Tag Archives: fishing

Just Do It

There are always things to do, places to go, never let grass grow under your feet. Being a senior let you do many things that a working person wish they had the time to experience. Not only does the senior have the time to ‘Just Do It’, but there is the advantage to get the discounts that a senior have available. For instance, my wife and I decided to venture to the Water Front of Virginia Beach, Virginia since we now live here and it is not far away.

After our normal late rising (we go to bed late), which is around nine in the morning, we then decided to eat before going to the Water Front. We decided to see what taking the bus would do for us. It was great to try it and really better than I thought it would be. The bus stop was only a block away and it took about fifteen minutes to travel to the Water Front, with a stop at the First Landing State Park entrance.

One good reason that inspired us to take the bus was (1 the cost ($1) and (2 parking on the Water Front, if parking on the street can’t be found, the cost is $10 and up in a lot or $2 an hour in the parking garage. A dollar per person is not bad. We left the bus a block from the statue of King Neptune which is half way down the length of the boardwalk. There were many people on the beach, as usual, but we leisurely walked along the boardwalk enjoying ourselves, eating donuts from Duck Donuts and just being one of the tourists (we weren’t). We then decided to pay our dollar a piece and return by bus to our residence, Overture Virginia Beach.

After arriving, being hot, we decided to splash around in the pool. That is another thing being a senior does for you. Take your time and do whatever. Our whatever was to hit the pool. There were a few people in the pool or just lying around in the beach chairs. Life is great. The sun had really warmed the hot tub and pool but it was bearable. I just floated around while watching the boats on the Chesapeake Bay. I was out there fishing two days before and wanted to be out there again.

Thinking about the fishing trip, it was good, not great, because a small amount of fish was caught. Croaker and Trout was the only fish caught, I can hardly wait for Stripped Bass (Rock Fish) season to arrive. I had the fish filleted on the dock and for two day I ate fish for breakfast and dinner. I am becoming a hardcore senior. I just get plenty of sun, water and fish but I have to slowdown a little. It’s football season. It won’t matter soon because cold weather will soon be here which mean one part of my pleasures will be gone. The pool.

So, look at it my way. Being a senior is not bad and can be our type of fun. Take your time and ‘Just Do It’. Have all the fun you can when you can. Don’t slow down and let your age catch you. Keep moving, have fun doing it but ‘Just Do It’.

I Am Retired

For the moment I will get back to talking about Imperial Plaza, not all of the happenings but as much as I dare for now. Since I have been here and have written about this place, I have found it quite intriguing, to say the least. Imperial Plaza have gone uphill, downhill and now uphill again. I was involved in some of it by being on committees but there have been some people that were quite radical about what they perceived as needing to be accomplished and how it should be accomplished. There is one or more that gives the perception of “my way or the highway”. There are others that will go so far as to jump the chain of command and go straight to the top.

In everything, like the government, there are parts of a problem that is not seen by the average person. In other words, the whole picture is not seen, therefore, the problem can not be solved as it is seen because one must first see the whole picture (the big circle…). There is always another element to look at unless you are at the top and definitely know the whole picture. Then, alas, there may be an element of that picture that is hiding something, for whatever reason, which makes the picture cloudy and a commendable resolution difficult if not impossible.

There are a few people at Imperial Plaza that come from a world where they are the boss and are used to people complying to their every whim but now they are into a world of retirement. They still have the mindset that when they say something, everyone must jump to do whatever it is without question. They also have it in their heads that they know the best way to do things only if they can get people to get on with the task they have alluded.

Since the previous head of Imperial Plaza got the boot (some say not), the new person have done a great job getting things moving without too much conflict and discontent. There is still a hic-up here and there but nothing is perfect and never will be. There was a large shift in the dining facility and the food and wait staff got to be pretty bad. With the new head chef and quite a few new wait staff, things are beginning to look up. I hope so because I have stopped eating there.

The one thing that have, on one hand, gotten stagnant and, on the other hand, gotten bad is the entertainment. I know most of the seniors want old music (thirties, forties and so on), but, it is always the same old thing. There are two or three bands that always come here and I can tell you the line up of the music. I know what tune is next, because there is very little deviation from that line up, and usually what comment the lead person will make. There is a very good man playing good music in the White Squirrel but he have been relegated to twice a month, he was playing every week for months. He would fill the place on Tuesday and everyone was eating, drinking and dancing. The new group that replaces him every other Tuesday does not take requests nor do they fill the place. Alas, you can’t fight city hall. It’s the dining facility’s lost and I keep my money in my pocket. I either stay in my apartment to eat and drink or I can go out to eat. My wife and I are mobile and I don’t care what we do for that day. There are always choices and I try to take advantage of them because I am retired and I’m not nailed down to do anything I don’t want to do.

I’ll stop here although there is so much more to talk about but I don’t want to make this too long and boring. I want to continue this at the next writing and go into other parts of what is going on as well as, hopefully, getting into my travels. As I said before, I am retired and I love writing, salt water fishing and traveling. As time permits, I’ll write something else soon. Be kind to your neighbors for you’ll never know when you’ll need them. Also, insure your words are soft and sweet, you’ll never know when you’ll have to eat them. By the way, the photo is one of the jobs I retired from.



Hear Ye, Hear Ye

I know I am late but things, from time to time, come up that can not be controlled. However, I am committed to continue my blog. There was a night time bicycle ride that had a few streets blocked off that infuriated many drivers. I was at my part-time job, filling in for a person on vacation, and saw the part of the ride that came down Monument Ave. I watched many vehicles making u-turns because streets were blocked off but the bicyclists were elated and having fun. I could not see much but what I could see made me wish I could have been out there. Alas, maybe next year.

We are still having great fun at the White Squirrel with more and more people jumping up to dance. The music is great, the food is good and Steve and Christy will play music in September. So, for the month of September the fun will continue. The room may be small but that is one of the reasons that make it great. I want more to join in. Not to just listen but to eat and dance.

Coming up is another fishing trip out of Virginia Beach, Va. and the casino trip to West Va. For those that do not know, the trip to West Virginia is an overnight trip simply because the horses run at night. This way everyone can take their time gambling and play or watch the horses that night. The last time we went fishing out of Virginia Beach, a lot of fish was caught and a couple of sharks (I kept one to cook the next day). It can not be said that Imperial Plaza does not take wonderful trips and many more are to come. Join in because a second bus can be added to accommodate the overflow of the one bus.

I see Imperial Plaza have many new residents and that is a good thing. There were too many empty apartments but they are filling quickly. I have seen new men and have asked a couple to join us men for ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eating Out). There are many great eating joints, that we go to, that have very good food and we all have fun talking and joking with one another. If anyone know someone that want to go, tell him to sign-up and meet me at the bus. There is one thing that is good. I can drink and leave the driving to the bus driver. The women have started LIFE (Ladies In Full Effect) and they are to go to O’Charlies at the end of the week.

Well, I will close and I am sorry for being late but, as I have said, things come up that will either prevent or make an article late. Hang in there and I will get this out sooner or later (smile). During your retirement, just have fun and don’t just sit around and fade away. Life is short, take advantage of what’s left. I know I will.


I love fishing and can’t get enough of it. I’ll fish at every opportunity that is available to me and then try to squeeze in more. I do have a couple of problems, though. First I put into the freezer much more than I can consume in a year. Then, second, which piggyback the first one, my wife does not eat any of the fish which mean all that is in the freezer is for me. Here is an example….Imperial Plaza just went on a fishing trip to Virginia Beach. To put fresh fish into my chest freezer I had to throw out six bags of my oldest fish. I usually freeze six to eight fish to a bag and I threw out fish from 2013 and 2014. I now have three bags of eight fish from the trip. It hurt me to my heart to throw the fish away but I didn’t have any choice.

The fishing trip was on a Wednesday and, to top that off, my son-in-law and I went fishing the following Friday night. Sitting on the pier with my chair, a tablet for music, food, and a cooler with ice for the fish and sodas was relaxing as well as great. We were in heaven and have done this, in the same place, many, many times. We just love fishing and, like me, he’ll go fishing every chance he gets. Many fish were caught and we had a great time talking, eating, snoozing and, of course, fishing.

For the first time, I swear it was my first time, I gave ALL of my fish, that I caught Friday night, to a few residents at Imperial Plaza. I will not say that I will always do this but I decided to slow down filling the freezer. I plan to do a lot of fishing and don’t want to load forty or fifty bags into the freezer like I normally do. There are a lot of people, here at Imperial Plaza, that I have become friends with and I know they appreciate having fresh fish that is free. Of course I keep the best stuff (puppy drum, speckled trout, shark, etc.) and I will not clean the fish for them. A few people did not accept the fish because I would not clean it for them.

It was great going out of Virginia Beach from Ruddie’s Inlet because I haven’t taken that trip in a couple of years or so. Most of the time the boat goes out over the ship wrecks, a long, long way from shore, out in the Atlantic but this time the boat went out over the tunnel. For those of you that do not know, this is the tunnel that runs under the Chesterpeak Bay from Virginia Beach to the Eastern Shore. Fish just love this area and dolphin hangout there because of that fact.

While fishing, a lady about six feet from me, caught a small shark but didn’t want it. I could not let good meat go to waste so took it from her and cooked it the next day. Shark meat is good eating although many people turn their nose up at it. They really don’t know what they are missing. Shark is good eating without bones; good boneless white meat. The only bone in a shark is the spine down to the majority of the tail.

Finally, I want to mention the Imperial Plaza activity that I have just come from (Saturday). I want to commend the people that put the Father’s Day Celebration together. It was just grand and it was FREE. We had a live band (BBB [Better Blues Band]), plenty of food and drink, tables under the trees and most of the Imperial Plaza Staff was there to serve. A person couldn’t ask for anything more although, as usual, there were people that had to complain. Personally, I could not see anything to complain about. Even the weather was nice. Again…..Thank You, Imperial Plaza Staff. Job well done.

Retirement And More

Nachi-No-Taki Falls, Japan

It’s been two weeks since my last “Retirement” blog and I have decided to write this every two weeks. During the off week I will do the “Faith In God Ministries” blog (faithingodministries.net or find it on my facebook page). I’ll do it this way because I am very short on time but I also want to keep doing the blogs. So far, I have found this to be the only solution and if anyone have a better solution, let me know.

Now that it is warm and getting warmer, Imperial Plaza is going to more interesting places. We have just come from Yorktown, Va. (history buffs can look the place up) and will be going to Virginia Beach, Va. for some salt water fishing off the coast. I have fished where they are going many times and nice sized Black Bass are really plentiful this time of year. If the boat captain goes to where the ship wrecks are, there should be a lot of other fish also. This coming Wednesday is a two day trip to the casino at Charlestown, WV. Of course us ROMEO (retired old men eating out) guys have found more interesting restaurants. We have been to the Marine Museum at Quantico, the White House and a few other places. It is restful and a lot of fun when someone else is driving and the cost is low. Retirement is wonderful.

When I was younger I never thought about when I would get older and retire nor what it would be like. It was as if I would never get older or retire. My mind was never thinking that far ahead. Sure, I heard all about saving for retirement and all the other commercials that came with that but it still was something far off into the future, not right around the corner. Well, it’s here and have been for a few years now (boy, time flies) and I want to enjoy every minute of it because tomorrow is not promised. I could run into a bad cop or just keel over, who knows? I made it this far and want to enjoy what is left before it is too late.

Richmond is getting ready for the bicycle races that will be here in September. There will be participants and observers from all over the world. It will also be televised and I plan on watching from the sidelines. I will probably get a better view on TV because it will be covering many miles, through many sections of the city. I want to be in that circle for the time trials and whatever else that happens there. This is a once in a lifetime event because it may not be here next year or again during my lifetime. I love riding my bike so I’ll ride my bike to the races to avoid traffic and parking but I am not the person for competition nor am I young enough. I leave that to the younger guys and gals.

Before I close I just want to say that I want you to enjoy life and, when you decide to retire, enjoy it even more. There are many things out there and all you have to do is get out and find it. There are so many things geared toward people that are retired, even the handicapped. There is no excuse not to enjoy the things that are there. Life is short, enjoy it now.

Happy Retirement

Thinking about being retired, how long it has taken to be considered retired and exactly what I am to do now.  Such a long wait, such great fun while waiting to retire and now the real fun is to begin.  I have fun having fun and I have fun working.  Which should I do and, most importantly, how much of this so called working fun should I take.  It is important to throw into the equation fun divided by work to equal more than ever fun.  I found the solution and it is as nostalgic as it is fun.  To balance with the things I am already doing I have started a part-time job.  It is working a mid-shift every other weekend.  I have worked too many midnight shifts to even attempt to count.  Being in the military, a cop and private security, working weekends, holidays and midnight shifts was a given.  After a while you forget what day it is, whether it is a weekend or a holiday.  They all seem the same and you don’t care anymore.

However, I will still go on trips.  I will still ride my bicycle all over the city.  I will still salt water fish.  I will still read.  I will still write.  I will still have so much to do and will enjoy every minute of it.  A person never knows when the end is near and a person should enjoy every minute that is left.  Tomorrow is not promised.  All I can say to all of my comrades enjoy life while you can because I am trying to enjoy mine while I have the energy and mobility to do it.

I was contacted by men I supervised in German thirty years ago and what a surprise to get that e-mail.  There is, so far, one that lives close by (if you want to call Charlottesville close by) and we talked on the phone for almost an hour.  We will have to meet and have lunch or something.  As for the other guys, well I will attempt to meet with some of them also although they are in other states.  I hope to get e-mail addresses from some of the other guys.  I really don’t hold out much hope but it would be nice if it happens.

I wish a Very HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY and be CAREFUL with whatever you do!!!!

The Bicycle Races Are Here

Now that the bad weather bought about the real spring it is now the actual time for bicycling in earnest.  I have been out and about parts of these fine locations (we are a few yards from Henrico) and I have traveled both by two wheels and have had lots of fun doing it although my rear end disagree.  The small seat, which comes with the purchase of the bicycle, really does a number on your rear end.  I understand why a lot of bicyclists rise up to ride.

I ordered and received a larger and softer seat for my Schwinn and it feels wonderful.  I don’t know why it doesn’t already come equipped this way.  I guess the company wants a person to spend more money for additional equipment.   I don’t mind as long as it’s something that is necessary.

I guess you have heard about the National Bicycle Championship being held here in Richmond this weekend.  I rode my regular route yesterday, which was Friday, and then headed downtown to check out the time trials.  It was a nice setup and I think the International Bicycle Races, next year, will be pleased with the route.  This year’s contest is on a portion of the track for next year.

There were not a lot of people watching and I am guessing it was because it was a workday Friday.  Today and tomorrow should be much different and have crowds everywhere.  Richmond has something for everyone and that is something most cities can’t say.  In fact there are three or four major events happening at the same time.  Each week there is something different in the area and at Imperial Plaza.

Next Wednesday Imperial Plaza will again go to Maryland Live casino and, of course, my wife and I hope to be there.  It should be a lot of fun and the weather should cooperate.  I expect to lose, as usual, but it is fun eating, trying to hit a jackpot as well as just getting away for a few hours.  That’s what it is all about.

I’ve had a couple people say they don’t know when a new blog is out.  Just look to the right and “follow” or “subscribe” and every time a new blog is posted, you will automatically know.  You may comment or contact me, which ever or both.  Oh, by the way…..FISHING TIME!