Monthly Archives: August 2021

The Difference of Two Wars

There is a debate about should we have left Afghanistan, or should we have stayed and all fingers are pointed at President Biden because he COMPLETED leaving Afghanistan. Some say he was right, and some say he was wrong. The agreement to pullout was agreed upon a couple of years before he came into office, and he could not stop it. Then there are those that compare leaving Afghanistan to the way we left Viet Nam, which, in a way, is true. Also, there are some that compare how Viet Nam was and lives lost to the war in Afghanistan. Not true. The majority that are saying this were not born at the time.

               During the time of Viet Nam there was a draft that all eligible American males had to register for. They even alluded all branches of the military was involved in the draft. Wrong, the air force did not participate in the draft. The air force never drafted except when it was a part of the army which was called the Army Air Corp.

               We got into Viet Nam the same way we got into Afghanistan. The French were there and left the country. Next came the American advisors to teach the people how to fight, etc. When things started to go bad, America started sending in ground personnel and air support. Years later we, like the French, pulled out of the country. In Afghanistan and Viet Nam, there was a warning about the pullout and the Vietnamese that wanted to go left the country. But, in Afghanistan, most waited until it was too late.

               Let us not forget the American men and women that died. There is no comparison. There was a couple thousand that died in Afghanistan (Americans yelled long and hard about that) compared to a couple hundred thousand that died in Viet Nam (I do not have the exact number, but most Americans rarely spoke about the lives lost). I was air force, and I was among the first waves of American troops going to Viet Nam. I remember, every base was either mortared or attempted to be over run or both by enemy forces. Everyone wondered if the next mortar round or next bullet would have their name on it and they would go home in a casket, so many thousands did. That is a big difference in the two wars.

               Another big difference is upon returning home because the Viet Nam veterans were hated by the American populace. I still remember returning home, in 1966, I landed at Travis, AFB, California and had to change into civilian clothes, before leaving base to catch a plane to my next base, for fear of being cat called, spit on, or assaulted. I then hoped my haircut did not give me away.

               As far as leaving the country’s people behind (news media also), there was ample time to leave because for a long time it was known that the American forces were leaving. There was more than enough time to get out. Those that waited until the last minute and found themselves stuck want to put the onus on someone else and want someone to risk their life to save theirs. This have happened in every conflict and, rest assured, it will happen again because we do not learn from history.

               There is much more between the differences of the two wars, I have only lightly touched of a few points. To get into the political points would take one or two more blogs. It is a very complicated subject, and it would ruffle a lot of feathers. I was there, on the ground in Viet Nam and Thailand (which some people do not know was a part of the Viet Nam war), I was not a draft dodger, but I did dodge the bullets and mortars and made it home. I was not in Afghanistan, but I read enough and watched enough news reels to know the difference.

I Was Lazy (correction)

I made a mistake. I know, not too many people admit to making a mistake, but I will. In yesterday’s blog I wrote my e-mail address wrong. It should be not the web address as written. Please forgive my mistake. For those of you that read and follow the e-mail address is . Keep reading, following, and committing because it gives me incentive to keep writing. Again, please forgive me for my mistake.

I Was Lazy

Most of you have noticed my blog have been missing for a couple of months. In this article I will tell you why because a few people missed the every other week blog. I had my right knee replaced plus, during the recuperation, I got lazy. I guess you can say being lazy was in the forefront.

               Both knees have been giving me trouble for quite a few years and I just shrugged it off and kept moving forward. A few years ago, I had my right knee worked on by having pieces of cartilage cleaned out. That lasted for a few years. I then started getting occasional shots in both knees, first cortisone and, after that started to have no effect, second came a serum made from rooster combs (so I was told). That helped for two or three years until it felt as if nothing was in the shot.

               I was going to see my granddaughter’s new apartment and my right knee gave out while I was going up the stone steps and I landed on my knees. Skinned my knees pretty good. I started thinking about having my right knee replaced but was still unsure. Three days later, I was getting on my stationary bike, my right knee gave out and I landed on the floor with my legs entangled in the body of the stationary bike. I decided to have my knee replaced as soon as possible.

               I made an appointment with my orthopedic doctor and scheduled my operation. He wanted to operate on both knees, but I declined. My thinking was to have one partially good leg while I was recuperating. The doctor told me I would have therapy and it would take six to twelve months before I would be one hundred percent, or almost one hundred percent, physically fit. I would also spend at least one day in the hospital and walk with a walker.

               After the operation and a day in the hospital I went home with a walker, my knee and half my leg heavily bandaged, and a bag of pills. I was also assigned a home physical therapist that came to my home three days a week for a month. Billy, the physical therapist, did a great job. I saw the doctor and he agreed I could have more therapy, but I would have to go to a clinic. I was walking with a cane by then and could drive (I missed driving myself around).

               I contacted Virginia Center for Spine & Sports Therapy and signed up for physical therapy. After arriving there I was assigned Ashley and Gabby, two young women that really know what to do. I named them torturer number one and number two. It is all in fun and I tried hard to follow their instructions and do my homework. They have bought me from barely bending my knee to bending my knee without pain, walking without my cane, putting my shoes and socks on without any problems and enjoying the workout with a smile on my face and a joke or two with them. I appreciate them and was lucky to have them assigned to me.

               I am still in therapy, and I am back to writing my blogs. I will not promise I will not get lazy again, but I will try to get this blog written every other week with in between. If I get lazy again send me a message in the comments, like the blog, follow it, or email me ( ). In the meantime, I thank Billy, Ashley, and Gabby for getting me back on my feet and back in the mood. I will also try not to be lazy.