Tag Archives: Congressmen

Our Congressmen

Here we go again. Government shutdown! Among the many things I dislike about politicians, this, if not in first place, is close to first place. While everyone is suffering because they will not be paid and bills will be due, the politicians will be paid and will be on vacation. If I am not being paid, being laid off, etc., why should they be paid for doing nothing and keep their job? It is their job to fund the government, but they want to use the shutdown as a bargaining chip to get what they want.

               It was known, long in advance, that money must be voted on to keep the government running therefore there is no reason to wait until the last minute to do it. The Senate is awaiting the House of Representatives to get together and pass spending bills so that they may vote on it to give to the President to sign (although the Republicans fault the President for doing nothing, it is them that must get the paperwork to him). This takes time and, listening to some Congressmen, they either don’t care and want to leave Washington for a break, or they think there is plenty of time to get it done (some Republicans are heard on tape saying they want a shutdown). (***this is being written five days before the shutdown deadline***)

               Then there are those (like the Congressman that is preventing military promotions) that have said to the media that they want certain things before they will okay a spending bill. It seems that when the Speaker of the House nods to the side that is holding out, suddenly, they want more, they up the ante. As the saying goes, ‘you can please some of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all the people all the time’.

               As I said in a previous blog, most people do not keep up with the news. For those that do not know, this is only a partial list of hardships caused by a government shutdown. The great majority of the federal government will not be paid, and most offices will close. Government contracts will not be paid, which will mean contractors, working for the government, will not be paid. But the Congressmen will be paid. You voted for them and still plan to continue to vote for them.

               When people that work for the government are not paid, rent is not paid, stores lose customers, there is not any money to spend anywhere. Everyone suffers because of the shortage of money. Recently the government’s financial rating dropped from AAA to AA+ and will probably drop lower which will mean interest rates will go higher around the world. You think things are high now, just wait and start to dig deeper into your pocket.

               Couple all of this with the auto industry strike and there is a bad situation. There is no work for anyone except for the Congressmen and they are taking a break. They have worked hard at doing other things except for funding the government. Hunter Biden, Hilery Clinton, President Biden’s finances, and the upcoming trials for the former President (to name a few) took priority. Trying to expose the January 6th findings took priority. Defending crooked Congressmen took priority (Democrats immediately asked their crooks to resign). Talking to the media and media shows took priority. Spreading disinformation took priority.

               This is not what they were elected to do. They were elected to represent their constituents in getting what they want done. Instead, they are looking out for their own interests, not their constituent’s nor the USA populace. We the people suffer so that they live on without worry.

The War in Ukraine

I am watching the war in Ukraine, and I am sad about this on two accounts. First, I am too old to go there and take up arms against the invading forces. Second, this reminds me of a civil war because a portion of the Ukraine populace speak Russian, and some have family in Russia. This is a war started by a mad man and he does not care about anything except what he wants.

               I see the civilian buildings shattered and burned, children and women dying, not even understanding what is going on nor why. I also see fearless people taking on the invaders knowing they could die at a moments notice. I see the people that have never held a weapon trying to quickly learn to shoot and protect their country. This should never happen.

               The Russian military is not as good as they think they are. There is video of them giving up because their vehicles are out of fuel, they are hungry and tired. The Ukraine people gave them food and comfort and, from the videos I saw, did not harm nor restrain them. But that is only some of the military because others followed orders and purposely targeted civilians and their domiciles. Why is it taking so long to overrun a country the size of Ukraine with a large Russian army? Incompetence, leadership, the will to fight, what?

               Everyone is afraid of a nuclear war if a nation with nuclear powers joins the Ukraine fight. Never to worry, worry about Russia targeting the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and going after another. We were lucky that the bombing did not cause the release of any radiation on the first one, but we may not be lucky if they bomb the next one. Nuclear radiation does not know the difference between friend or foe nor boarders.

               Of course, President Biden is accursed of not doing enough to stop the start of the war, among other things he is falsely accused of. The Congressmen that released unauthorized video, when there was a video talk with the Ukraine President, will not even get a slap on the wrist. The rules Russia goes by, our rules, and the rules of the rest of the world are not the same rules. Plus, no one can believe anything Russia say. Russia told the world, before the invasion, that they were conducting war games. We knew better because we now have a President that listens to the intelligence reports. The reports were correct.

               But the question now is ‘what can the world do to stop this invasion’? Not much besides the sanctions. The rest of the world could take up arms to help Ukraine, but the Russian mad man may be crazy enough to drop a nuclear bomb. Roll the dice. Then the entire world is in jeopardy. The world can not negotiate with a mad man.

               The bottom line is to watch and wait to see what develops and hope it is good. We all must support Ukraine anyway we can with whatever we have. We can also pray for them and keep them in our prayers until this is over. When this is over it will take years to rebuild the country.

Voter Suppression

During the late 1950’s and early 1960’s I was a member of the NAACP and SCLC. I not only walked in peace marches and sat during the sit ins but, as a teenager and a person too young to vote, I helped Black adults learn to properly vote. Non-White people voting was openly suppressed in Virginia and there were many obstacles. Among things done was the poll tax, counting jellybeans in a jar, outright threats and more. Blacks were afraid because a person could lose their life by simply letting the wrong White person know that they were going to vote. Contacting law enforcement and going through the judicial system was not the thing to do because it was extremely dangerous. The system was all White and, going through the system would put your name and address on file.

               Through the years, things were supposed to have gotten better and the law and judicial system was supposed to be equally dispensed. Not so. All that happened was the inequity became shrouded. This is only a small portion of the reasons why Blacks do not trust law enforcement and the judicial system. I, like many other Blacks, have worked in law enforcement, both the military and civilian, and have seen the inequities up close and personal and have heard the comments uttered by the Whites. Not one thing could be said because my life and the life of others would be in jeopardy.

               Now the Whites have removed the shroud from the inequities. Congressmen have started voter suppression. States are attempting to change the laws to make it harder to vote, especially by mail (the military vote by mail, what will happen to their votes?). The Klan and other groups are brazenly out in the open. There are too many of these people in the judicial system, law enforcement, military, Congress and state and local government. These people are there to fully take what they want and to do whatever they choose to do.

               There are too many in Congress that want to have a fair vote only if it goes their party’s way. If the vote is expected to not go their way, they want to filibuster until the bill goes away which means they won by suppression. So far all I see and hear is the suppressed saying they cannot vote and if they do their vote will not be counted plus some states want to make it exceedingly difficult to vote, yet they do nothing about it.

               Voting have been happening since the beginning of time. One of the most famous votes was when the crowd had a choice of saving Jesus or the thief. The people had a choice, voted and the government official did as the vote dictated. Why not today? We voted, elected officials to act in our behalf (to do as we the people want) and expected results from what we the people wanted. Yet the elected officials are only acting in their behalf, not ours.

               Going back in time to my days of battling voter suppression will not work today for a myriad number of reasons. Things are the same, yet things are different therefore the situation must be met differently. All that was accomplished in my day as a teenager can be done today to stop the outwardly voter suppression and make it go underground. I do not believe it can be wiped out, but it can be held at bay. Remember, the person you think is not doing wrong may need a second, very stern, look.