Tag Archives: news

Old School News

After speaking with one of my family members, I have decided to write about acquiring up to date and factual news one last time. It appears AI is involved in everything and so much of it is manipulated into false content. Most of this is due to people wanting things to be as easy as possible and not wanting to take the time to further fact check the story line or person presenting the story and at the same time shady characters and/or organizations trying to shape you into whatever they want for whatever reason.

               I’ll give a recent example. The news that was issued was Beyonce sang the national anthem, the Negro National Anthem, at a recent NFL football game, she was booed, and the NFL have banned her from all other games. There were thousands of likes attached to the article and plenty of talk about it. If the article had been fact-checked it would have revealed that the article was false. She did not sing at an NFL football game therefore the entire article was false. Yet, many people still believe the article to be true.

               Many people, especially the younger people, do not read printed news like newspapers, etc. Nor do they watch local/national news on television. Too many will watch and believe every word of the scandalous television channels (you know which ones I am referring to), knowing that what they are listening to is a lie and most of it has been proven to be lies. As my grandmother used to say, ‘this world is going to hell in a handbasket’.

               I cannot say without a little doubt that I have not read/heard a story that was later proved to be false. But I have not spread the story and I have listened/read the other side. I have tried to stand clear of writers that I know usually bend the truth or are in the hip pocket of those that are liars. I love to be informed but hate being lied to. I am told that I am too ‘old school’ and to get with the modern times. If it means I must go along with being lied to, I’ll pass.

               All I am saying is do your diligent research before you believe, in your heart, what you read or hear. Use mainstream newspapers and television, which can be easily double checked, instead of only the internet. The internet is good but can be too easily manipulated. There are too many people out there that are looking to make a fool out of you and make a name for themselves while doing it.

               One last thing. When you check out a news story, ask yourself ‘why’. There is usually a backstory that will fill in the blanks and give a fuller picture of what is happening. For example, why are the Republicans looking into impeaching President Biden? What is the backstory? There are articles out there that say he is being impeached, NOT looking into being impeached. There is a difference. Many articles will leave a word or two out of a sentence to change the entire sentence, there are fake videos out there. Be old school and use your mind. Don’t let someone manipulate it for you.

Time and Infrastructure

My mother used to say to me, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’. I never thought much about that then but as I grew older it made sense. Be patient because everything takes time nothing is done instantaneously. Rome, built on seven hills, took a very long time to come together. No matter what you do will take time to do it, especially when you do it correctly.

               The other day, as I was watching the news, a comment was made that the President always talk about rebuilding the infrastructure but there is nothing to show for it. It was said the President does not uphold his promises and we should not trust anything he says. It was also said that the person-in-charge of the Department of Transportation was also at fault.

               I will give you a little lesson about our highway system (this is only one out of many projects concerning infrastructure). Many years ago, I read a road marker, I forget which state I was in, that talked about President D.D. Eisenhower and how he developed the highway system. When he was a newly minted Lieutenant in the army he had to drive from New York to California. What road there was was rutted and narrow. It took many days to get where he was going, and he swore that someday he will make better roads. When he became President in the 1950s, he did just that.

               To fix the aging infrastructure will take a long time to do. Let me mention a few things that will slow that rebuilding of any part of the infrastructure. First and foremost are the permits before anything can start. Plans have to be drawn, inspections have to be made, contracts have to be written and signed. Just that part mentioned can take months to do. If all that have been mentioned goes smoothly, the work can begin and, depending on the size of the project, will take time to do it safely and right.

               If the project is a new build, then there are other problems. Environmental agencies must give their approval, hearings have to be held, groups for and against have to be appeased, hearings are held again because of the changes to the original concept. After all of that then you start with drawing detailed plans, written contracts, etc.

               The Romans built many great roads and bridges and most of them still stand today, and a few are still being used. The Romans did not wave a magic wand and their projects instantly appeared. It took a long time to accomplish those things that were built thousands of years ago. The Romans had many projects, very little red tape, yet it took a long time for each project.

               I said all of that to say this. Give the infrastructure plans some time. The ball is rolling but it will take time to see it. Many people, that are against the President or the Democrat Party, will always say bad things about the infrastructure bill without proof of anything. Remember, Rome was not built in a day, nether was our deteriorating infrastructure, and completing the plans in the infrastructure bill will take time.

I Remember

It is ludicrous that people are still hating, riling, and believing stupid rumors about wearing masks and getting COVID vaccine. This have been going on far too long for anyone to still have an argument against it. After millions upon millions of people have taken the vaccine and only a handful of people developed an adverse effect from it there should not be a wait and see attitude.

               I am an old man now and I still remember seeing pictures and news clips of people in iron lungs to help them breath. I also remember going to school, on a Saturday, to eat the sugar cube to eradicate people having to be in an iron lung. It worked. Only people in my age group and older can remember the iron lung. There was not much fighting about the vaccine and the iron lung is a thing of the past.

               I remember getting measles and chickenpox (among other ailments) were normal diseases and sooner or later you knew you would catch it, just like everyone else. Then vaccines were developed for that and now it is seldom that anyone catch the diseases. Now everyone can walk around with the knowledge that there is not anyone around them with it.

               I remember when I was a child, I heard about the Tuskegee experiment. I did not understand exactly what that was but later in life I fully understood. The implications of the experiment still affect Blacks today because the story of the experiment is passed along, I would imagine, forever. There were other experiments on people especially those ordered by Hitler in Nazi Germany.

               I remember seeing the Television news, reading the daily news, and seeing the internet about what those that do not take the vaccine or wear masks say. Like, along with the vaccine shot the government have a tiny tracking capsule mixed in the serum. There are many conspiracy theories going around and far too many people are believing them with little or no proof. Here is one; a six-year-old child have a heavy menstrual cycle after getting the vaccine shot. The truth is the person is forty-one years old, not six years old.

               I remember when my daughter registered for a school season, I had to show proof of many different immunizations that she had to have before she was allowed to register and go to school. This was not only for her protection but also for the protection of her classmates and, in turn, the classmate’s family. The same thing applies for this vaccine.

               It is said that it has not been out long enough to prove it works. My response to that is to ask the multimillions of people around the world if it works. Then the naysayers say they made the vaccine too fast to be any good. I say, why wait for half the world to die before there is a vaccine? If a family does not want the children of that family to take the vaccine, homeschool them. That way the family does not have to take the children to a school that they disapprove. There is also no fuss and no fight.

               I remember a lot of things that can be added here but these are only some of the highlights and a little of what is on my mind. I have my three shots and I wear my mask when I am out among the public. I truly wish others thought the same way. When they catch the COVID I will remember them when they are gone.


The voting is over, and I am now waiting for the other shoe to drop. Trump is almost out of ammo and will shoot off his mouth for as long as he can. However, in this election Trump was not the problem. As in past elections, pollsters had it wrong. That is why I only half hear them when they are talking. I could never put trust in them because, in my mind, a pollster can be in the back pocket of anyone. I believe they only say what is paid for and that depends on which side of the aisle they are on.

               Thinking back to the olden days, I remember the television ratings. They would always announce that many telephones were called, and many people were talked to with many surveys filled out. But what I remember most is over the many years I was never called. I was never talked to. I never filled out a survey. I do not know anyone that can say they have. Who took those surveys? Are the ratings true? Where is the proof? I saw a large amount of television shows I did not like and, if I had my way, would not renew them for another season. It is the same today.

               The same thing can be said about the pollsters. Where do they get their information? Does anyone take a survey? I have never done neither and do not know anyone that have, and I know a lot of people think the way I think. If a pollster, before or after an election, talk to me I will stay as neutral as I can and say what they want to hear, whether it is true or false. I believe this is what have been happening and the pollsters are taking all of it as the truth and a news scoop.

               There are a lot of polling companies and I wonder how they stay in business. Where do they get their money? With so many errors in polling, why would a company or individual pay for a fifty-fifty chance of what the poll say is true. I can roll dice and have the same odds. For years, the polls have been wrong on almost everything yet almost everyone believe in them. I guess I am an oddball.

               Maybe Trump can blame everything that have happened of the poll and pollsters. Maybe that was part of his base. Maybe the pollsters can tell us what Trump is going to do. When they tell me, I will think the opposite and probably be correct. I do not trust anything the polls say and never will. Knowing the poll record, it is hard to believe anyone does.

Think Of Others

All my life I have tried to be compassionate toward others and think how I would feel if someone would do this or that toward me. There are people that feel the same way, however, there are those that think only of themselves and not of others until it concerns them or a member of their family. Normally, these people are affiliated with a sect or movement that have the same mind set.

I understand the demonstrations for reopening the cities and states that are closed because of the COVID-19 virus. I understand that businesses are hurting because they cannot operate. I understand that people want to work because they live from paycheck to paycheck and they have bills to pay and need food on the table. I also understand the local and state governments that have closed most facilities in order to attempt to stop the virus and deaths.

I am not going to try to explain what the federal government is doing because, as they have said, they do not believe the data or science and the states are on their own. I do not want to be too quick to take the chance of living or dying by getting back to normal too soon. I have fought in Viet Nam and a few other small conflicts and have survived. I have also been through isolation while performing my military duties and have survived. Some of the military duties were much worse than the stay-at-home rule that is in force today.

While researching the forces behind these demonstrations I have found they are funded and condoned by the GOP and their big money donors. Extreme illness or death is not a good tradeoff for financial gain. The push behind reopening everything is political. Good financial business gives the GOP a good standing for the upcoming elections, or so they think.

While watching the news on television I heard more than one interviewed demonstrator say they did not care about other people, they only wanted to go where they wanted to go and have fun. They even said that the other people had to take care of themselves because they will do whatever they wanted to do. They are not responsible for whatever will happen to others.

So, in a nutshell, we are all in this together. Not only the USA but the world. With the virus spreading, travel is out of the question. With the spreading virus, state-to-state travel is dangerous. With the spread of the virus everyone is still in danger of falling ill and dying. I was a city police officer and have seen people disregard a restriction because they wanted to have their way. They were the first one to call for help when things went wrong and wanted people to risk their life to save them.

I wonder what these demonstrators would say if they were denied care, when they fall ill from the virus, when they disregard the safe distance rule and the stay-at-home rule. They should not have their cake and eat it too. If they disregard all rules and do whatever they want to do, should a life be at risk to save them?



The Digital World

Most people have seen the commercials or news reports, read magazines, seen newspaper reports and have looked at YouTube videos on digital, that have speakers and cameras, can be hacked with information gathered on you and your family. Some people don’t believe it can happen to them or they disbelieve it as a ploy to get them to buy something different or more expensive. Then there are those that believe ‘Big Brother’ want to use them and they don’t want the police in their business.

Truth be told, digital snooping is everywhere, and it cannot be avoided. People are using digital everything every day. Every time a credit or debit card is used, information about the user is gathered. Normally it is where the card is used, time, amount of purchase, what was purchased, account number, address and account balance. Most of the time the information is not used but, when it is gathered, it can be sold for a profit and used lawfully or unlawfully. You’ll never know until you see a news report about it.

Then there are the home items that can be hacked and can make your life a living hell. The items I will list is only partial and will have to be connected to a wi-fi system. The wi-fi system let you control the item(s) with your computer, your phone, etc. The items could be your door bell, alarm system (cameras, motion detectors, speaker for the cameras/motion detectors/doorbell), the entire house (if you automatically turn your lights on and off, lock and unlock your doors, turn your oven on and off, etc.).

You may have seen the news report about a hacker that was watching a family’s kids’ room and was talking to the kids through the speaker on the camera in the room. I also know about baby monitors being hacked and the entire house is heard because baby monitors are very sensitive. Baby monitors, old style, are run on radio waves and, newer style, run on wi-fi. Beware of both because it can monitor your entire house.

Don’t forget your automobile. All newer vehicles have computers and some pair it with cameras, depending on whether you purchased the bare minimum or the top of the line. Vehicles can tell you everything that is going on with the vehicle. It can see things around the outside the vehicle. It can tell you about the interior of the vehicle. If you have a camera that watches the kids in the backseat, a hacker can also. It has been known for a hacker to take control of the vehicle. The computer tells where you have been, where you are, your fuel, road condition, traffic, weather, etc. If your computer knows, a hacker knows also.

I am telling you all of this just to say to be careful what you do with these electronic items. Where you place them, what you say around them may, one day, come back to haunt you. You will never know who or what is monitoring you nor will you know what is to be done with the information. It will only get worse, not better, because everything is electrical and have monitoring capabilities. Some are small, some are large, some are hidden, and some are in plain sight. Rest assured, they are there, and I have only mentioned very few gadgets. There are many more out there.

Our Government Is In Shatters

I am a news addict. A little local news. A lot of national and world news. I know we should keep a close eye on our President and his associates, but I am tired of the shenanigans that seems to be their only bane. Every day there is something new that they are trying to do. Mostly it is something that they have tried before, but the court system throws it out. Then they will attempt to do it anyway, but in a slightly different way. This is getting to be very old and frustrating. When you look deeply into their past, family ties included, there is much more to be found, of which they brush off as normal or say there is nothing wrong with such actions.

I have written, in www.faithingodministries.net, about the children. How tainted thinking and actions can become a part of the gene pool. At the time, I did not think about the other members of the Trump family but reading about the sister, a federal judge being investigated, who immediately retired upon hearing about her being investigated, bought me back to my other blog. It seems that the entire family is tainted. How can this gene pool be like this? It’s in every family. It’s learned from a very early age. All animals learn this way, not only humans. They follow examples of other animals of their species. That is the only way they learn to act and survive. President Trump learned how to scheme and get away with all sorts of things, being taught by his father. All the children were taught this way, and, as it is always said, what is done in the dark will come into the light. It took a long time for the light to shine, but it is now shinning.

We, as a people, have a choice to make. Let things that we know is destructive to us to continue or put our foot down and attempt to get out of this mess. We can either put our head in a hole in the sand and say this will pass or deny this destruction of our democracy to continue. He can not do this if we stand firm and let him know that it is not okay.

He had two years of complete untethered domination when his party was in complete control. He could not deliver. What is the excuse now? Members of his party seems to be afraid and will not do what is right for the people although they were elected by the people to work for the people. They seem to work only for themselves and the President (the three branches of government be damned) and does not care for the people or why the Constitution was created nor what is in the Constitution. These Congress members say one thing to get elected but does something different when they get into office.

Most people say I am a democrat (because they think Black people are usually Democrats) but                            I say I am not for any party. I have voted for whom I think is the best choice and not for any party. The new members of Congress have a long hill to climb and they must fend off many adversaries along the way. Some are good people, some are so-so. I am happy to see they all want a better government than we have now. If they succeed, we have a long-time rebuilding. Our government is in shatters.