Tag Archives: criminal


For many years I have known, cannot physically prove, that there is a lot of underhanded stuff going on. This is hurting all of society in a way that if it continues it will bring down society as we know it (how can you stop it). These people are criminals but, as the law states, you cannot call them criminals until they get caught and convicted. However, when you have these things flaunted in your face day after day, your gut will tell you that it is criminal.

               Let me give you one example. As I was recently driving, I passed a gas station, and the gas was $2.99. One half mile down the same road I passed a gas station, same brand as the other, and the gas was $3.19. Why is there a difference when the two gas stations are filled by the same truck? I call that criminal. Also, if the gas station tanks store the gas that was bought at a certain price, why does it rise in price tomorrow when it is the same gas?

               Read the daily papers and think about lawyers. The truth is that most lawyers are honest, and I am about to refer to the dishonest ones. Let me give examples. I will start with the Trump lawyers. Lawyer after lawyer has resigned from representing him and lawyer after lawyer has jumped at the chance to represent him. I really cannot understand why when it is a proven fact that he seldom pays his debts. Then I will read later that many of them are indicted on charges that they have been doing something highly illegal. There are a few of these people that are flipping and will testify against Trump and have pled guilty to the crimes they are accused of.

               Then there are those in Congress that are only looking out for themselves. They will say one thing while campaigning and do another when elected to Congress. Most people only vote for their congressman for what they can get, not what the entire country is getting. Plus, most congressmen start their career without having much personal money. After a few years the same congressmen are rich, and some are ultrarich. How did this happen?

               I have one more although there are many more. I will write about corporations. Greedy, greedy, greedy. Look at pharmaceuticals. Prices are sky high and, for some unknown reason, are getting higher. The CEO of the companies are making around 400% higher than their employees. Companies also have lobbyists to sell more products and keep the price as high as possible. They even lobby against another company making and selling the same medication at a much lower price. I remember reading my aunt’s hospital bill. There was a charge of $10 a pill for two aspirins. This was years ago. It may be much more now. They told me it is because it included the cost for the nurse to get, take to, and administer the aspirin to the patient.

               This is not utopia and never will be. We will be around criminals forever and will have them constantly attempting to take us on a delusional ride. It is so bad that I rarely know who to trust. Be careful out there because it will be a wild ride.

Thinking of MLK

Listening to Martin Luther King’s speeches, for his birthday celebration, made me really think of those days compared to today. What mostly comes to mind is the sliding backwards of the People of color and the Black on Black crimes growing dreadfully fast. There are many reasons for this up tick in these crimes coupled with the flagrant disregard to the mighty works of MLK and others, starting from the first slave bought to these shores until now.

There were always the occasional crime within the Black community. That’s in all communities. However, it was never as frequent as it is now. It usually came from an argument stemming from a night of drinking and partying, as now. It was never the random fracas that happens now. The Peace Marches were all orderly and ALL provocations came from law enforcement or the representation there of. We, as kids to adults, conducted classes on how to registrar to vote, how to vote, etc. We taught, as kids to adults, how to protect yourself against fire department’s water hoses, the police dogs and battery upon the body. I say “we” because I was involved also. This is first hand knowledge.

The one thing that is different today is education. It was instilled in all of us, during those days, to study and study hard. To never give up studying and then more. And, this was happening although we knew that getting to the top rung of the ladder was impossible, that a Black person could only go a little ways up. Today it is not so. A Black person can go as far as possible, even as President of the United States.

Then there is the reason why a Black person can’t go far, other than education. It’s having a criminal record. Not many Blacks, especially men, are without some sort of record. There are not many jobs that does not require background checks and/or security clearances. People are hollering that there are too few Black policemen. How many, that want to be a policeman, can pass a background check? Not many. And, most that can pass a background check prefer some other job. It’s a vicious circle but education is still the center. Martin Luther King talked about that many times and it’s still talked about today. However, kids, today, don’t take education seriously. They study just enough to graduate and no more. They only want to know what is needed, not anything and everything like it was done in days not too long ago. Education was talked about since the sixteen hundreds, when the first Black came to America. That is why it was illegal for a slave to read or have any other type of education. Why do we still have to push this fact? Have Blacks forgotten our history or, even, been taught our history? Why fight/kill each other and hold our people back?

Martin Luther King had a dream as well as all of us. We have gotten far but there is still a long way to go. There should never be an area, in the Black community, I am hesitant to travel. There should never be a time that I look at another Black man and wonder if he is dangerous or not. After all these years, I should never have to listen to a Black person and hear ignorance, an uneducated person. I am perplexed over all of this. After all those peace marches, it was mostly for naught. My scars were gotten for nothing. Why?

I’ve been fighting inequity all my life. This was during childhood, in the military and after the military until today. Don’t believe it is so? Look at the Academy Awards. Again, why? Will this ever get right? World history say…NO. The best we can do is keep it as low keyed as possible and, as I say, “keep on keeping on”. There are inequities all over the world, in every culture and it’s been this way since the beginning of time.