Old School News

After speaking with one of my family members, I have decided to write about acquiring up to date and factual news one last time. It appears AI is involved in everything and so much of it is manipulated into false content. Most of this is due to people wanting things to be as easy as possible and not wanting to take the time to further fact check the story line or person presenting the story and at the same time shady characters and/or organizations trying to shape you into whatever they want for whatever reason.

               I’ll give a recent example. The news that was issued was Beyonce sang the national anthem, the Negro National Anthem, at a recent NFL football game, she was booed, and the NFL have banned her from all other games. There were thousands of likes attached to the article and plenty of talk about it. If the article had been fact-checked it would have revealed that the article was false. She did not sing at an NFL football game therefore the entire article was false. Yet, many people still believe the article to be true.

               Many people, especially the younger people, do not read printed news like newspapers, etc. Nor do they watch local/national news on television. Too many will watch and believe every word of the scandalous television channels (you know which ones I am referring to), knowing that what they are listening to is a lie and most of it has been proven to be lies. As my grandmother used to say, ‘this world is going to hell in a handbasket’.

               I cannot say without a little doubt that I have not read/heard a story that was later proved to be false. But I have not spread the story and I have listened/read the other side. I have tried to stand clear of writers that I know usually bend the truth or are in the hip pocket of those that are liars. I love to be informed but hate being lied to. I am told that I am too ‘old school’ and to get with the modern times. If it means I must go along with being lied to, I’ll pass.

               All I am saying is do your diligent research before you believe, in your heart, what you read or hear. Use mainstream newspapers and television, which can be easily double checked, instead of only the internet. The internet is good but can be too easily manipulated. There are too many people out there that are looking to make a fool out of you and make a name for themselves while doing it.

               One last thing. When you check out a news story, ask yourself ‘why’. There is usually a backstory that will fill in the blanks and give a fuller picture of what is happening. For example, why are the Republicans looking into impeaching President Biden? What is the backstory? There are articles out there that say he is being impeached, NOT looking into being impeached. There is a difference. Many articles will leave a word or two out of a sentence to change the entire sentence, there are fake videos out there. Be old school and use your mind. Don’t let someone manipulate it for you.

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