Tag Archives: Ex-President


Everything and I really mean everything have consequences. Whatever you say, whatever you do, whatever you see, whatever you feel, whatever you taste, whatever you hear have consequences. Most people never think about it, but the consequences are like playing chess. One move (thing) leads to another and, to make the correct decision (move) you must think two or more moves ahead to outwit your opponent, and, at the same time, try to know what your opponent will do. Here is just a couple that is in today’s news.

               Hamas attacked Israel. They have very strong religious beliefs, a strong remembrance of things that happened to them hundreds of years ago (or longer), but they cannot remember the fierce fighters that they attacked. They also must not remember what happened in the six-day war. Now there will be dire consequences and, I believe, they will be at the wrong end of the war. Unfortunately, the Palestinians are caught in the middle. Hamas will feel the consequences.

               I know, what about the Palestinians? Their religious beliefs with Hamas are the same therefore they endured living with them. They knew what Hamas was doing but did not do a thing nor say anything. Unfortunately, if they are willing to be human shields then the consequences have come with more on the way.

               The ex-President Trump moved the American Embassy and separated the USA from most of the world pacts while being closer than close friends with countries that were normally called enemies. Comfort and secrets were given, and consequences ensued. He did not have anything good to say about anyone that did not butter up to him except for our enemy countries. Now consequences are ensuing (for the world and his personal life).

               Then there is Representative Tuberville. He is still holding the military promotions hostage, but his fellow Republicans can stop it. They will not do it although it is hurting the military, making the military slightly weaker, and making the military slightly vulnerable. Our enemies are watching, planning, and waiting. What secrets do they know? There will be consequences.

               While I am on the subject of a congressional member, I must write about the vacant Speaker of the House position. This, from the beginning until now, is the doing of the Republican party. Not a thing can be accomplished in the House of Representatives until a new Speaker takes the position. The old Speaker owed too many people too many things. Evidentially he could not play chess and he suffered the consequences. Because the vacancy occurred, consequences will ensue, and most will not be pretty.

               I can’t play chess; however, I can imagine many things that are developing and none of them are pretty. I am thinking about the war, Congress, the upcoming elections, and the blowback I will get for this blog. I am only calling it as I see it and there is much more that I haven’t written. As I said at the beginning of this blog, everything has a consequence, whether good or bad, the consequences will be felt and must be delt with. There is so much to write about and each and everything is partnered with a consequence. Be careful with what you do and say, mostly, because the resulting consequence will come back to bite you.

Classified Material

I have handled classified material all through my military and civil service career, but I have never imagined anything like what is in the news today. I had both respect and fear of the material I was handling. Respect because I knew what it was, what it could do if the wrong eyes saw it and honored to be able to handle such sensitive material. I feared it because I knew if I mishandled it, lost it, or allowed the wrong eyes to see it I was in very big trouble and the trouble would come very quickly. I used to say, ‘they would dump me in a very deep hole, fill it in, and build a prison over me’. Evidently not so today.

               When the boxes of material were taken from the White House, when the ex-President was reluctantly leaving, I asked then how he was allowed to take the material or is it the law had changed. Eighteen months ago, the removal of classified material was known. Yet, people are acting like it is new news. A year after the material was taken Trump was asked for the return of the material. See-sawing back and forth through delay after delay got the government nowhere with just asking for the return of the material. In June a subpoena was issued for its return. Again, delay after delay resulted in just some of the material being returned, although his lawyers said that was all of it. Now the raid produced boxes of highly classified material. Surprise-surprise-surprise!

               In my civil servant job, when I handled classified correspondence, I had to be very careful. I signed for the material, took it where it had to go, stood there while the individual read it, they signed for it, I took it to a secure storage place, signed in and stored it. When it was time to destroy it, there was a strict procedure that had to be followed to the letter. I could not just flush it down the toilet. If I did not follow the rules to the letter, there would not be a warning nor a chance to delay nor a subpoena nor more than a year going past before I was in handcuffs. Oh, I get it. I am not an ex-President.

               I have said from day one, if I did anything remotely close to what Trump have done, I would have been in prison years ago serving a very long sentence. My leading question is, what was he going to do with that trove of classified material? I know Putin blackmailed people with material like that (he is ex-KGB). Was he trying to do something like that? Was he going to sell it for the money he needs? I guess we will never know. We can only speculate.

               The handling of classified material takes obvious precautions with harsh penalties if you miss the mark, regardless of who you are. There are people for Trump calling for the disbandment of the law enforcement agencies involved or just leaving him alone. I guess they are saying you and me must follow the law and/or rules but Trump does not. He is above the law. He was given time to return the material where-by anyone else would immediately be in jail for the slightest misstep.  Who said this world is fair?


We are all afraid of the IRS and what they are perceived to be able to do to any of us at will. Whether they can harm us monetarily, jail time, or both is always in mind every April fifteenth. These things stay in our minds even if the tax filling is honest, without one iota of falsehood. Most of the time, I know I think this, we wonder if we made a minor mistake that would trigger an audit which will make the IRS tell us we owe more money plus interest and a fine.

               I watch the news or read articles that say how much rich and super rich people pay in taxes. There are some that can pay the tax bill of everyone you know and never feel the strain. These people make money from our labors and many other things I can not begin to explain. These people have so much money that they will never be able to spend all of it nor their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and more family members inherit. Yet not a penny or a very few dollars is paid in taxes.

               Our ex-President often said as soon as the audit on his taxes were completed, he would release his tax forms for all to see. I knew then as I know now that what he said was baloney. He is out of office now so what is the excuse for not showing the papers? Tax audits do not go on for years.

               Then there is the revelation that is happening now. The IRS is deep auditing the taxes of McCabe and Comey, both ex-White House employees and they spoke out against our ex-President. This is something that is so rare that only a few people know it can happen. But remember the head of the IRS is an appointee of our ex-President. He says it is a coincidence that it happens to both at the same time. I say that is BALONEY!  

               Just like the Congressman that said for him to testify before the January 6th Committee is purely political, I say the tax audit of the two men is political and revengeful in favor of the ex-President. Some of the ex-President’s people still hold the positions they were appointed and they, in turn, still love and will do anything for the ex-President. Why they are still in power I do not know. I do know they can and are doing damage and they should not be there. The IRS is a department that need a new head. We will then see the ex-President’s tax forms.

               I can not feel sorry for Comey and McCabe because they knew the man they worked for and what he was doing to the country but, on the other hand, I am not sorry. Maybe this will help shove the head of the IRS out and a fair person is seated. Then the backlog of unprocessed tax forms will be processed, and the people will get some relief from waiting. Maybe then we can breathe again and be not afraid of the IRS. We should not be afraid of any of our agencies.  

The Fourteenth Amendment

The fourteenth amendment of the United States Constitution say all that is necessary to say in the impeachment of the ex-President, number forty-four, of the United States. His words were heard around the world as the mob incitement was carried out. The mob was sent to the United States Capitol to take it over and stop the ratification of the state’s votes by ‘fight like hell’. What was said before and after those words were incendiary as well. Sedition of our government should not be tolerated nor condoned.

               There were Congressmen that were speakers at the rally and, from what I find, will be dealt with separately at another time.  This includes people in Congress texting the hiding location of fellow Congress people.  Then there are those that do not want the article of impeachment be brought against the ex-President because he has departed and is not in office. That type of thinking is like not bringing charges against an individual for robbing a store because the individual departed. Or, if someone shoot you and throw the firearm away the individual is forgiven because he no longer has the firearm.

               The fourteenth amendment is not a criminal provision, it says that whoever is guilty of the fourteenth amendment (in this case sections three and four) cannot ever hold a federal position again. Which mean the ex-President can never run for nor be in office again. It does not say he will go to jail. That is for the decision of other departments of the government.

               There is still a faithful following that are homegrown terrorist, and others, that believe an insurrection (a violent uprising against an authority or government) and will do anything to see that it is done. Some of these people, like the ex-President, have made it into the government. These people are attempting to bring the government down from the inside out. The fourteenth amendment would apply to them also.

               Thinking about criminal charges, accessory to murder comes to my mind. This would apply to the people on the inside and the ex-President. There are those that do not want the impeachment of the ex-President because, maybe, they rather have Trump instead of a sane government and do not want to carry out the will of the people that elected them. Maybe they want to be a part of the new party that Trump want to start with him as the head. If the new party is activated a newer head would be in power soon because Trump is old, and I believe his health is not as good as he says it is.

               Even if a new party happens the fourteenth amendment must be enforced. Seditious people cannot be a part of the government. The new party cannot make their own rules contrary to the United States Constitution nor can they have their own Constitution. I am not the expert but, I am wondering, can the members of the new party be impeached also? If that is possible, then sedition is out of the question, the fourteenth amendment will be enforced. It will be interesting to watch all of this play out.