Monthly Archives: March 2019


Life is rough. A child must learn from a strong hand guiding, pushing, and disciplining. This is for a child to acquire the attitude of an upstanding person. Likewise, I have written in my other blog ( about leading a good life for God. Leading a good, upstanding life is not easy, to begin with, but it gets easier as time goes by, mature guidance.

While serving in the military, I became the kennelmaster and had many talks with my men. I have told them, many times, that you train your dog as you train your child and train your child as you train your dog. They both learn by repetition and discipline. I trained many dogs that way and I reared my child that way. I was never sorry I did it that way. All my dogs, military and civilian, were well trained and loved me. My child, a girl, and I was very, very close although she felt the reality of corporal punishment.

In today’s time, there are so called animal experts that do not want anything that resemble a cruel act toward the animal. No corporal punishment. There are agencies and courts, that frown upon any type of a hitting discipline. Of course, there are people that go overboard. They can not control what they are doing, or they do not know any better. I will put them in another category. I want to speak about normality.

Let me start with the dog first. Not wild dogs but the domesticated dog. There is a difference. My dogs all wore the choke chain, coupled with voice commands. This was for control and discipline. There is a right way and a wrong way to place the chain around the dog’s neck. I have been to many vet offices and civilian kennels that didn’t know the correct way. When the choke chain is on wrong, a tightening on the chain will leave it that way when the tightening is released and continue to choke the dog. When it is placed correctly, the chain loosens when pressure is released. The dog is only choked momentarily. The dog is not injured. The dog is disciplined. The dog learns that when it does a certain thing or does not listen, it will be disciplined.

The child learns the same way. Not with a choke chain but minor hitting and your voice. The child, as will the dog, will do as much as it can safely get away with. They will attempt to control you to do what they desire. These are the ones that grow-up out of control and on the fast slide to be incarcerated. Most of the time it is too late for correction, they hardened when they are incarcerated.

As a police officer, I have seen these kids acting out with their parents present. Cussing and striking their parent or parents. The child is told they will be punished, and the child will tell the parent that they can’t make them do something or they refuse to do something, or they threaten to call social services, etc. I love kids. I don’t like a child that is disobedient and out of control. Society caused this, for the child and the dog. I have known people to call animal control because someone jerked the leash of a dog. In today’s society, the dog cannot be corrected, and neither can the child.

I only touched lightly on this subject. However, all I want you to do is think about it objectively. I do not know a kid from my era that did not get whippings (that is what we called them), and no one have suffered because of it, and neither are we incarcerated. I have trained many dogs and have used rough treatment at times. The dogs are fine. They have learned and obey instantly. Bottomline, train your dog as you would your kid. Train your kid as you would your dog. Being soft and being on the same level as the child or dog is not the way.


Women And Equality

I will gently touch a subject that have many twists and turns. I will lightly touch on women that want equality in all fields that men usually have. Fields that, all my life, have excluded women for several reasons. Most reasons were not to brashly exclude women but was to protect the gentle woman. I agree that some jobs women can do. I agree women can probably do as good as a man or better than a man. I will only explore a tiny portion of the situation.

A friend and I was talking and somehow the comment arose about the many females working and very few men. We were talking about stores, restaurants, gas stations, etc.  I wanted to know where the males were. My friend stated that the men were, maybe, home while the female made the money and took care of them. The same can be said about the country.

For many years, in the military, women sewed clothes, cooked and nursed. Women slowly got other jobs. Here in the modern era, women loudly protested and received jobs other than combat related. Women loudly protested again and received jobs closer to combat duties. They did well. None have been captured by the enemy (I shiver thinking about what they would have to endure). There are many situations that I would not want a woman involved in. That is only one situation. They are now in combat roles. On the ground, at sea, in the air.

Look at sports. There is an NFL referee. There are women sports announcers, writers and analysts, just to name a few positions. There are women amateur football teams, but they want to play with the men, against the men. This is also true in other sports. I would allow them to play against each other, but not against the professional men’s team. That would be like an NFL team playing against a high school team.

I am not against women equity. I am looking at what is happening and what could be. The world is messed up. Men are becoming weaker. Doing much less than they used to. Women are doing more. It has become a situation where, sometimes, I wonder if it is a woman or man doing a job. By that I mean years ago I could see someone from a distance, and I could tell you if the person was male or female. It is difficult today. I can be close, wondering if I should use a male or female pronoun, he or she. Men dress as women. Women dress as men. Hair styles are something to behold. Many are wanting gender transformation. Many are on the ‘down-low’. Be quiet when you speak about them or find yourself in court. They would love to sue you.

Women can not do everything a man can. A man can not do everything a woman can. They were both made differently. Their body functions are different. Medically, they are treated differently because, internally, they are different. I am not saying women should be paid differently. I am not saying jobs should be doled out differently. I am saying men and women should understand that they are different. They should understand they can not always do what the other does. It does not mean there is an attempt to hold a woman down or a man down, it means there are things one or the other will have difficulty accomplishing. This is not inequity, it’s common sense.

This piece could and should go further, however, it would be a book. I am sure, even then, much would be missed. I believe women should be equal to men. However, for certain jobs, there are things that must be separated. Not all women can do everything. Not all men can do everything. That is a fact.


Go Straight To Jail

The normal individual would expect the court, whether federal or civil, to send a person straight to jail upon being found guilty of a crime. I have been in the federal court system as well as all the others. I have seen people released after a ‘not guilty’ verdict. I have seen others, upon being found guilty, being led out of court, being taken straight to jail.

There seem to be a pattern of influential people, or people that had power, getting slapped on the wrist, a sentence of a few days to a few months or very few years in jail. The light sentence can even be spent in the city jail or in a federal minimum custody prison. Then there is, as it is now with our government, months of freedom before reporting to jail. I know for sure that I couldn’t get anything close to any deal like that.

I have said many times, most of the time I am making a joke, the richer you are or the higher you are on the so-called food chain, the more likely there is not any jail time. Most of the time the crime will never go to court. Court is for the common person. A lot of jail time is for the common person. Going hand-in-hand is jail overcrowding.

In the penal system there are areas in the prison or jail that they call ‘private use’. This is where, I assume, prisoners with influence are held, not only for their protection, but because they are who they are. Just like I am who I am. I also do not think they would do well in ‘general population’. However, if I were to go to prison, I would not be considered for any special consideration.

Just about everyone in the present government administration have some type of criminal history attached to them, including the President. I can’t begin to name all the individuals involved nor the number of charges that is or could be against them. The President have many things against him at the federal and state level. If any case become a guilty verdict in court, their sentence will be delayed, time given to arrange their affairs before any jail time, then the minimum sentence that can be given.

If any ordinary person, accused of a crime, get indicted by a grand jury, being poor or by not having an influential status, will wait in jail until the grand jury speaks and await in jail until the trial (maybe they can make bail). When the verdict is given, the ordinary person will not be given time to arrange their affairs and go straight to jail. The President, concerning federal charges, probably will be pardoned. We will have to see what will happen with the state charges because he cannot be pardoned for those except by the governor of that state.

It would be wonderful for the rich and influential people get treated as does the normal people. That may be asking too much.