Monthly Archives: March 2018

Senior Retirement

Like I have said, as well as many others, being retired is fun and, at the same time, exhausting, to most. Remember, us retirees worked our whole lives waiting to have the time and pleasure to go to do whatever we want to do. I know, many people say they are adults and can do whatever they want to do now. However, the reality is in the back of your mind that there is always the JOB. Vacation time is always too short and you always run out of time to do the things you don’t have time to do. I know this sound like the run-around but look at it seriously.

As a senior, money was put away in your youth, or should have been put away for the time that you can not work any longer or when you reach that retirement age (full or early). Social Security come in handy, which is taken out of the paycheck each and every pay period. Now you can do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it and for however long you want or need to do it. It is up to you because you don’t have a clock to punch or a deadline to meet. This is your retirement and you don’t have to answer to anyone but yourself and/or your spouse. You can dance the night away on a Wednesday night or go on a two week cruise while someone look after your house for you. You are the adult, the retiree, you do what you want to do.

Or you may do it the way my wife and I decided. Get rid of the house and move into a retirement community (like Imperial Plaza). It may be smaller and it is not yours but what you are giving up is small compared to what you gain. You gain the freedom to come and go as you please. You gain the freedom to stay on a trip as long as you please because everything is cared for, you just take care of the interior of your house or apartment (even there, you don’t have anything to do). You do not cut grass, remove snow, trim bushes, fix a leaky faucet, etc. You are a senior that is sitting back and relaxing. You think about how pleasant it is to be retired as you pick-up your umbrella garnished drink on a tropical beach somewhere.

My wife and I are always on the go and we simply love it. Our passports are up to date and the suitcases never gather dust. Week after next we will be on another cruise and so many other things are on the calendar for this year. So be like the retired me, be a good senior and enjoy the rest of your life because tomorrow is not promised. Also, don’t forget, being a senior does not mean you are limited as seniors were years ago. Accommodations are made for seniors, handicapped people and for people that fit both categories. There is no excuse not to get out there, enjoy life and spend the kids inheritance. You worked for it, they did not, and you may not get another chance to do the things you always dreamed about doing. There is a big beautiful world out there just for you to see, enjoy or just chill. Have Fun!!!

Closer Than It Seem

While backing my car I looked through my passenger mirror and today’s writing came to me. On the passenger mirror a message is written, objects may be closer than it seem. What is primary in my mind is what most seniors go through, eye sight. What make eye sight so disconcerting is the driving habit of the seniors. This is not only dangerous to them but it is very dangerous to others as well.

Many times I have been driving on the interstate and suddenly come upon a slow vehicle or another vehicle almost side swipe me or any number of things that is dangerous. Most of the time a senior is behind the wheel (I’m not speaking about people using their phone). I have asked a few why they drive so slow and the answer I usually receive is they are going the speed limit or nothing is beside them when they first look. Both answers are wrong.

With age most seniors eye sight get weaker, even with eye care from a doctor. Most seniors don’t realize this nor realize the corrective actions; these actions continue as if everything is the same as it was years ago. Corrective glasses are fine but that does not solve the many other senior problems, such as reaction time to a situation. These reaction times are much slower than it was back when. The senior, at times, forget they can not do what they used to do. The mind tell them they have done something before and think they can still do it. Not so, the body will quickly (hopefully before it is too late to pull out) let you know something can not be done. The only options are, leave whatever you are trying to do to someone else to finish, grit your teeth and slowly continue on or get hurt which will cause you to call for emergency help.

The senior is reluctant to give up their independence, opting to remain on their own, do things themselves, drive although their sight is failing and swear they can still make do. The most important thing, other than physical health, is eye sight. That not only effects driving but also effect almost everything else. If the eye sight is not right, preparing food for cooking is difficult because it can not be cleaned the way it should, cut the way it should without cutting yourself, nor cook without burning. The last is because either you can not see the correct temperature or, because the mind is slowly fading, the cooking food is left to cook too long.

All in all, among many things, the eyes play an important role in the senior’s life. I worry about their driving habits, my habits, and the dangers that are caused because of these habits or because eye sight is fading. Don’t be afraid to stop driving. Give up that permit if the need is there. Don’t become outraged because you are tested to find out whether you have the capability to get behind the steering wheel. Don’t be offended because it is for your life and the lives of others. Not only because of the mirror but the eyes may make things seem closer or farther than it really is. Be careful and, if you have to give in, do it.


Pain. That feeling we all have as we age; some younger people have it but I am talking about us senior citizens. Some pain is mild, some is extreme but undoubtedly it is a miserable thing to experience day after day, every minute of every day. There is even pain that come and go or pain that is felt until a body move around awhile.

To know that as soon as your body rise in the morning to meet a new pain filled day, the desire to remove yourself from the bed is the most undesired thing that is wanted but the day must be met. There are things to do and nourishment of the body must be done in order to obtain the appearance of a mobile person. No eating, no life. No movement, what is the reason for life? But, move we must as well as eat and drink, otherwise, no life.

It is not good to have life and to be in constant pain. Some come from accidents years ago or recently, some of the pain came with age, none of the pain is good for the mind. There are some people that can be in pain of which people around them never know. There are some that will have the smallest amount of pain causing people around them believing it is an emergency. There are so many degrees of pain and the pain, real or not, will play on your mind. Some people can forget about the pain and go on with life while others will crumble and can hardly move. Both have the same degree of pain but react differently, however, pain is inevitable.

As we age, most of us will meet Arthur, arthritis, whether we want to or not; whether we admit to knowing him or not. Ibuprofen (Advil) is our crutch but there are others. As well as other pills, there are shots, patches, electrodes and things I, personally, have not heard about. Then there are canes, crutches, braces, pads, etc. Sometimes these things are used occasionally and sometimes the body can not do without these things; it depends on the severity and whether the person can stand pain or not. It really is complicated, that is why there are pain clinics. Let the professionals handle it, I am just an amateur with all sorts of pain; in that you can call me a professional.

I look at the people around me. I do not know of anyone that is without some sort of pain. Some is really bad and some do not show any pain. Just like some days I love to ride around on my bicycle, some days it hurt to even look at it. Some days my knees swell and hurt, some days I am the picture of health. Which day will it be tomorrow, which day will it be the day after? With age pain, a body does not know which it will be.

Pain is going to be there and we must continue on with a somewhat productive life. We want to have a meaningful relationship with the spouse, if there is one, the children, grand-kids and, some of us, the great grand-kids. Swallow that pill, take the shot, put on the patch or rub on the ointment; life go on and on. Such is life.