Tag Archives: climate

More On Climate Change

When I first started talking about CLIMATE CHANGE many years ago, and especially on my other blog www.faithingodministries.net, no one gave me a second read. It was as if I was writing about a fictional act from a sci-fi article that should be read just for fun. There were many people that would not believe (and they told me so) and most of these people still say it is a hoax that people should not believe in and should shut up. This is national and international.

               Whether you believe in climate change or not you should look at what is happening and say something is happening with the weather and the earth. God told Noah that next time He would not destroy the earth with water, but He did not say what it would be. He just said that the people that got right would be saved. I have written extensively about getting right with God in my other blog and those that read my other blog know what I am talking about.

               Since I last wrote about climate change, the climate has gotten worse, but I will only mention a few things. I will start off with the warm waters around Florida. When ocean waters are warmer than the basic hot tub water, something is wrong. We normally get into the ocean water to cool off, not to take a bath. Fish have a hard time surviving in water that is not normal for it. They usually go further out to sea in search of cooler water. This also means fishing boats must go further out and fish much deeper than usual. This also means polar ice melts faster causing sea rise and those popular (expensive) beach homes to slide into the sea.

               Then there is the heat wave all over. I can not only point to the west and mid-west but point all over. It’s everywhere. The first thing that comes to mind is agriculture. A lot of these places grows most of our foods. Years ago, many people grew food in their backyard for themselves with some left over for the neighbors that did not have a garden. Not today. These farms today are gigantic and the food the corporation grow go straight to the grocery store.  I will combine the next paragraph with this.

               Rivers are drying up. I heard that one (there may be more) is completely dried up. Our cities and food growing fields need this water. Now what? People, like nomads of years ago, can move further north to a cooler climate and a little more water to survive. I doubt that it will ever happen, but it is a thought. The heat is cooking everything, making normally hot places hotter. Why hike in this hot weather when under its normal conditions it’s hard? Everyday, they are rescuing people because they passed out while hiking in the desert.

               This is only a very short few words on climate change, it goes much further. People need to take heed and believe because it is real. If you think things will get better, think again. Since the earth was formed, it has changed many times and will continue to change. Read my other blog to find out why.

Just Thinking

Thinking about the future, especially the upcoming months, the upcoming years, I cringe. I know I will make it through, one way or another and I don’t have too many more years of life left but what about the family? The young ones. What will the future look like for them? I don’t know about your family, but my family is not thinking about anything in the future. They do not have any idea what may come, nor do they care. Most young people only think about the here and now. Never tomorrow. Let tomorrow take care of itself.

I am thinking about what is happening in politics. Anything and everything can happen in politics that will have an effect for many years to come. Then there is climate change. The earth has always been in some sort of change and now is no different. I care not that it is called climate warming, climate cooling or whatever the name experts can call it, the earth is and will change. I care not that the President or his people or anyone else say there is no climate change, that is their opinion and they are entitled to it. Then there are the forest fires. Too many to count and they are everywhere. The earthquakes and tornadoes and volcanoes and tsunamis and rising waters and…

I, for a long time, wanted to live on one of the Caribbean islands until storms started tearing them apart. I changed my mind and realized that when a storm hit there isn’t a place to go. Plus, the coral reefs are dying, and the oceans are rising. At least, on the mainland, I can attempt to run somewhere. The islands are beautiful now and most have weathered the storms well but what about five years from now, ten years, twenty years from now? I may not be here to see it but the young saying the earth is not changing will.

Weather during my childhood in Virginia is nothing like now. The first time I saw a tornado I was in a military school in the late ‘60s. Now, in Virginia, it is not unusual to have a few per year, something I have never heard of during my childhood. Earthquakes are on the rise in Virginia. That is another thing that I didn’t know about during my childhood. Yet, my government say nothing have changed. I guess they think I am stupid and will believe everything they tell me.

That was a little, very little, peek into what have been on my mind and I have not gotten into politics. This week I’ll leave it alone because to write what is on my mind will take a couple of pages. Politics is also one of the biggest things that is changing the world. I, personally, do not sway to one side or the other. I go for whom I believe is better than the other or who is the better of two evils. So, I will not go further except to say we may be in another war soon.

I won’t be here when the stuff hit the fan (unless it will be soon) and there isn’t a thing I can do for the family I leave behind. The world has been here a very long time but at many different stages of climate and solid earth conditions. Be prepared because it is coming, and you can’t stop it.


Sitting here on my balcony, not many yards from the Chesapeake Bay shore (being written on Thursday evening), with not a thing to do but wait on the remnants of hurricane Michael. This area will receive a little rain this afternoon and overnight, very high winds tomorrow. It is strange to not see boats on the bay because the boaters have disregarded advisories many times before. They are cautious today, uhm, strange. The naval fleet is still tied tight to their docks. I didn’t hear they are leaving to ride it out at sea like they did for the last hurricane. This also make me think of the air force base that is positioned in the Florida panhandle. The base took almost a direct hit from hurricane Michael. I remember a base that was wiped out, during a hurricane in Florida a few years ago, and it was never rebuilt. Storms are getting worst, but politicians say there is no climate warming although scientists are saying there is. Which is it?

Thinking about climate warming, the ice that is in the north and south poles, is getting thinner and huge icebergs are starting to break off from the main mass. Polar bears and seals are having a hard time finding refuge and hunting grounds. That is why they are coming inland to populated areas. Survival is the word and main factor. The action and reaction.

It is said, I learned in school, ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’. That has a meaning in everything that is done (can also be applied to ‘said’). Most people never realize or think about the reaction from what they do or say. It is very prevalent for the last two years or so and for years to come, until we get control of this very crass banter. I call it banter because things have been said to get a reaction. However, the reaction may not be what is hoped for or, normally, will be.

There are many things that will soon cause reactions, that is causing strong reactions that will hurt both sides of the political world. I am talking about West and Swift. Both individuals have followers in the millions, but the question is, how many will follow them? Willie Nelson can be counted as another and there are more big names in the mix. Who will win? What will the reactions be? I know what I will do but I wonder about the country’s reactions and the outcome.

The dictionary definition of reaction is (1 movement in the direction of political conservatism or extreme rightism. (2 action in response to some influence, event, etc.. And this goes on even further. However, there is one form of reaction that I want everyone to heed. Go to the polls and vote. Laying back, hoping others will carry the ball, will not exert pressure onto either side and will accomplish nothing but apathy, no reaction. That is one of the things that went wrong during the last election. A lot of real blood, sweat and tears was shed for all citizens to vote. Use that right. Vote. React!