Monthly Archives: July 2020

I Am Neither Stupid Nor Dumb

Am I stupid or dumb to believe the President of the United States when he repeatedly says the less testing that is done for COVID-19 the less there is?  He says if fifty percent less people are tested there will be fifty percent less of the virus. Not my words, it is his. You don’t believe me, check it. He said a while ago he did not want more testing so that there would be fewer virus cases. Am I stupid or his supporters that believe in him saying that is smart?  

There are people that say they have a right not to wear a mask or facial covering, whether it is to protect themselves or anyone else. Many people attended COVID parties (parties where known people with COVID attend, and they want to show that it is ‘fake news’ to say it will spread to others) and jam overcrowded emergency hospitals when they contract the virus. I may be crass, but I would put them at the back of the line because of their stupidly, they bought the virus upon themselves willingly. It is like someone jumping off a bridge into a raging river then they want someone to risk their life to save them. Like the person on the bridge, they were told not to do it. Don’t sue me because I did not jump into the water (or attend to your virus emergency) to save you. 

Why is it not attempted murder or attempted bodily harm to go without a mask when you are told it is dangerous not to? Or, intentionally cough onto someone because being told to wear a mask is store policy to shop there. When HIV first started and the same thing would occasionally happen, the person was charged. Why not now? Why is it so hard to understand wearing a covering will in some way abate the spread of the virus? Sure, people have a right but not a right to endanger others. You have a right to walk wherever you please but not in the middle of a roadway or highway, etc.  

The President is not a doctor. If I had a bodily ailment, I would ask the opinion of a doctor, not a mechanic. The President says he knows better than his Generals, Dr. Fauci, etc. He cannot prove that to me.  I am not stupid nor dumb therefore I do not believe what he has to say. I will not do as he says and drink bleach, etc. to rid myself of the virus. His supporters may do as they wish and believe everything he says. Just remember, he is only for himself and want his people to believe he knows everything. 

He surrounds himself with people that is loyal to only him, believe what he says, will do what he says without question and, when they do not, he replaces them with someone that does. Look at his cabinet and Congress. Look at the party, governors and others. Look where the virus is spreading. Those areas that have taken a strong stand against the words of the President are seeing a reduction in the spread of the virus. We will not get a firm grip on this virus until the current President is gone with his Congressional supporters in tow. I want to live, not die, and this President is killing thousands with his words and actions. I am neither stupid nor dumb. I can see what is happening.  


We Endured


Last week a fellow chapter member of the Tuskegee Airmen Association, Inc. Sent me an article from the New York Times (NYT Opinion by Caroline Randall Williams, You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body Is a Confederate Monument After reading the well written article, all sorts of additions went through my mind and I decided to share a few thoughts with you.
Most White people claim to know history and especially the struggles of the Black person. They say they can feel our pain and sorrow. I don’t think they realize how deep it goes because most White people can trace their ancestry, most Black people cannot. They do not really understand why we can only trace our DNA to a country or area. They do not understand how painstakingly our history and culture was removed as if it never existed. We were told we were nothing, never would be anything and never had anything until they came along to save us. History does not bear that out although they tried to erase and/or distort history.
Against our will we were bought to this country in chains with untold many dying along the way. We were forbidden our language, it was forbidden to teach us to read and write, it was forbidden to gather in groups except to slave in the hot sun and, not least, to speak unless spoken to and it was always with a bowed head. If any law, written or unwritten, spoken or unspoken, we were whipped, beaten, shot, butchered, or hung. The women were constantly raped, and the offspring were either kept for the fields or sold. We were taught the Bible and christen ways although the White people did not uphold those values. After learning the christen way, we could only go to our church unless a White person was there to observe. The offspring, although some were indistinguishable from their White owners, were told that one drop of Negros blood made a person Black no matter the color of their skin. Humm…there are not many White people that do not have a drop of Black blood in their veins. I know some that went to school with me and later passed for White.
This country was built on the backs of Black people. There would not be a United States of America without the labor or ingenuity of Black people. Why did I use the word ingenuity? Let us think back to the days of the Pharoses and beyond. These people were not as Elisabeth Talyor, who portrayed Cleopatra, they were Black people, living in Egypt on the continent of Africa. The oldest operating library in the world is in Alexandria, Egypt. Plato, Socrates and many others studied and received advanced education there. The world still does not understand how the pyramids were built nor why they are still standing, just to name a few things.
As I said in recent blogs and a few before those, we Black people have endured a lot and is still enduring. We have endured inferior education and had to learn more than the White person to obtain a job. While obtaining a job, we received lower pay for the same or more work than the White person and a promotion is out of consideration. I could go on and on but, in a nutshell, the Black person gets shafted in everything that goes on simply because they are Black. We have endured a lot and, still, all that is said is for us to stop complaining because they are working on it and to suck it up. It is the same thing that have been said for years and years and, maybe, more years to come. However, we will endure.



When you think things cannot get any worse, they do. Never believe your situation is as bad as it can get because there is always someone that have it worse than you. When I was stationed in Thailand, during the Viet Nam war, I was a dog handler and was informed the Viet Cong had a bounty on our lives. There was a bounty on the life of the dog handler and a larger bounty on the life of the dog. Why? It was almost impossible for them to penetrate the base perimeter with the dog teams deployed to protect the base. That made us dog teams extra alert and, while I was there, there was not one base penetration or loss of life although they tried.
I am thankful we were informed about the bounty because to not have known could have meant loss of life, my life. To have a Commander-in-Chief knowing there is a bounty on the lives of our military, not raising hell about it, and loving up to the enemy that placed that bounty is disturbing. This only says to me that the military life means nothing to the Commander-in-Chief and make me wonder why we call him that. Make me wonder why we fight for him, put our lives in danger for him and the country, when he doesn’t love us but loves the enemy more.
There have been many traitors in every conflict the United States have encountered but it has never been from the top. These are troubled times. Not only does the people fight in-country turmoil but those in the military have to not only concentrate on their duty and attempt to save their life but wonder if the orders given to them are valid and it is not aiding the enemy.
All of us that have worn the uniform and those that are presently in uniform depend on our commanders to have our best interests in mind. We know that they would never intentionally do anything that could bring us harm, or do they? We also knew that they would tell us anything and everything that would help get the mission completed and prevent the loss of life, or is that still true?
The Russians have never been our friend. They have always been our enemy and history bears that out. Trying to get along with them is one thing but to love them and trust them is another thing. Putin can never be trusted. He has tried everything he can to disrupt everything in every country. And, being ex-KGB, knows every trick in the book. I cannot respect a Commander-in-Chief that will publicly show love for this enemy and will do his bidding. I cannot respect a Commander-in-Chief that is willing to sacrifice his military because he is loyal to and love the enemy.
This Commander-in-Chief have bowed to every dictator in the world and I cannot think of any that love the United States of America. Like our Commander-in-Chief, they only think of themselves and not their people. They eat and drink good, party and live good while their people are very poor and are dying. They, as so our President, want it all and want to be glorified. The only difference is the other countries care for their military and our Commander-in-Chief does not.