for its return. Again, delay after delay resulted in just some of the material being returned, although his lawyers said that was all of it. Now the raid produced boxes of highly classified material. Surprise-surprise-surprise!

               In my civil servant job, when I handled classified correspondence, I had to be very careful. I signed for the material, took it where it had to go, stood there while the individual read it, they signed for it, I took it to a secure storage place, signed in and stored it. When it was time to destroy it, there was a strict procedure that had to be followed to the letter. I could not just flush it down the toilet. If I did not follow the rules to the letter, there would not be a warning nor a chance to delay nor a subpoena nor more than a year going past before I was in handcuffs. Oh, I get it. I am not an ex-President.

               I have said from day one, if I did anything remotely close to what Trump have done, I would have been in prison years ago serving a very long sentence. My leading question is, what was he going to do with that trove of classified material? I know Putin blackmailed people with material like that (he is ex-KGB). Was he trying to do something like that? Was he going to sell it for the money he needs? I guess we will never know. We can only speculate.

               The handling of classified material takes obvious precautions with harsh penalties if you miss the mark, regardless of who you are. There are people for Trump calling for the disbandment of the law enforcement agencies involved or just leaving him alone. I guess they are saying you and me must follow the law and/or rules but Trump does not. He is above the law. He was given time to return the material where-by anyone else would immediately be in jail for the slightest misstep.  Who said this world is fair?

My Business Card

Many things go through my mind but, as usual after watching my favorite news channels, I decided to blowout my mind to clear all the mess it has absorbed. The one thing that stands out is most people engage their tongues before their mind have thought it through. A rampant, out of control person is more dangerous than a person that is mindless. A thoughtless, mindless person is very dangerous and can, not only harm them, but can harm others.

               Maybe some of you have seen my Facebook page and have noticed what I have on the back of my business card. I have had that saying for over fifty years and do not know where it come from. All I remember is I saw it one day, remembered it, and have attempted to apply it as much as I can. Being human, I have failed a few times but, overall, I have applied it. The rear of my business card says “Be kind to your neighbors because you’ll never know when you’ll need them. Also, ensure your words are soft and sweet because you’ll never know when you’ll have to eat them”.

               Why am I saying this? First let me start with President Biden. He has made a few minor hiccups in his time and so has others. The one that standout the most is his Saudi Arabia hiccup. When the Arabian man was murdered, he blamed the Crown Prince for it and called him a terrorist. Now he is rubbing shoulders with the so-called murderer. My guess, for that reason, is not only unity of the Mideast but, as I wrote in a blog a long, long time ago, the oil. Get the price down and pump more of it.

               While on the campaign trail, he also promised many things. He not only did not consider the stiff resistance of the GOP but he, as well as everyone else, never thought that one or two of his own party would resist him and the party. I, as a civilian, can promise something and nothing much would come of it. But in politics everyone, especially the other party, clamps down on every promise and will make him pay dearly if he fails. That is a big deal in today’s politics.

               Let us look at Trump (Yes, I know. Don’t roll your eyes). He always misspeaks and lie. The biggest problem with him is he does not care and will speak badly to a person or about a person because that person did not do as he said or is not a part of his huge click. I think he is finally seeing the people he treated badly is badly needed now. He was not kind to anyone but his family. They are the only ones that know exactly what went on, that are sticking by him. Or are they? I don’t know what is coming.

               I have mentioned two individuals, but everyone should try to abide by the saying on the rear of my business card. One day, what you said some time ago will come back to bite you in your rear end. Once your tongue puts out what you did not mean to say, it is too late. The only thing to do is in the future ensure your words are soft and sweet. You do not want that chunk out of your rear end to be huge.  

Dirt Begets Dirt

I have often enough written that things never change. It simply repeats itself over, and over again. Where I write most of this is in (www.faithingodministries.net). I want to show it in this piece because it was on my mind and will not go away. I will concentrate on just one era in history and show how our era is almost the same for one particular individual.

               Look at Julius Caesar and his era. Julius Caesar was an emperor that was loved (depending on which history book you read) and, according to some, hated. He ruled an enormous empire that spanned many countries and continents. He ruled with an iron fist and was bathed in much glory. He had buildings and stadiums, around the Roman Empire, named after him. He had money with his likeness on it, which is mentioned in the Bible. He had everything imaginable, including many close friends. Most of these friends would stick by him through thick or thin and would do, as all under his control, his bidding with no questions asked. Some people under his control lost their life for him but, to Caesar, they were just fodder in his venture for greater status.

               As I look at this era I will focus on only one-person, ex-President Trump. According to whom you listen to, which periodical you read, which broadcast you tune to, etc. Trump wanted to be great, not like Caesar because I do not think he have read about him nor know much about him, like Putin or the Chinese leader or North Korean leader or anyone that is a dictator and wield enormous power (there are many).

               Trump amassed a large amount of people that wanted the same things he wanted but with him as their leader. Like Caesar, the people were loyal to him, and he would not accept anyone that was not loyal. These people, as of today would do anything for him, up to and including to kill. These people wanted him in his position forever. Some believe he is so great that some propose to have his picture on a piece of money. They even tried to have him on Mt. Rushmore. Is he Caesar?

               Putin escaped assignation attempts. He never let anyone get close to him and even have food tasters. He remembers what he and his associates did in the Russian Intelligence Service. But, getting back to Caesar, his best buddy got to him. Remember the phrase ‘et tu brute’? When Caesar was stabbed to death he hollered ‘you too Brutus’.

               We have seen in the January 6th Committee hearings the many Trump loyalists speak against him. A couple of the backstabbers are trying to soften their blows so that they can gain some future endeavor they have planned. Like Caesar, his close associates are doing him in. My belief, if you did not throw mud in the first place, you would never have to worry about mud being thrown at you.

               The world never changes except for the date, individual and situation. Of course, you cannot live in a shroud, shielding yourself from everything, but you can do good and not worry as much about being stabbed in the back. Dirt begets dirt.

The Elections

Next week is election week. Here in Virginia, the governor’s election is too close to call. I voted early just like thousands of Virginians. As I have said before, I always vote for the better person, in my opinion, no matter which party they belong to. I listen closely to what the candidates are saying, and I look closely at who the person is, what they really stand for and try to guess what they would do if elected to the office.

               For instance, the Republican for Virginia’s governorship is constantly saying one thing while on the speaking stage, but hidden tapes have caught him saying something different. In fact, every Republican have been caught telling lies, constantly, while the Democrats have had verbal fluffs, every now and then, or what they say is either taken out of context or twisted to mean something they did not say. I still look at the person and give the benefit of the doubt before I choose which person I am to vote for.

               I also look at the party the person belongs to and understand what the party is doing or trying to do. Then I want to see if the candidate wants to help change some things in the party or help the party continue what it is doing. It makes a difference because I ask myself if I want to continue with the same old things that is giving me heart burn or do I want change. This is not a game. It is the future, and the future is not for me but for my family that is left when I am gone.

               The one campaign theme that is either scaring or thrilling a lot of people is when the name Trump comes up. Trump lost this state when he was running for re-election but think the man running for governor can change things. That man has said he is running because of Trump, and he admires him. How can a person admire a one term twice impeached President?

               What have my mind in a fog is why many people want this man that is against masks, vaccinations, abortion, messing with things in schools, and correct science (which include global warming). It appears every candidate for office that is Republican are all saying almost the same identical things and have the same identical mindset. They are like puppets and Trump is pulling the strings like a puppet master. I do not think they have a mind of their own.

               One more thing. The Republican candidate have gotten most of his campaign money from a Wisconsin billionaire. I recently wrote a blog entitled ‘Follow the Money’. Here is further proof of that. The Republicans have deep pockets because of the billionaires that is why they do not want wealthy money taxed. The Republicans do not want to tax them because they still want their pockets (personal and party) lined.

               Knowing all of what I have written and more I still say vote for the better person. Like I have said, I voted early. I say to you, remember, the way you vote will not only benefit you but your relations for years and years to come.