Monthly Archives: January 2019

Kiddie Korner

In this week’s blog there will be metaphors for a few things that is happening in politics. Some will agree with me and some will disagree, so be it. For a long time there have been a phrase uttered about the people in the White House (children’s zoo) that, if you metaphorically look at it, it is, some would say funny and, some would say true. Maybe it’s both, I have my own opinion about the entire thing. The way I will put this, it’ all like children playing or acting out.

The Speaker of The House told the President of The United States that he could not give the State of The Union address because of security concerns. Because of the government shut-down the usual security is too thin and what is left cannot protect all the important members of every branch of government that will all be in one place. The response is the Speaker of The House and her delegation cannot use a government plane for a trip. That is like two kids playing marbles and one kid gets mad and take the marbles and go home. Then, to get even, say ‘I’m gonna tell on you’. The President spilled the classified travel details before anyone could take another plane.

Then there is “whack-a-mole”. No one have contact with the special prosecutor. No one either speak with him, know where he is or where he is going or what he is going to do. The media and the administration are so used to knowing everything about everyone, to be able to whack them down if they seem to get to high, that the prosecutor perplexes them. They keep trying to out think him and his team just to find out they are wrong.

Then there is the game I played when I was in school. The teacher would whisper something in the first student’s ear. By the time it gets to the last student, what the teacher whispered is completely different. That is similar to what the President and his lawyer is doing, or it seems so. Something would be released to the media and almost immediately the President, his lawyer, and his administration will put their spin on it. How can such rubbish be believed when there is proof to the contrary?

Have you ever asked your child if they have completed a task and later see them hurrying to complete it before you find out they didn’t? The President just made an appearance at a combat zone base because there has been criticism for not doing it. Some military people have done three or more tours in combat zones with the Commander in Chief making one in two years (bone spurs?).

There is more, however, but I will leave it here, I don’t want to madden people more than they are already. I know I anger people because I speak badly about the President and the no experience administration, but I don’t care because everyone has their own opinion, and this is mine. And, I wrote no experience administration because most people hired by the President are hired because they agree with him not because they are experts, they are not.

Anyway, have fun in the ‘kiddie korner’ and keep your fingers crossed that things will eventually straighten itself out and get back to an even keel. Any writing suggestions, contact me. Don’t forget to read my other blog at and pass it and this on. I need many more viewers to continue writing the blogs, they cost too much for the number of readers that I have.


Weather And The Elderly

Seldom a morning goes by, as I arise from my bed, that I wonder what the weather will bring today and what is the temperature at the moment. Sure, I know what the weather was yesterday, but what will it be today, is the forecast correct? The temperature in the house can deceive a person, give a false sense of weather awareness, which will make a person wonder if they will overdress or underdress. To the elderly, it can be a bad cold event or not.

The one thing that really make me feel cold is watching a person walk by wearing shorts, flip-flops, a bald head without a hat and a jacket on a breezy, chilly day. Maybe the person does not feel cold but why does the person wear a jacket if they don’t? I have seen this much too often, and every time I wonder why. Occasionally, I have seen this when there are snow flurries and a stiff breeze. Flu shot or not will not protect anyone from catching something under a nasty weather condition when disregard for properly dressing is in play. No, not catch, the ailment was invited by the way the person dressed, prepared for bad weather.

Elderly people need to be very careful because today immune systems, for some unknown reason, are very fragile which translate into a possible death sentence. I am a firm believer in the body healing itself. I will take a medication only when I have no other recourse, but I do not take over the counter medication unless I absolutely must do so to rid my body of something. However, that is a rare occasion. My immune system ward off many things and the things I do develop are very minor.

If you want to see young people cold or wet and cold but dressed for fun in a nightclub on a nice summer night, look outside a nightclub on a cold windy night. There will be many women barely dressed {men also), turning colors before your eyes yet saying it’s not cold. By putting on a fashion show at the expense of your health is not worth it. It may not be felt today but years down the road will reveal the harm caused during adolescence. Not only from how they were dressed but other ways the body was treated.

How an elderly person looks show what type of life they led and what the elements can do to the human body. Some of the body configurations of these people are not pretty. The dictionary of elderly ailments is all there in a room filled with a dozen or two of elderly people. Even those that spent large amounts of money to snip this, tuck that, shape this, tone that is in the same boat as the rest of us, sometimes worst.

It’s not good for a person when they are the same age as you are but look, act and speak ten years or older than you are. I have had a rough life and my body have been abused because of the work I did, and I really wasn’t careful how things affected my body. I feel it now but there isn’t anything that can be done now except to just live with it. I can not go back in time and redo the things that have been done to my body. However, I have corresponded with a few guys that were working beside me back in the day and just about all of them have the same ailments. They are also trying to care for their bodies, unlike today’s young people. They look into the mirror and most can tell their age.

Bottom line, take care of your body. Dress correctly for the weather that is and that’s coming. Don’t over do it because its’s the only body issued to you. Elderly people take a very long time to repair the body so be careful, make this New Year fruitful.