Tag Archives: blogs

More On Climate Change

When I first started talking about CLIMATE CHANGE many years ago, and especially on my other blog www.faithingodministries.net, no one gave me a second read. It was as if I was writing about a fictional act from a sci-fi article that should be read just for fun. There were many people that would not believe (and they told me so) and most of these people still say it is a hoax that people should not believe in and should shut up. This is national and international.

               Whether you believe in climate change or not you should look at what is happening and say something is happening with the weather and the earth. God told Noah that next time He would not destroy the earth with water, but He did not say what it would be. He just said that the people that got right would be saved. I have written extensively about getting right with God in my other blog and those that read my other blog know what I am talking about.

               Since I last wrote about climate change, the climate has gotten worse, but I will only mention a few things. I will start off with the warm waters around Florida. When ocean waters are warmer than the basic hot tub water, something is wrong. We normally get into the ocean water to cool off, not to take a bath. Fish have a hard time surviving in water that is not normal for it. They usually go further out to sea in search of cooler water. This also means fishing boats must go further out and fish much deeper than usual. This also means polar ice melts faster causing sea rise and those popular (expensive) beach homes to slide into the sea.

               Then there is the heat wave all over. I can not only point to the west and mid-west but point all over. It’s everywhere. The first thing that comes to mind is agriculture. A lot of these places grows most of our foods. Years ago, many people grew food in their backyard for themselves with some left over for the neighbors that did not have a garden. Not today. These farms today are gigantic and the food the corporation grow go straight to the grocery store.  I will combine the next paragraph with this.

               Rivers are drying up. I heard that one (there may be more) is completely dried up. Our cities and food growing fields need this water. Now what? People, like nomads of years ago, can move further north to a cooler climate and a little more water to survive. I doubt that it will ever happen, but it is a thought. The heat is cooking everything, making normally hot places hotter. Why hike in this hot weather when under its normal conditions it’s hard? Everyday, they are rescuing people because they passed out while hiking in the desert.

               This is only a very short few words on climate change, it goes much further. People need to take heed and believe because it is real. If you think things will get better, think again. Since the earth was formed, it has changed many times and will continue to change. Read my other blog to find out why.


               All sorts of crime will be with us for the foreseeable future. There are many reasons that this have come to the forefront and will stay. I will write about a few reasons simply because 1) to give all the reasons will take a tome and 2) I surely will leave out a lot although I will be trying to include all of it. Therefore, I will write about a few reasons crime is upon us and will remain, even if we try to stop it.

               First, let me say that crime have been a part of human nature since the beginning (does Abel and Cain ring a bell?). Go further back (can’t go too far) and it started with Eve and that conniving snake, better know as the Devil (Satan). The crime was attempted to be covered up by saying ‘am I my brother’s keeper’, and the rest is history. This have been happening ever since and will continue. Be honest with yourself and don’t think crimes can be stopped.

               Recently, within the past eighteen months, murder have risen to a level as great as to what it was in the seventies. Crime, back then, started going down when we, as a nation, started getting real tough on crime, especially murder. True, some people were (are) convicted falsely. However, that is another story because there are very glaring reasons why. Also, one of the reasons for both acts, like I said in other blogs, politics control everything, good or bad politics, politics did it.

               There has been a great push on restructuring incarceration institutions and the justice system in general. Many people want a softer system because people are human and the majority deserve a second, third chance (some get more chances). After cameras became the norm all anger, finger pointing, and suspicions fell on policing. As in any society, there are good people and there are bad people, as it is in any police force. There are more good cops than there are bad but when the bad cops do their dirty deed, all cops are blamed.

               There is a call for open policing, accountability, etc. and most of it have made the policeman’s work harder, which mean fewer crimes are solved. Of the crimes that get solved, go to trial, and convictions are brought, the punishment is becoming softer. Most of the time it is only a slap on the wrist. And not all punishment is the same for all for the same crime. It becomes evident that because of the political status of the judge, the wealth status of the person convicted, the political status of the person convicted, the color of the skin, which state the trial is in, the political status of the state, etc. means the amount of punishment, if any.

               Because the police are being called out on everything, cops are, most times, too cautious when confronting someone, especially a Black person. This can be detrimental for the police as well as the person being confronted. This is one of the reasons police hiring is bad and maintaining good policemen is hard. They are over worked, underpaid, and not appreciated.

               I could go on and on about crime, but I have neither the space nor time. Before you say yes or no seriously think about this and why crime is getting worst. There is a lot more to this and more honest research is needed by you before any preaching or action.

I Am Retired

For the moment I will get back to talking about Imperial Plaza, not all of the happenings but as much as I dare for now. Since I have been here and have written about this place, I have found it quite intriguing, to say the least. Imperial Plaza have gone uphill, downhill and now uphill again. I was involved in some of it by being on committees but there have been some people that were quite radical about what they perceived as needing to be accomplished and how it should be accomplished. There is one or more that gives the perception of “my way or the highway”. There are others that will go so far as to jump the chain of command and go straight to the top.

In everything, like the government, there are parts of a problem that is not seen by the average person. In other words, the whole picture is not seen, therefore, the problem can not be solved as it is seen because one must first see the whole picture (the big circle…). There is always another element to look at unless you are at the top and definitely know the whole picture. Then, alas, there may be an element of that picture that is hiding something, for whatever reason, which makes the picture cloudy and a commendable resolution difficult if not impossible.

There are a few people at Imperial Plaza that come from a world where they are the boss and are used to people complying to their every whim but now they are into a world of retirement. They still have the mindset that when they say something, everyone must jump to do whatever it is without question. They also have it in their heads that they know the best way to do things only if they can get people to get on with the task they have alluded.

Since the previous head of Imperial Plaza got the boot (some say not), the new person have done a great job getting things moving without too much conflict and discontent. There is still a hic-up here and there but nothing is perfect and never will be. There was a large shift in the dining facility and the food and wait staff got to be pretty bad. With the new head chef and quite a few new wait staff, things are beginning to look up. I hope so because I have stopped eating there.

The one thing that have, on one hand, gotten stagnant and, on the other hand, gotten bad is the entertainment. I know most of the seniors want old music (thirties, forties and so on), but, it is always the same old thing. There are two or three bands that always come here and I can tell you the line up of the music. I know what tune is next, because there is very little deviation from that line up, and usually what comment the lead person will make. There is a very good man playing good music in the White Squirrel but he have been relegated to twice a month, he was playing every week for months. He would fill the place on Tuesday and everyone was eating, drinking and dancing. The new group that replaces him every other Tuesday does not take requests nor do they fill the place. Alas, you can’t fight city hall. It’s the dining facility’s lost and I keep my money in my pocket. I either stay in my apartment to eat and drink or I can go out to eat. My wife and I are mobile and I don’t care what we do for that day. There are always choices and I try to take advantage of them because I am retired and I’m not nailed down to do anything I don’t want to do.

I’ll stop here although there is so much more to talk about but I don’t want to make this too long and boring. I want to continue this at the next writing and go into other parts of what is going on as well as, hopefully, getting into my travels. As I said before, I am retired and I love writing, salt water fishing and traveling. As time permits, I’ll write something else soon. Be kind to your neighbors for you’ll never know when you’ll need them. Also, insure your words are soft and sweet, you’ll never know when you’ll have to eat them. By the way, the photo is one of the jobs I retired from.

