Monthly Archives: April 2023

Burn Baby Burn

Every day looks gloomier, and gloomier when you look at the world of politics. I guess I am looking for a country set in a world of utopia but, as I wrote in a previous blog, there is no such thing as utopia. There will always be mistakes, miscalculations, and the inevitable upper crust people greed. Greed is one thing but being overly greedy is too much for me. However, there are those that are mindless about all of this and want the rest of us to fall into the same fire that has engulfed them.

               I am thinking about all the problems our country is mired in and there seems to be no end to any of this. Especially when there is a faction that wants to unravel what is good and decent and only wants to cause discontent. When you add the craziness of some of these people into the mix, there is nothing but chaos and either nothing gets done or there is a slowdown of everything. Then again you add into the mix liars that are only out to destroy everything.

               There are many things on the table that need to be resolved including the abortion issue, the Supreme Court issue, our conflict with China, Russia and, in minor form, some other countries. Add in humanitarian aid to several countries and aid to many states in this country. There is still a big border problem which is not going to go away any time soon. Yet, there is a blockage in Congress to get the money to resolve some of this plus we have the upcoming debt ceiling deadline.

               Thinking about the upcoming debt ceiling deadline, I cannot see why Republicans want to cut money to our military, especially VA (Veteran Administration) hospitals, when they have said they wouldn’t. They want to cut employees from the VA as well as funding. How can we care for our injured vets (we can barely do it now) with fewer personnel and less money? Who would want to join our military knowing that if they get injured care is not a priority?

               Looking again at the Supreme Court and I see a court I would not want to handle my case, if I had one, because I would know they will decide on which way the money, politics, and friendship flow. This is the highest court in the country, and it is so tainted that being corrupt is the lowest I can think of without using a cuss word.

               The country is on fire, and we are all burning in the flames that are thrown in our direction. As the perpetrators of this mess will burn in hell for continuing to cause this, those that condone this mess and are attempting to drag others into this mess will burn also. I wrote about this in my other blog and I see it all coming true. The devil needs more fuel for his fires, and we are supplying it. Souls will add to the fuel, and I do not want any part of it. There is so much more I could write but I do not want to write a book. We all will burn because of this fiasco. Burn, baby, burn.

In Retrospect

We are in the age of retrospect, or we are quickly on our way there. All we must do is look at what is happening and what was happening not too long ago. This is happening across the entire spectrum, especially here in the United States. I will not investigate every facet of the situation because I am sure I will miss something, but the handwriting is on the wall. Let’s look at some of this.

               The biggest item in the news is about abortion. Looking back, women did not have a way to have an abortion and had to carry the baby to term. The man always wanted a male heir and most female babies were killed. Women did not have a say into anything, and they were not educated. This is still found in most Muslem countries, and their religion wants it to spread to all the other cultures. The woman must stay home to cook, clean, care for the children, and do whatever the man tells her to do. The USA have not taken away ways for the man not to have children but have caused ways for women to have children. This is a regression, not a progression.

               Then there is a caste system among the have and have not. Congress refuses to do anything about the millionaires and billionaires paying their fair share of taxes. They even get better treatment in the judicial system. The middle class cannot afford or barely afford food, housing, vehicles, gasoline, or time off to recharge their bodies. The country that has a large caste system is India although most countries have it in some way. Everything costs more and more because the wealthiest of people want more and more.

               Many years ago, most people could not read or write and what was written had to be approved before it was released into the public realm. Now they are saying there is too much sexuality in books and people should not be exposed to it. Does that mean the Bible? In the Bible you’ll find incest, homosexuality, murder, etc. Will the Bible be banned next? Children can read and the Bible is not hidden from sight. Some of the most well-known books in the world have some form of forbidden material in them. It is ludicrous to rewrite well-known material, cover well-known statues, remove works of art because someone think it is vulgar.

               We are a people that supposedly abide by laws written by and for the people of this country. These laws are to apply to all the people however there are some people (in the highest caste?) that feel as if it doesn’t apply to them. When I look at the Federal Government (including the Supreme Court) I see quite a few believing the laws do not apply to them. This was the way it was for untold centuries. They make the laws for us, and the courts and law enforcement enforce them upon us and not upon them.

               These are just a few things (and there are a lot more) that come to mind when I think how we are going backward instead of forward. Modernization means nothing. I’m gonna get on my horse and wagon and move on down the road. I’m too old to fight this any longer. I fought for civil rights and now I’ll let the younger people take over. I hope they are up to the task.


Education: the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgement, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. Think about the ending words, for mature life. When there is no education, life does not mature or barely matures.

               Education has been on the news for a long time. There are people for education and there are people against education. For your information, I am for education, and I do not understand how anyone could be against it. It is said that people are not against it, they just don’t want certain material presented to the children. I agree and disagree. I would say to present it as age appropriate when presented. That brings in banning books (I just saw that art is being banned also).

               It is getting so bad that there are demonstrations on both sides. Remember, Hitler banned books and so has some Islam countries. Also remember, the first step to control people is to make them ignorant. We are attempting the first step, but I also see that people becoming ignorant have been slowly on the move for a long time.

               What I mean by slowly on the move for a long time is that for long-time parents are not involved in the education of their children. In my day my parent made sure I did my homework every day, she did what she could to help me, and attended the PTA meetings. I did the same for my child. There are PTAs and school board meetings for the parents to come to and help, or at least express their opinion, about the curriculums for the students. The meetings used to be crowded but not anymore.

               I have a problem with book-banning, but I have a bigger problem with parents gripping but they are not involved in the education of their own children. It seems that they want others to raise their children, educate their children, but they do not want verbal and physical discipline of the children. The children want to act as adults (so do the parents) but lack the training and understanding.

               People want kids and some get involved with them but far too many have them and leave them. Using my era of growing up, when an adult spoke, whatever I was doing immediately stopped, I paid attention, and I did it. Today, the children do what they want to do and will talk back. In my day, talking back, arguing, and not doing something was a death sentence (not really but close).

               Education is needed everywhere but when students cannot read about Rosa Parks and others, it is a sad day. There may not be an agreement on what is read but in it is at least general knowledge. I don’t understand politicians getting involved in this, it should be the parents. I had chores to do before and after school. At times I even held a job as well as what I had to do at home and then my homework. Today children have it easy and still complain. I was lucky to get six hours sleep but kids today get twice that.

               Everyone needs an education, but the parents need to get back into teaching their own kids. When no one can say, touch, or have anything to do with your child, then they cannot effectively be taught. When the teacher gets hurt in class because of the unruly child, then the child cannot be taught. When the parent does not have control of their child, then the child cannot be taught. Parents…let’s educate the children before it’s too late.