Tag Archives: election

This and That

The voting is over, but the fireworks are just starting. 2024 should be interesting and that should go higher than a nuclear blast cloud. The past voting and the upcoming election should make everyone leery about paying a great amount of time viewing polls. This past election showed polls as being wrong because the polls had Republicans leading by, in most cases, a large margin and I see they mostly use anti-Biden polls. I, personally, am glad the polls were wrong, not only here in Virginia but across the United States. Although I am not female, I still have an opinion on abortion and I believe the woman should choose for herself, not someone telling her what she can or cannot do. That one issue influenced the election and made the polls wrong.

               Flipping to another political issue. Boebert. Did you hear about the congressional bill that was being debated and congresswoman Boebert objected to it because money was to go toward the illegal immigrants? The congressman that was presenting the bill had to explain to her in length that there was zero amount of money in the bill that is allocated toward immigrants. She still did not understand and then went on a rant about President Biden and what he was and was not doing. She consulted with a congressional aide and, low and behold, she only read a portion of the bill and assumed the rest. There are a few more like her and a couple that are worse.

               One of the largest issues that is on the burner are the two wars. This issue is so hot I really don’t want to touch it, but I must touch a small piece of it. I will only say what my feelings are and, I know, I will have people coming at me from both sides.

               I don’t like war (I’ve been there, done that) but there have always been wars. From the beginning until now. As for the Israel-Hamas War I believe Israel is justified for fighting after being attacked. I have a heavy heart for the hostages, but this is war. As far as destroying Gaza, my heart is twice as heavy, but the Palestinians are culpable. They do not want Israel to exist either, and they knew that tunnels were being dug underground (their homes, hospitals, and other buildings (on one television interview it could be heard) and they did not say or do anything about it. They can not cross the border for safety and that country is a semi-Arab country. Why? The Republicans are saying Biden is not doing enough especially by saying he wants a pause in the war, he did not say cease fire. Hamas does not respect either and they are very cruel. They cut off the head of women, children (including babies), and execute unarmed men/women. I must side with Israel. If someone hit me, why would people not expect me to hit back.

               The war in Ukraine has some of the same overtures. They were jumped and territory was occupied. Rumors are out about Putin being gravely ill and there are some saying he is dead; however, the war goes on. The Russians intentionally destroyed entire cities and targeted civilians and hospital. How many screamed about that? How many crowded protests were there? Why is there a call from the Republicans to defund them? Explain it to me as if I were a five-year-old.

               There is much, much more on my mind, not counting my personal problems. I don’t let much bother me because there isn’t much I can do about it except vote when the time comes.


Oath: A solemn promise, often, invoking a divine witness, regarding one’s future action or behavior.

               Everyone takes an oath, whether they realize it or not. I will name a few, not all, because I know I will miss a lot of them. Oaths are given when someone is taking a government job (federal, state, or local). This includes enforcement of the law, military, doctors, nurses. Lawyers, etc. When you rent an apartment, you will sign a contract or when you buy a car (promise to pay or that what you put on the form is truthful). There are many organizations and clubs that require it. I think you understand what I mean. Oath covers a lot of territory.

               Rep. George Santos has admitted he is a liar and took the oath of office. Now he is charged with several things including lying to Congress. A breach of the oath. He stated he will not resign but the people that voted for him and elected him knew most of what he is accused of before the election. Even the Speaker of the House stands by him and said he wants to see if he is found guilty or not. There have been many other people that have been accused of something and were made to resign. The Republicans can not afford to lose one vote and I think that is why they are standing by him until this is bought to a head.

               Another (this will ruffle feathers) is ex-President Donald Trump. Becoming President, he took the oath of office and shattered it into a million pieces. Before and after becoming President, he signed many contracts and rarely was he true to them. When he was charged with rape, he was given a chance to meet his accuser in court and did not appear. Yet, he told his followers he was not given the chance. I believe he did not appear because he would have had to take an oath. I do not understand why that matters to him because he broke his oath numerous times in the past.

               I will mention one last person and that is the guy that was in intelligence service for the military and posted on the internet what he wanted. Of course, he had to take an oath and he shattered that oath for whatever lame brained excuse he gave. He not only hurt our government but other governments around the world.

               To list all the government officials that took the oath and broke it is impossible to list. That list is too long to even think about, especially those from the last administration. Today, oaths mean nothing. Back in the day, a simple handshake was all that was needed. There was also a time when a person gave their word and that was all that was needed.

               I have taken many oaths and kept all of them. I could not afford to be caught breaking an oath because I am a little guy and before I could recite my name, I would be so deep into the catacombs of prison that daylight wouldn’t reach me. I guess keeping true to the oaths taken is for the little people like me.

Book Sense and Common Sense

When I was in the military, we had a saying about many officers and it was, ‘lots of book sense and no common sense’. This also applies to some NCOs as well. Not all of them were like that but there were plenty to go around. These people stayed in some sort of school, always into their books but when it came to thinking outside of the box, what is not found in a book, they were lost or would do or say something crazy.

               There are a lot of people in Congress, state and local government that run in the same pact. They can say what you need to hear or want to hear but never enacted what they have said. They are good at telling you what need to be done or tell you what to do but have never done it themselves nor realize what the outcome will be. Every situation is different with all sorts of variables which mean there must be some sort of fine tuning to complete the task.

               There are many people that cannot think beyond the box and have been put into a position due to who they know or who they owe, etc. but they do not have the knowledge, expertise, or anything that qualify them for the position. I have seen a lot of them when I was in the military. There is one in Congress (there may be others that made it in because of this situation) that was elected because her opponent had to drop out for personal reasons, and she ran unopposed. If the opponent had not dropped out, she would have never won the election. Now the state and the country are stuck with this unqualified person.

               Then you have those that get into politics to gain wealth. All they want to do is make money anyway they can. They will say and do anything. They will take money to say and do certain things as long as they can climb up the ladder a little further. In the meanwhile, we the people suffer for the wrongs that are being perpetrated by these people. They do not care if the law that they want enacted helps the constituents or not as long as they get theirs. If they can garner a fan base, all the better because that will ensure they can stay in place and make more money.

               There is a Congresswoman that constantly break the rules and is fined for them. Now she is complaining she don’t have money because her pay is going toward paying off the fines imposed on her. Common sense tells anyone not to break the rules that carry a fine in which you will not get paid on payday.

               Thinking about book sense and common sense; there is a leader of a violent group from the right that is a Yale Law graduate but is now considered a jailbird because of his and his group’s actions. He has plenty of book sense, but I don’t think he ever had enough common sense to stay out of jail and to keep those radical views out of his head.

               I’ve always said that knowing the book is good but common sense is better. First, the book may not tell you everything. And second, is the book telling the truth? A mix of book and common sense go hand in hand to make a better person and a lot of Congresspeople need to make that change. There is a lot of stupid out there, even in those that elect these stupid people and keep them in office.

The Elections

Next week is election week. Here in Virginia, the governor’s election is too close to call. I voted early just like thousands of Virginians. As I have said before, I always vote for the better person, in my opinion, no matter which party they belong to. I listen closely to what the candidates are saying, and I look closely at who the person is, what they really stand for and try to guess what they would do if elected to the office.

               For instance, the Republican for Virginia’s governorship is constantly saying one thing while on the speaking stage, but hidden tapes have caught him saying something different. In fact, every Republican have been caught telling lies, constantly, while the Democrats have had verbal fluffs, every now and then, or what they say is either taken out of context or twisted to mean something they did not say. I still look at the person and give the benefit of the doubt before I choose which person I am to vote for.

               I also look at the party the person belongs to and understand what the party is doing or trying to do. Then I want to see if the candidate wants to help change some things in the party or help the party continue what it is doing. It makes a difference because I ask myself if I want to continue with the same old things that is giving me heart burn or do I want change. This is not a game. It is the future, and the future is not for me but for my family that is left when I am gone.

               The one campaign theme that is either scaring or thrilling a lot of people is when the name Trump comes up. Trump lost this state when he was running for re-election but think the man running for governor can change things. That man has said he is running because of Trump, and he admires him. How can a person admire a one term twice impeached President?

               What have my mind in a fog is why many people want this man that is against masks, vaccinations, abortion, messing with things in schools, and correct science (which include global warming). It appears every candidate for office that is Republican are all saying almost the same identical things and have the same identical mindset. They are like puppets and Trump is pulling the strings like a puppet master. I do not think they have a mind of their own.

               One more thing. The Republican candidate have gotten most of his campaign money from a Wisconsin billionaire. I recently wrote a blog entitled ‘Follow the Money’. Here is further proof of that. The Republicans have deep pockets because of the billionaires that is why they do not want wealthy money taxed. The Republicans do not want to tax them because they still want their pockets (personal and party) lined.

               Knowing all of what I have written and more I still say vote for the better person. Like I have said, I voted early. I say to you, remember, the way you vote will not only benefit you but your relations for years and years to come.

I Do Not Understand

I do not understand. I am perplexed that the party (Republican), the party of the people, the party of the free, the party for all still choose Trump. The man for double standards, the man that have an ego problem that is bigger than anyone known to man, the man that lost the election but continue to deny the results. I do not understand how a person can be ridiculed, shunned, and is almost killed by Trumps forces still be on the same wagon as he is and still adore him like a slave that is forced to bow to his master’s will.

               That party have double standards. One for the party, while lying to you or not but mostly lying, and one for everyone else. Example: A White man voted twice in the last election. Once for himself and once for his deceased mother. He was excused because it may have been a mistake. A Black woman was freed from incarceration, thought she was eligible to vote under the new standards and was later told she was wrong. She was charged with voter fraud and jailed.  The Republican party did everything it could to squash everything President Obama tried to do, up to and including stacking the Supreme Court simply because they were in the majority. Now they are the minority and is hollering, thinking the same thing is being done to them while saying it is not fair, they never did that.

               The Biden administration is constantly trying to reach across the aisle and negotiate deals that both sides could live with. The Republican party refuse to meet with the Democrats and negotiate anything. To go even further, a Republican Congresswoman fist bumped President Biden and now the Republicans want her seat in Congress. I did not know it was a thing to not to have anything to do with the other party. I thought the parties were to come together to negotiate the peoples will. Must everyone always have a Sad Sack look on his face when in the presence of the other party like Moscow Mitch McConnell?

               I do not understand how so many people are so cultish for this ex-President, giving him every dime they can spare for him and his family to put into their pockets. How can people love him when almost everything he says and does is a lie? How can the people see and allow the right to vote or more difficult to vote become the standard in many states? I do not understand why they insist on tearing democracy apart and make it a government of old, old man Trump. I will not get into his gestapo forces; he tells them that he loves them.

               Lastly, I do not understand how a person want to run for President and refuse to say anything bad about Trump even after Trump had his forces hunt him down to hang him. Even after Trump slandered him and said he despised him because he would not fix the votes to show he won, he still will not say anything bad to him or about him. I do not understand.

Temper Tantrum

How many times have you witnessed a child throwing a temper tantrum? Almost impossible to abate, is it not? As I see it the same thing is happening with Trump. He cannot have his way, so he is in a destroying mood. He has had his way from the day he was born and, as an old man, he cannot change now. For the short time he has left in office he wants to and can do much damage and make things exceedingly difficult if not impossible for the elected administration to correct.

               My main fear is he may intentionally or inadvertently start a war (something he twice wanted to do a short while ago). He and his enablers, including the Senate and the Republican party, are trying everything in their power to disrupt, not only the smooth transfer of power, but anything the Democratic administration need to get done. They not only will not certify the new cabinet, allow incoming briefings, nor have office space. They were not treated this way nor have anyone been treated this way.

               Then there are the frivolous lawsuits concerning the election, the ballots, the ballot counting, and the result. So far only one out of fifteen lawsuits have been won and that was a tiny win that did not amount to anything. Then there is the South Carolina Senator poking his nose in the Georgia election. If he lived in Georgia that would be okay, but he lives in another state.

               I can not leave out the Senate majority leader that have publicly said he will block everything the incoming administration tries to do no matter what it is. He did this to the Obama administration and now he wants to do it again. He has many bills sitting on his desk that he will not allow action to be taken and one of them is the stimulus bill. It seems he want to pack the courts with as many Republican federal judges as he can, therefore, each day, on the Senate floor there is only voting on certifying judges.

               Mixed in this is the temper tantrum man playing golf instead of trying to get this pandemic under control. All that I hear from him is the untrue accusation that the election was rigged, and he won the election. He knows he lost but, like a child throwing a tantrum, he can not accept this and want it his way. Putting him into time our will not work because his mental state could not handle it. Therefore, he pouts, sit, and do nothing. He will not do his job. He is still saying things to get his enablers to act. When his enablers are stopped, he has another tantrum. He has his agenda, and it is not to help us. His agenda is to help him and only him.

               Being an ex-president will expose him to many lawsuits because he will then be a private citizen. When the lawsuits are levied the temper tantrums will increase beyond what we have seen. During the tantrum, he will do anything and everything. The child is still kicking and screaming. He will not stop.


The voting is over, and I am now waiting for the other shoe to drop. Trump is almost out of ammo and will shoot off his mouth for as long as he can. However, in this election Trump was not the problem. As in past elections, pollsters had it wrong. That is why I only half hear them when they are talking. I could never put trust in them because, in my mind, a pollster can be in the back pocket of anyone. I believe they only say what is paid for and that depends on which side of the aisle they are on.

               Thinking back to the olden days, I remember the television ratings. They would always announce that many telephones were called, and many people were talked to with many surveys filled out. But what I remember most is over the many years I was never called. I was never talked to. I never filled out a survey. I do not know anyone that can say they have. Who took those surveys? Are the ratings true? Where is the proof? I saw a large amount of television shows I did not like and, if I had my way, would not renew them for another season. It is the same today.

               The same thing can be said about the pollsters. Where do they get their information? Does anyone take a survey? I have never done neither and do not know anyone that have, and I know a lot of people think the way I think. If a pollster, before or after an election, talk to me I will stay as neutral as I can and say what they want to hear, whether it is true or false. I believe this is what have been happening and the pollsters are taking all of it as the truth and a news scoop.

               There are a lot of polling companies and I wonder how they stay in business. Where do they get their money? With so many errors in polling, why would a company or individual pay for a fifty-fifty chance of what the poll say is true. I can roll dice and have the same odds. For years, the polls have been wrong on almost everything yet almost everyone believe in them. I guess I am an oddball.

               Maybe Trump can blame everything that have happened of the poll and pollsters. Maybe that was part of his base. Maybe the pollsters can tell us what Trump is going to do. When they tell me, I will think the opposite and probably be correct. I do not trust anything the polls say and never will. Knowing the poll record, it is hard to believe anyone does.

Cast The First Stone

Every time a person attempts to elevate him or herself into a higher position someone comes out of the background and attempts a prevention into that higher position. The reasoning is not if the person is telling the truth or is lying but why do they have a time lapse of years. If the allegation is a matter that is so egregious that the person should not be considered for the position, why the many years between the event and the reporting of the incident?
I do not understand an incident happening twenty or thirty years ago before being reported as if it happened yesterday. It may have been wrong then however, thirty years later should have no reference to today unless it is dealing with murder or something as bad. An incident condoned years ago have not changed today. It is still condoned.
During our younger years all of us have done a bad thing or two. Let those that have never sinned cast the first stone. All of us have something that we are not proud of, whether it is recent or old. As I look at myself from years ago, I see things that I would have done differently. However, I would not want someone holding that against me, especially when there was a chance to hold it against me twenty or thirty years ago. Hold it against me, or someone else, if it is recent or a short time ago.
Now the woman that is bringing allegations against former Vice-President Biden says she did bring harassment allegations against Biden, but she said she never said anything about sexual harassment. Why not then? Why now? Why wasn’t it bought out when he was vetted for Vice-President? Why wasn’t it bought out when he was vetted for the Senate? Why is it that the present Secretary of State will not research and release the archived papers about the situation? There are too many whys.
I go back to, he without sin cast the first stone. There are many people that say he should not run for office because there is the question and that is all that is needed. If so, there would be no one that could run for any office that requires vetting. It all depends on how egregious the offense. Is it an offense if it was accepted at the time? She says the offense is not in the report that was made. Why is it an offense now? Why wasn’t it reported then? Why wait almost thirty years? So many questions.
Then I look at the present President and the allegations against him. Some were proven and some were also recorded. He was still put into office and some of his offenses are worse than Biden’s. This is called a double standard and what is good for the goose is good for the gander (an old saying). Like I said for the last Presidential election, I will take the better of the two and Biden is not anywhere as bad as Trump.
Cast your stones if you think you never have to worry about being vetted for a past offense. An offense that occurred five years ago, maybe ten years ago, I would have to look at it but an offense that occurred almost thirty years ago is out of consideration for me. Unless it was murder, gross assault, rape, drugs, or something close to those, then there is a problem.



Sitting here on my balcony, not many yards from the Chesapeake Bay shore (being written on Thursday evening), with not a thing to do but wait on the remnants of hurricane Michael. This area will receive a little rain this afternoon and overnight, very high winds tomorrow. It is strange to not see boats on the bay because the boaters have disregarded advisories many times before. They are cautious today, uhm, strange. The naval fleet is still tied tight to their docks. I didn’t hear they are leaving to ride it out at sea like they did for the last hurricane. This also make me think of the air force base that is positioned in the Florida panhandle. The base took almost a direct hit from hurricane Michael. I remember a base that was wiped out, during a hurricane in Florida a few years ago, and it was never rebuilt. Storms are getting worst, but politicians say there is no climate warming although scientists are saying there is. Which is it?

Thinking about climate warming, the ice that is in the north and south poles, is getting thinner and huge icebergs are starting to break off from the main mass. Polar bears and seals are having a hard time finding refuge and hunting grounds. That is why they are coming inland to populated areas. Survival is the word and main factor. The action and reaction.

It is said, I learned in school, ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’. That has a meaning in everything that is done (can also be applied to ‘said’). Most people never realize or think about the reaction from what they do or say. It is very prevalent for the last two years or so and for years to come, until we get control of this very crass banter. I call it banter because things have been said to get a reaction. However, the reaction may not be what is hoped for or, normally, will be.

There are many things that will soon cause reactions, that is causing strong reactions that will hurt both sides of the political world. I am talking about West and Swift. Both individuals have followers in the millions, but the question is, how many will follow them? Willie Nelson can be counted as another and there are more big names in the mix. Who will win? What will the reactions be? I know what I will do but I wonder about the country’s reactions and the outcome.

The dictionary definition of reaction is (1 movement in the direction of political conservatism or extreme rightism. (2 action in response to some influence, event, etc.. And this goes on even further. However, there is one form of reaction that I want everyone to heed. Go to the polls and vote. Laying back, hoping others will carry the ball, will not exert pressure onto either side and will accomplish nothing but apathy, no reaction. That is one of the things that went wrong during the last election. A lot of real blood, sweat and tears was shed for all citizens to vote. Use that right. Vote. React!