Tag Archives: world domination

Deep Thought

I really try to avoid discussing politics and/or religion because of the potential arguments and animosities it causes. However, as I watched television when it reported on the Paris incidents, I began to say to myself, as I have said to myself in the past, these perpetrators are not the true Muslims as they want to be seen as. I will attempt to have you see some of my reasoning.

I ask this question which would require a definitive answer. How can a person be a true Muslim if they partake, sell or make drugs? How can a person be a true Muslim if they drink alcohol? It is my humble understanding that none of this is ever done and be able to go to Heaven. My mind is going in circles trying to come to an understanding. This is what jolted my mind into numbness.

The Paris murders were carried out by so called Muslims, at least that is the report that is given. However, upon the French Police entering their lair, drugs and booze were found. Allah would be furious about this revelation of a devout Muslim being like the Infidels. I may be wrong or I may have missed something but this is what I see on the television. Something is wrong here.

Then I thought about their cash crops in their homelands. Opium, or should I say Poppies. There are only three things that can be done with these flowers. First, have beautiful flowers for sale. Second, take the gum and make morphine. Third, take the gum and make opium. There is more money in opium. The people in the lands that produce opium, Muslims, were upset that other crops we tried to get them to grow did not provide as much money and they wanted the go ahead to grow poppies again.

There is another drug that they are using and pushing heavily. They are even fighting over the profits coming from that drug. It’s called captigon. It’s like crystal meth in pill form and very additive. It lasts for a long time and suppose to make their fighters think they are all powerful and nothing can stop them. However, they are the pure and righteous Muslims (so they say). This also have a smell of Capitalism, something they and the Communist are strongly against.

From what I see, these people want the world to be Muslim, to live like they did in the days before Jesus. They want all women to be servant or at least to have an air of servility. They want to shed the blood of anyone that is not of a particular clan or sect or whatever. They want the monies but they did not make it or do anything that would make the money. They don’t want anything that is modern although they will use it to attempt to gain whatever ends they are aiming to get. Should I mention the internet, vehicles, telephone, radio, television, etc. Don’t get me started on the oil production.

All in all, it all adds up to be one big smoke screen, if you will, for world domination, maybe. Or, it could be just an excuse to kill and kill some more and wield power over those that are not in the inner circle. This sound like a 007 movie or anything else out of Hollywood. But, this is not make believe, this is real. The bullets and carnage is real. We all have to be careful and see beyond the lies and politics.

I am through ranting and will not approach this subject again, I had to clear my mind. I imagine, if I probe deeper into the subject, I could come up with other reasoning things and none would be good or make an ounce of reasoning. I will just go about my business as usual but keep my eyes and ears open. More than before. In this area there are too many places worthy of striking and it could happen at any time. I don’t want to be among the ones in the way. I can’t move like I used to and I just want to live in peace.