Monthly Archives: July 2017


As a senior citizen and retiree, I have lived through many presidential administrations and, like so many others, can make a comparison. However, in my opinion, the one that we are in now stand out more than all the others combined and it’s not for the good. Although this administration is in it’s infancy in my eyes it have caused more hate and discontent among all the different parties than anyone I can remember in history.

But, take a moment and just imagine these things. Compare things President Obama have done or tried to do, because President Trump dislike him so much, with President Trump and the things he and his people have done and want to do. Just imagine the uproar that would have been sounded with a tenth of the things Trump is doing. Not only think about the tweets but the phone calls, smugness and overall dislike by the world community. The world community, in my mind, count more than anything that have been done because we can not be alone in the world and survive (read my religious blog entitled “No Man Is An Island” at We must have countries that count and trust in us and we have to stand by them as our needs arise.

Just imagine what would have happened or said if Obama was caught up in the Russia ruckus and people perceived him of ling. Just imagine what would be said or happened if Obama tweeted instead of conversing with the people or his cabinet. Just imagine what would have been said if the medical bill came out of the House and Senate the way Trump’s did. Just imagine what would have been done if as many people nominated to be in Obama’s cabinet were proven to be unqualified as Trump’s have. Just imagine what would have been done if Obama was unprepared to run the administration as Trump is. Just imagine what would be said if Obama abandoned the environment. Just imagine Obama saying thousands of jobs were created but only hundreds were. Just imagine the uproar the Obama nepotism would cause. Just imagine the uproar if an unqualified Obama family member sat at a world leader’s table. Or simply imagined what would have happened if a special prosecutor was formed to look at things. Just think about the comments if Obama’s wife refused to hold his hand or a foreign leader bypassed his hand for another.

I could go on and on but I’ll stop at just a few “imagine” and let that sink in. It’s not that I dislike Trump it’s I dislike unfair treatment of the one man over the other and the attempted coverup of almost everything. Fair is fair and to dismantle a legacy because of a dislike of Obama, although the actions were honest and good, is ludicrous. To lose a fabulous world standing because of insane speech and actions should give pause. Then with more and more accusations of Russian collusion, Obama would have been run out of office but Trump gets a pass with very slow investigation. There seem to be not only his hired people but also the family that is involved with the Russians.

Hopefully Congress will find enough spine to do something before it is too late for this country. This country has always been great and it never went down hill until now. To be the most disrespected nation where few want to shake our President’s hand is just head shaking wrong. As the other free countries need us, we will need them and now it’s up in the air if we can count on them as we intentionally isolate ourselves. Us against the world won’t work and to blame ex-President Obama for the debacle is not only false but a shame.

As a senior citizen/retiree I do not have many more years to care about it, I just want you to think of that someone thinking for you and filling your mind with lies, geared to deflect you from seeing what is happening. But do not think it is no concern of yours or your way of living. It will effect your way of life, especially yours and family. Politics is politics and there is no way pass it. But for those of you that wanted him, you have him.

I want to add one more thing if you think seniors don’t know how to have fun. I have added our monthly “Dinner Dance” that is held at Imperial Plaza. This month’s theme was “Sock-Hop” and many dressed as they did in that era. Each month is different and, with a live band, dinner and drinks, we tend to have lots of fun with the cares and worries of the world not even thought of for a couple of hours. What is life without FUN???

Retirement Woes

Growing up, there was this unrealistic assumption that being retired was a goal to achieve in order to live the waning years of life in complete peace, tranquility and ease. Yet, as this age of life is finally here, the stark truth of retirement is realized and most of it is not entirely the way it was envisioned. Those that are not overly wealthy find daily worries, wondering about the amount left in an account after the last shopping trip and before another sum is credited into the account. With that, to some, not being enough worry, politics enter the picture. Most elderly people think politics does not overly concern elderly individuals because they have retirement money, social security money and other income, for some not all).

These monies are for housing (even if the house is paid there is maintenance, taxes and insurance), food and utilities (not counting clothing and mild entertainment). Then account for the insurance for any medical issue. Politics have a strong and lasting effect on all of this. As one catastrophic example, imagine a person depending on retirement money from a corporation. Then imagine politics forcing that corporation to declare bankruptcy. Now the corporation cease to exist and so goes the retirement money. And, in a domino effect, there goes the way of life for the retiree, that is if the retiree is not independently self sufficient. Also think about depending on work place health insurance. If you stop working, where does health insurance fit in?

As the political scene tease, change and outright stabs a person in their heart, the retiree, like me, wonders what will tomorrow bring. Will I have enough money for housing needs, food, medical care and, politicians don’t want to hear this, entertainment. Politicians have their way mapped out for them and they don’t worry about their future. We the people pay their way. People with money don’t worry because they have their life and they don’t worry or care about those without money. Sure, they give a little to this cause or that cause but for the most part it is only a drop of water in a very large bucket.

We all have to worry about our political scene as it is presented to us today not yesterday. We not only have to look at what is happening now but what will happen in the future when certain bills are passed and bestowed on us and our children. What hoops will our children have to jump thru to reach retirement (or will they be able to retire). The life of peace, tranquility and ease will be snatched away and replaced with doubt and angst.

I’ll throw one more wrench into the machinery and leave this train of thought alone for a while. Don’t believe being ex-federal (civilian or military) leaves you immune to all that is happening in politics. The politicians are attempting to not only put deep cuts into things non-federal but they are looking at the military (don’t believe everything that you have heard about the military), federal hospitals and everything else that is federal. It will be a little slower coming than the rest that is proposed but, if they have their way, it is coming. Everybody that does not have a large sum of money will be on shaky ground with no where to run. And remember one other thing, if you voted for the present administration, you either have what you wanted or you will get what you want. Oh well.

In closing, although this is not a woe, my wife and I, again, was able to enjoy an entertainment before cuts are made in my monies. Where did we go? The annual Hampton Jazz Festival in beautiful Hampton, Virginia. As usual, the artists this year were outstanding and, of course, I saw my favorite, Fantasia. The line-up look like this: (Friday Night) Jill Scott, Kem, Brian Culbertson, Gerald Albright & Jonathan Butler. (Saturday Night) The O’Jays, Fantasia, Anthony Hamilton, West Coast Jam featuring Richard Elliot, Norman Brown & Rick Braun. (Sunday Night) Maze featuring Frankie Beverly, Patti LaBelle, Ramsey Lewis, Bobby “Blackhat” Walters. All of this was performed in the Hampton Coliseum and it was the 50th Anniversary for the festival.

This fall, across the street from the coliseum at the Convention Center, will be the annual Hampton Jazz Legion. We will be there also because, like I have said before, I love jazz and want to attend live performances. Both programs are always sold out well in advance and so are hotel spaces. In fact, people usually get tickets and hotels a year in advance of the performance.

Try to stay safe and cool. Have a great summer and be kind to others. See ya!!!

Coco Cay, Bahamas