Monthly Archives: May 2015

Retirement And More

Nachi-No-Taki Falls, Japan

It’s been two weeks since my last “Retirement” blog and I have decided to write this every two weeks. During the off week I will do the “Faith In God Ministries” blog ( or find it on my facebook page). I’ll do it this way because I am very short on time but I also want to keep doing the blogs. So far, I have found this to be the only solution and if anyone have a better solution, let me know.

Now that it is warm and getting warmer, Imperial Plaza is going to more interesting places. We have just come from Yorktown, Va. (history buffs can look the place up) and will be going to Virginia Beach, Va. for some salt water fishing off the coast. I have fished where they are going many times and nice sized Black Bass are really plentiful this time of year. If the boat captain goes to where the ship wrecks are, there should be a lot of other fish also. This coming Wednesday is a two day trip to the casino at Charlestown, WV. Of course us ROMEO (retired old men eating out) guys have found more interesting restaurants. We have been to the Marine Museum at Quantico, the White House and a few other places. It is restful and a lot of fun when someone else is driving and the cost is low. Retirement is wonderful.

When I was younger I never thought about when I would get older and retire nor what it would be like. It was as if I would never get older or retire. My mind was never thinking that far ahead. Sure, I heard all about saving for retirement and all the other commercials that came with that but it still was something far off into the future, not right around the corner. Well, it’s here and have been for a few years now (boy, time flies) and I want to enjoy every minute of it because tomorrow is not promised. I could run into a bad cop or just keel over, who knows? I made it this far and want to enjoy what is left before it is too late.

Richmond is getting ready for the bicycle races that will be here in September. There will be participants and observers from all over the world. It will also be televised and I plan on watching from the sidelines. I will probably get a better view on TV because it will be covering many miles, through many sections of the city. I want to be in that circle for the time trials and whatever else that happens there. This is a once in a lifetime event because it may not be here next year or again during my lifetime. I love riding my bike so I’ll ride my bike to the races to avoid traffic and parking but I am not the person for competition nor am I young enough. I leave that to the younger guys and gals.

Before I close I just want to say that I want you to enjoy life and, when you decide to retire, enjoy it even more. There are many things out there and all you have to do is get out and find it. There are so many things geared toward people that are retired, even the handicapped. There is no excuse not to enjoy the things that are there. Life is short, enjoy it now.

What’s The Problem

I hope all the women had a very Happy Mother’s Day and that everything went well. I hope all of you got the glorification that all of you deserved for without any of you, there is no life. Again, a belated Happy Mother’s Day to you all.

I was watching TV, at the destruction caused by the tornadoes, and wondered about the sanity of most of the people interviewed. I wondered why they are surprised about what happened. I wonder why they always ask why it happened to them. It is the mid-west and tornado alley and stuff happen, all the time. Like the floods, it is coming every year and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Why be surprised? Why cuss God and anyone else? I guess it is me not being sympathetic for these people but it was coming. Just like here in Virginia..a major storm may not hit this year but it will hit. No doubt about it. In the mid-west, it’s each and every year. May be not their town this year but it may be next year or so. It is coming. Find an area of least resistance and there they should stay and pray the weather patterns won’t change to include that area.

In the military I learned to roll with the punches and, another saying, suck it up and keep pushing. At times the military was hard but it taught a person how to adjust to the circumstances around them and keep on pushing without slowing down. The military was harder then than it is now and we all, at one time or the other, learned some really hard lessons with the main one being, adapt. People today do not adapt. They want everything given to them on a silver platter with no work or consequences involved. I learned years ago that it is a give and take thing. In order to receive something you will have to give something up. That’s life and it’s a hard pill to swallow.

That brings me to Imperial Plaza and the way some residents think here. They want what they want when they want it the way only they want it. Then they still complain about it even though an attempt was made to satisfy them. For example, a resident was complaining to me about the dinner dance. This wasn’t right, they didn’t like that and so on. I simply said….for $10 you sit at a linen covered table, have a three course meal, all the wine, beer or other non-alcoholic beverage you can drink, with a live band included plus you’re waited on while giving no gratuity. What more do you want? Where else can you get all of that for that price? They walked away and didn’t say anything.

So you see, you look at your circumstances and, if you don’t care for what’s happening, change it. If you can’t change it, move somewhere that you like better. If that doesn’t fit your purposes, suck it up and live with it. There are always ups along with the downs and life has always been like that. Live life to the fullest and give God the glory that you are still able to enjoy it.

Grumpy People And Other Things

There is a saying, “you can please some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time”. That is a very true statement, especially around Imperial Plaza. Almost daily I talk to people that complain about a vast array of things but most just want to hear themselves speak, I imagine. I try to avoid those I know will complain about everything under the sun and I name them “grumpy”. These people also do not participate in anything but have something to say about everything. A good example is of one woman that always complain about the lousy food served in the restaurant and when asked if she have eaten there lately and the answer is “I’ve been here three years and have eaten there once. I don’t want that garbage.” There are many like her and she and others should keep there mouths shut unless they are involved with whatever they are complaining about.

There is a change that I spoke abut once before. This man ran all of our activities and is back from being repositioned elsewhere. He should never have been situated elsewhere and all I have heard is that it is great he is back. In my opinion, that was a bad move to start with. Why move the best you have and the one that really love the job? I guess the administration had to learn from a bad mistake. I just hope it does not happen again. We did not suffer while he was gone because he still did the job plus his new job. I asked him once if he got double pay since he was doing two jobs. He just smiled and said “no”.

The church is coming along slowly but surely. We still need membership but we have a lady (Evangelist) that comes and is looking for a new home. She sings and have made a CD of which she sang a couple of songs at last Sunday and this Sunday’s services. Her voice reminds me of Mahalia Jackson which put me in awe. I hope she stays. I was praying for a musician and she was sent and I am eternally grateful. The Lord said that if you wanted or needed something, all that was required was to ask. I asked and the result was last Sunday’s service. I am grateful and I am a witness of God’s word and promise. Last Tuesday night’s Prayer Meeting yielded more of what the Pastor and myself have asked for. We must now do what we have to do to finish what God have started.

The weather have finally turned to the better (warm) and, guess what, I came down with a head cold. This is the first one in two or three years. I normally don’t get colds and it normally does not last long but I feel terrible until it’s gone. I’m trying for it to not slow me down because I must keep plowing on and just keep blowing my nose as I do. Keep God in your heart and mind and I’ll holler at you the next time.